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 Rep: 4 

Re: Lookie Here Pardners

Impostor wrote:

Now, I appreciate a lil' sensitivity about who's who and what's what, but I ain't a fan of some fellers besmirchin' my good name.  I takes a good bit a pride in my Impostor handle, and don't like it when people have me cornfused with another.  I did join yer party under the name Azoff, but that was just a me havin' some fun.  I never did no postin' on some other forum with that name.  That musta been ol' Irv himself or someone takin' some liberties.  I promise I only joined ya here.  When one a yer admins renamed me, I took to it like a hungry flea on a coon hound. 

Now on ta business.  Seems to me I brought no lies, rumors or innuendo to ma last post, which was so quickly shut down like a hefer in a whorehouse (unless you like that sorta thang...Ima lookin yer way James Lofton...just kiddin).  Anyway, you fellers will sit around and pontificate on this an that, whether ol Axl prefers Wheaties or Corn Flakes (in my experiences, the boy likes his Cinnamon Life).  But I come on with a quick thought and some people get all salty.  Hell, I ain't visited in over a year, and not a one of ya thought ta say, "Welcome back ol boy.  Good to hear from ya."  Yer damn lucky no one insulted ma horse, Whiskerbiscuit.

How's about this...I'll make some statements that are about as relevant as some a the things ya'll talk about and you let me know if I'm cool enought ta fit in.  Here goes...
That Ashba musta switched to a heavier gauge pick cause I'm pickin up some increased tonality in the 43rd note of that SCOM solo from Japan, not the first night, but the second night.  ...How's that?  Let's try anuther....  I heard that they was a addin' a mandolin player for the 2013 tour thats a gonna support CD2, but they're just  doin' it for the Argentina show because Frank knows one there and he once gave Frank a bowl of soup made outta llama dick.  ...Good stuff, huh?

Ma point is, I didn't bring nuthin' here that's any more or less relevant than what I see y'all yammerin' on about on yer own.  So why am I shut down?

And why isn't anyone curious about how I've embraced a love of the old west?  Relevant...perhaps.   Fun...hell yeah.  Yeee haw!

 Rep: 485 

Re: Lookie Here Pardners

Neemo wrote:

the biggest problem is that you come on pretending that you've heard things or know things about the band and their doings but post it all crypic like don't post anthing to substantiate your claims

if you wanna post here fine, but dont bring us your cryptic high and mighty bullshit when in actual fact you probably know as much or less than anyone else around here

or if you do know something then at least substantiate the info with some kind of source or a reason to the mods that you maybe do know more than the average joe that wanders the gnr boards

but yeah if you post crap like youi've heard songs the rest of us havent and give it a little nahnah-nahnah-nahnah then forget it..obviously we havent banned you so there ya go..must say something

 Rep: 207 

Re: Lookie Here Pardners

DCK wrote:

Ok, that's just too much to even be funny.

 Rep: 268 

Re: Lookie Here Pardners

Olorin wrote:

I'm thinking of a lovely pair of words...

Heres a clue for you riddler:

Re: Lookie Here Pardners

Sky Dog wrote:

one way or another "it's" quite creative....pretty funny actually. Now you mosey on little fella and have some of that llama dick soup! Gnr is coming to the Southwest soon? lol.....short little gallop from Monterrey...:mosh:

 Rep: 4 

Re: Lookie Here Pardners

Impostor wrote:

Neemo ol boy, I'm not sure what ramblins yer a readin', but I sure don't see myself as comin across all "high and mighty."  Seems like yer more suited to be writin in a forum about lawyerin', what with all your demands for my to "substantiate my claims."  Whooo weeee, glad my wagon train didn't bump inta your wagon train.  Ima guessin you'd have a lawsuit on my with a quickness. 

And Olorin, didn't yer momma teach you that bein like that don't get cha many lady friends at the roundup?  With that kinda attitude, yer likely gonna be left datin' the slowest horses patoot?

 Rep: 118 

Re: Lookie Here Pardners

mickronson wrote:

are you ill?  the mental kind.  or just drunk

 Rep: 4 

Re: Lookie Here Pardners

Impostor wrote:

Mick, are you a hermaphrodite?  The kind with man's parts and a lady's parts?  Or just a leper?  See, I can ask irrelevant questions as well.  Tell ya what...if it makes ya happy, just picture me with a big ol stream a drool coming down my face and getting the chinstrap to my helmet all soggy.  Make ya feel better?

 Rep: 268 

Re: Lookie Here Pardners

Olorin wrote:

Try harder, not funny.

But since this threads about irrelevant attention seeking, this is my favourite movie scene of all time folks, and you might like especially pardner 22


 Rep: 16 

Re: Lookie Here Pardners

axlgod wrote:

my god.
are you a character in Viz?

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