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 Rep: 386 

Re: Guns N' Roses Live From Rock In Rio

Bono wrote:

All hardcore fans do it. They do it on U2 sites, Pearl Jam sites. probably Lady Gaga sites. Really all hardcore fans could relate. the only people who would think it is pathetic are thsoe who don't care about music and only listen to what's on the radio on the drive to and from work. really, any hardcore fan of a band could relate to this I think. And given the fact this is new for Gn'R it is pretty cool.  Sports fans should  be able to relate as well if they've ever stayed up real;ly late to watch a game online. I did it lost last fall to watch Cowboys games while I was in Europe. 

I do look forward to tomrrow because in my mind this is a pivotal point for Gn'R. Like James or Axlin said earlier in the week this is a  chance for them to relaunch and show they're willing and ready to move forward as a band. I think it will be dissapointing if they trot out the same old tired set list. It will be a big indication of what fans can expect on the upcoming tour if you ask me.

 Rep: 15 

Re: Guns N' Roses Live From Rock In Rio

I cannot WAIT for tomorrow night! I watched RIR the last time GNR played, and it was awesome. I'm coming home from work, having dinner, and spending the evening rocking out. Totally stoked at seeing what Axl looks like for sure.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Guns N' Roses Live From Rock In Rio

Bono wrote:

Ok so I'm just saying this because it's been an issue in the past not to be negative.... ok everyone got that? Good.

I've been watching a lot of performances on the live stream for RIR on youtube since yesterday and everyone one of them the vocals were crystal clear. Nice and loud and not drowned out by the mix or inaudible altogether. NOW if Axl has "technical difficulties" tomorrow night in that department it's gonna be real unfortunate considering nobody else seems to be having these issues whatsoever. Let's hope it doesn't happen cause from what I'm seeing there is no excuse for it to happen.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Guns N' Roses Live From Rock In Rio

monkeychow wrote:

I agree although to be fair GNR does have 3 guitarsts, all of which play a combination of lead breaks and rhythm work with a variety of tones and effects, two keyboard players - one of which is using pre-recorded samples - and features a lead vocalist who's range goes from very low to very high pitch and who at times whispers and others shouts.

So i do think from an audio engineering perspective GNR would be a whore of a band to do live engineering for. Like you'd be endlessly trying to balance all those guitar frequences against each other let-alone when Axl goes banchee mode.

But I do take your point.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Guns N' Roses Live From Rock In Rio

faldor wrote:
Bono wrote:

I do look forward to tomrrow because in my mind this is a pivotal point for Gn'R. Like James or Axlin said earlier in the week this is a  chance for them to relaunch and show they're willing and ready to move forward as a band. I think it will be dissapointing if they trot out the same old tired set list. It will be a big indication of what fans can expect on the upcoming tour if you ask me.

I agree with that.  If we don't get anything new tomorrow night, that's probably a sign of things to come.  I guess it's possible that they could debut some "new" songs as they go on and get into more of a rhythm, but I think that first setlist will tell us a lot.

 Rep: 50 

Re: Guns N' Roses Live From Rock In Rio

Gagarin wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Really?  You're going to compare a band that wrote their own material to Elvis?  I pretty much skipped the rest of it.

I didn't compare much, you're the one that had a point that people hold it against entertainers for not being the ones who wrote their material. Obviously this isn't true.

So there's no "normal people wouldn't understand staying up to watch a band who didn't write the music they play"...actually normal people don't care/know the difference, they just like what they like. If there's a stigma, it's because they're an "old band", not because the lineup is different.

 Rep: 33 

Re: Guns N' Roses Live From Rock In Rio

Scabbie wrote:
jamester wrote:

Guns N' Roses News.
Eyewitness reports suggesting a trim, moustacheless Axl Rose has arrived in #Rio ahead of GN’R’s festival performance.
1 hour ago

Finally, I don't think moustaches do Axl any favours, they just make him look a bit silly

 Rep: 768 

Re: Guns N' Roses Live From Rock In Rio

Axlin16 wrote:
Bono wrote:

All hardcore fans do it. They do it on U2 sites, Pearl Jam sites. probably Lady Gaga sites. Really all hardcore fans could relate. the only people who would think it is pathetic are thsoe who don't care about music and only listen to what's on the radio on the drive to and from work. really, any hardcore fan of a band could relate to this I think. And given the fact this is new for Gn'R it is pretty cool.  Sports fans should  be able to relate as well if they've ever stayed up real;ly late to watch a game online. I did it lost last fall to watch Cowboys games while I was in Europe. 

I do look forward to tomrrow because in my mind this is a pivotal point for Gn'R. Like James or Axlin said earlier in the week this is a  chance for them to relaunch and show they're willing and ready to move forward as a band. I think it will be dissapointing if they trot out the same old tired set list. It will be a big indication of what fans can expect on the upcoming tour if you ask me.

I completely agree with this.

I think for the first time since the premature ending of the 2006 North American tour and the delaying of CD that this band faces their first real "proof time--put up or shut up" moment since that time.

After the band when into a dark period during 2003-2005, they remerged to a highly successful European tour in the summer of 2006, and things seemed to be moving forward in the fall of 2006 when they played the states. The band looked tighter and move focused than 2002, Axl looked the best since 1993 physically and vocally he was getting stronger, hell even Izzy came back and became a recurring guest star. CD was being talked about like it's release was imminent, and the radar blip was slowly coming back on, with a slight interest there in CD. Axl seemed willing to promote the whole thing....

Bam, the whole thing just died. Axl came out and gave a totally bullshit press release talking as if the album would be out by the spring of 2007, then they tour and no mention of the album is ever made. Like it never existed. They go dark again, a year passes, leaks happen, suddenly CD is rumored to come out by the end of the year, and time passes songs (Shackler's, If The World, CD) are released, the band and the label does nothing. Album comes out, band still does nothing, other than chit chat with fans online, including Axl.

Nearly a year passes, suddenly the band re-emerges with some Asian tour dates before kicking off another world tour, similar to 2006, except with South American dates. Although CD songs are in heavy rotation initially, no real mention of the album is really made. It's just hear it is, and the band tours it, but doesn't ever really deal with this past, present or future. They just exist. The whole thing is kind of bizarre.

Tour wraps up in December 2010 a year later, and still no real clear cut path for GN'R has been made. Suddenly (wasn't like the summer of 2011), it's announced GN'R will headline Rock In Rio, as they have for each decade marking since 1991. Although with a different band each time.

But this time is different, in the sense of GNR's past tours since 2007. Yet it is exactly the same ala 1991 & 2001. The 1991 double headline served as a launching pad for UYI. The 2001 Rio performance was a failed, yet fully attempted launch for CD. 2011 Rio will be no different in that aspect.

The show later tonight will prove the future for this GN'R. A show full of oldies but goodies will prove GN'R have absolutely nothing on tap and no future plans other than being a nostagia act that lives on the material of 75% of a band that's not even present to perform it. A show sprinkled with classics, CD songs, and a few new ones shows Axl hasn't given up on his desire to keep GN'R alive and fresh, despite the long delay for CD. That GN'R is going places, "get on board or fuck off" to quote bassist Tommy Stinson.

Anything less will be taps for Axl Rose's GN'R. Because there's nowhere left to go.

christina_rose wrote:

I cannot WAIT for tomorrow night! I watched RIR the last time GNR played, and it was awesome. I'm coming home from work, having dinner, and spending the evening rocking out. Totally stoked at seeing what Axl looks like for sure.

I'm looking forward to it too. This could be a new beginning.

 Rep: 207 

Re: Guns N' Roses Live From Rock In Rio

DCK wrote:

The show will be a massive sign of what is to come, or what is NOT to come. We will see tonight. It should be used to launch a new chapter, like the two other RIR was used and partly also RIR Lisbon. RIR3 was a major turning point, however it never started when we thought it would. But it still was. Now, they will do it again and if there's a new set list, new songs never heard, this thing is a success and Im onboard.

 Rep: 268 

Re: Guns N' Roses Live From Rock In Rio

Olorin wrote:

Wont be watching live, but looking forward to seeing some new footage thats not shot through a mobile phone.
I think its gonnie be a similar setlist to the last tours with mabye a few UYI tracks thrown in, not expecting any new material.

I really hope its controversy free, I wouldnt put it past Axl, since he's got such a late slot, to roll up to the gig at 4 in the morning and get all stroppy cause people are pissed off.

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