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 Rep: 386 

Re: Guns N' Roses Live From Rock In Rio

Bono wrote:
johndivney wrote:

wait the picture quality sucks but the sound is ok?
it's shakira guy. the point is to look @ her unblemished. u should just looked up some pics & fapped it
mite do that now...

Cool. My point was the sound quality was pretty good so that is a good thing come Sunday night when Gn'R is on. The picture quality sucks which is kind of a bummer. I get your funny joke but my comment was more less suggesting what it might have to look forward to when Gn'R performs. Kinda like scouting.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Guns N' Roses Live From Rock In Rio

tejastech08 wrote:

I'll probably just watch a few minutes and then go to sleep. Monday night I'll check out the bootlegs that get uploaded to YouTube. From what I've seen of Metallica and others, the HDTV rips are pretty good quality.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Guns N' Roses Live From Rock In Rio

misterID wrote:

Someone's gonna have to record this shit ASAP because I don't think I'll be able to watch it live.

 Rep: 50 

Re: Guns N' Roses Live From Rock In Rio

Gagarin wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

As I said, insert any other band name that is playing songs they didn't write and you would think the same thing.  That's how people view us.  It's not knocking you because I get why, but that doesn't make it any less pathetic...just understandable.

I'm a fan of a lot of things - especially sports related.  None of them would I take the next day off so I could watch them on you tube.  So yes, it's a bit on the obsessive side.

Many entertainers don't write their own songs. "Who gives a crap about a band that doesn't write their own music, and a singer who doesn't write his own lyrics?"...millions of Elvis fans.

And Axl wrote most/all the lyrics, and he sang them, and still sings them. It's not like going to see Skynyrd (1 original member, and a kid brother singing the dead brother's lyrics) or Pink Fraud (Gilmore singing ALL the vocal parts, while having written like none of them..., trying to 'sound' like Roger's lyrics on his new Pink Fraud albums?).

The GNR sound is many things, but its mostly Axl's voice out front. Opinion. But clearly you can plug the other bands into other singers and it isn't GNR. I don't really give a crap about "the band" playing the songs...the front man is the man. Tony Iomi did some cool stuff, but all Sabbath was with Dio was a backing band for...Dio. Sure wasn't Sabbath anymore. Edit: And Ozzy never wrote any lyrics either... but he's the prince of darkness anyway!

All that said, yeah, staying up and watching a clip is something a fan would do. I don't know if I'd stay up at 4 to do it... but maybe.

I'm just excited I'm not watching it on RealPlayer like in 2001.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Guns N' Roses Live From Rock In Rio

buzzsaw wrote:

Really?  You're going to compare a band that wrote their own material to Elvis?  I pretty much skipped the rest of it.

 Rep: 84 

Re: Guns N' Roses Live From Rock In Rio

jamester wrote:

Guns N' Roses News.
Eyewitness reports suggesting a trim, moustacheless Axl Rose has arrived in #Rio ahead of GN’R’s festival performance.
1 hour ago

 Rep: 84 

Re: Guns N' Roses Live From Rock In Rio

jamester wrote:

AxlRoseFaClube  Axl Rose - Fã Clube
by bumblefoot
Fotos do @gunsnroses no Brasil! Frank Ferrer e @bumblefoot no show de Lenny Kravitz

Guns N' Roses
48 or so hours.. Rock in Rio --- right now Shakira playing unbelievable - watch it live see you Sunday!
20 hours ago

Guns N' Roses News.
Cool shot of @DjASHBA whilst at Stevie Wonder’s RIR performance:…
8 hours ago

 Rep: 191 

Re: Guns N' Roses Live From Rock In Rio

Gibbo wrote:

I heard he s lost a big of weight too

 Rep: 281 

Re: Guns N' Roses Live From Rock In Rio

faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
faldor wrote:

It's obsessive, and some would say "pathetic" that we all post on these boards every day too.  It's a passion though, so we do it.  I see no difference for being excited at watching a live stream of a concert for the band we follow so closely. 

Luckily with my job, I can create and adjust my hours as needed.  So I've never really had a problem with having to take off work after a late night getting home for a Patriots game or something of that ilk.

I have the same luxary.  I can pretty much come and go as I please and can even work from home if I don't feel like getting up for the hour drive to work.  I would do that for going to an event, I can't see doing it for watching a you tube video.

I was using pathetic from an outsiders view.  Even when I wouldn't do it myself, I do get why some people would stay up all night for it.  If it was a reunion show, I'd be staying up too, and I'd be pathetic right there with you.

I look at it this way.  As Guns N' Roses fans, we haven't had a whole lot to get excited about over the last decade or so.  People have been begging to have live streams of concerts for some time now, and now we get it.  So I view it as somewhat of an event.  I mean, if they did stuff like this regularly it wouldn't be as big a deal, but we don't have that luxury.  So I'm excited for it. 

Now you want to talk about pathetic.  That's when people (me included) hang on the edge for updates on normal show dates that aren't streamed online.  And I'm guilty as anyone for that.  I know it's pathetic, but for some reason I find it interesting to read about what songs they're playing.  And as many will attest, often it's the "same old tired setlist".  THAT, you could define as pathetic, but I'm alright with that.

THIS, is a little different.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Guns N' Roses Live From Rock In Rio

buzzsaw wrote:

Again, I'm referring to how an outsider would describe it.  It's not my thing, but I completely get why people here would do it.  Maybe pathetic was the wrong word, but it was the one that came to mind.

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