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 Rep: 281 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

faldor wrote:
axlgod wrote:

they'll have little/no promotion, playing half empty arenas & same setlist with no new songs.

i'm no mystic meg, but come on........

I hate to say it, but I tend to agree with you at the moment.  At least on the promotional side.  I too, see no evidence that they'd start making a huge promotional push at this point.  I mean, why now?  And I imagine the attendance numbers will be similar to 2002 and 2006.  The big markets will sell well, smaller markets may struggle a bit.  And I don't foresee any new material being played either.  We may get some songs we haven't heard before, but I wouldn't be expecting "Soul Monster" or "The General".

Enough with the negativity though.  I, unlike others, would still be stoked to see GNR live, whether its the same setlist, a few new songs, whatever.  I'll enjoy it every bit as much regardless.

 Rep: 664 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

James wrote:
faldor wrote:

Enough with the negativity though.  I, unlike others, would still be stoked to see GNR live, whether its the same setlist, a few new songs, whatever.  I'll enjoy it every bit as much regardless.

I pretty much agree. Hardcores need to realize GNR in the 21st century is mainly just a nostalgia trip and just enjoy the show for what it is.

The alternate universe where Axl was supposed to move on and hit the world over the head with a new album every year for 3 years straight "burying" the old stuff never happened and will never happen. Time to come to terms with that and enjoy rocking out to Jungle, PC,etc. for the millionth time.

 Rep: 149 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

slcpunk wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

I haven't seen anything to indicate there will be any kind of promotion, much less proper promotion.  It will be interesting to see what happens.

I'm guessing absolutely nothing proper will happen, just like always.

 Rep: 475 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

misterID wrote:
Cramer wrote:

I may skip Miami now and just hit O town. It's an 45-60 from  my place.

If I can make a show its going to be Orlando.

 Rep: 633 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 281 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

faldor wrote:

Yeah, I think James summed it up pretty nicely.  People can complain about how this band should be run, what they should do, what they should release, how many interviews they should do, what venues they should play, how much they should charge for beers at the shows, who should be playing guitar, who should be opening, what time they should be going on, etc.  That's all well and good, but those things haven't changed over the years, so I wouldn't expect them to change now.  So just accept things the way they are. 

I mean, is it SO bad GNR is about to embark on a US tour, whatever way they choose to do it?  It can't be all that bad. 

Maybe people will get MORE excited when the picture becomes a little clearer.  I mean, my excitement level is pretty high, but when I actually see some dates for the northeast, that'll bring things to an ultimate level.

 Rep: 27 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

evader wrote:

If Axl brings it to Tex-ass, I'll be there.  People can bitch about the band all day long on these forums, but I guarantee you they will be there.  People just like to bitch.  Must be something in the water turning them all feminine.

 Rep: 768 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

Axlin16 wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
faldor wrote:

Enough with the negativity though.  I, unlike others, would still be stoked to see GNR live, whether its the same setlist, a few new songs, whatever.  I'll enjoy it every bit as much regardless.

I pretty much agree. Hardcores need to realize GNR in the 21st century is mainly just a nostalgia trip and just enjoy the show for what it is.

The alternate universe where Axl was supposed to move on and hit the world over the head with a new album every year for 3 years straight "burying" the old stuff never happened and will never happen. Time to come to terms with that and enjoy rocking out to Jungle, PC,etc. for the millionth time.

Pretty much. I mean I would kill for a new album, but at this point - why all the pessimism, ya know?

I read that Classic Rock article and the whole thing just kind of smacked me in the face. As much as a reunion would be the sweetest, still, these guys have all moved on.

What you have today is Guns N' Roses as it exists today. A nostagia act where Axl Rose tours around the world performing the hits. Nothing wrong with that.

Believe it or not, as much as people naysay and bitch (me included), i've already gotten a few bites from people who WOULD DIE (their words) to see GN'R this year. And they are fully aware it's Axl solo.

Those same people didn't heed my warnings in 2006 when I saw them twice and they said "catch 'em next time". Five fuckin' years later...

Everyone is jumping on the Night Train, because they don't know if and when it'll ever stop again. I've actually been kinda shocked at how well-received and how optimistic the 'casual' fans i've talked to are interested in these shows.

The people I know seem to want Guns this fall!

I think that's pretty fuckin' cool... to quote Axl.

russtcb wrote:


Everyone who posts on a GUNS N' ROSES board regularly, check it out: GUNS N' ROSES is going on tour in the USA. Maybe it's time to actually cele-fuckin-brate that instead of bitching ahead of time about no promotion or complaining about half empty arenas, etc.


I'm not for turning this place into htgth but goddamnit if it wouldn't be nice to hear ANYONE say something positive about a GN'R tour besides just me and faldor. And no... "I may go if they come right to my front door step and I can get cheap or free tickets" doesn't count. Fuck. If you're a fan of Guns N' Roses, then be a fan of Guns N' Roses. If you're not then what the fuck are you doing even bothering with a thread about their new tour??

I kinda agree. I'm as guilty as anyone. See my above reply. Things seem pretty positive, and people seem to want Guns, even casuals. Only the diehards seem to have an issue.

After reading that Classic Rock article on UYI, my whole attitude kind of changed. I mean what's the point and bitching about the same bullshit of the last decade? The current lineup has been in-tact for two years, toured the world to warm-welcomes, and now for the first time in five years, GN'R is touring the states.

Sure i'd love a new album, but it's pointless to bitch. I was kinda down on the whole thing, and then suddenly it's like, if i've got bread in pocket I want to see all the shows I can (within reason). Miami might be a bit too much of a trip (6-1/2 hours round trip, not counting show).

If I had anything to request...

Please Axl -- to commorate the 20th anniversary of the Use Your Illusion albums, would it be any trouble to play a few more UYI tracks on this leg?

If possible, and perfectly within reason add these...

Perfect Crime
Civil War
Don't Cry [alternate] (as a wink to diehards)

And just joking as a fanboy, if Izzy's around, Dust N' Bones & You Ain't The First would be really cool, and if Duff pops up - So Fine.

Just an idea. Not too crazy, and it'd be nice to tip the hat to the great UYI albums on the 20th anniversary.



Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

johndivney wrote:

hold on a minute
with the price of admission being what it is people are more than justified to call this what it is, a money-grabbing exercise from a phony rock n roll band soiling the memory of something that was once truly special.

james is right that the show by & large is a nostalgia trip, which is why people should hate on it.

 Rep: 70 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

Naltav wrote:

Bu fuckin' huh!!!

Nostaligia trip bla bla... You're really not seing things any clearer then every other fan on the boards! Only thing different about you guys who whine, is that you put a negative spin on it!

I mean, come on! It's what fuckin 99% of bands do when they tour!
They play their most known songs with a few new ones thrown in. It's a widely excepted and used formula for the ENTIRE FUCKIN' industry!!! GNR does it. Metallica does it! Iron Maiden does it! Foo Fighters does it! The list goes on forever! Even lesser known bands do it that way.

It's just simply the way it has to be done! It needs to be done that way in order to satisfy the majority (casual fans) and keep the minority (diehards) somewhat happy.

I would have thought that the majority of the diehards on the boards would be phsyched to finally be able hear This I Love, Scraped, Shackler's Revenge, If The World, CITR and Sorry.

There's no need to whine other than your need whine!  smile

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