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 Rep: 768 

Re: The Rant Thread

Axlin16 wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

I guy I knew on my last trip to Iraq was killed this weekend in Afghanistan.  He left behind 4 children and a wife.  And for what?  No clear fucking guidance has been given in years on this fucking mess.  Just an opportunity for politicians to grand stand and act tough.  When was the last time Obama went to a fucking holiday meal with the Soldiers deployed?  Bush did that shit all the time.  Fuck no, let's worry about some useless fucking jobs bill that is so loaded with retardism that it was DoA.  Let's worry about who Kim Kardashian is fucking or who was on Dancing with the stars.  When was the last time you even heard of people dying in this fucking war?  But 13 guys bought it last week, 8000 miles from home.  And this shit happens every week and no one in this country gives a shit.

Fully bellies and TV is enough to keep the masses silent.  Petty bickering and all this effort into issues that don't fucking matter (DADT ring a bell) but lives are lost and families ruined multiple times a day in a war started under Bush with Democratic approval and continued and esculated under Obama and not one person can articulate the end state.

Remember, who you vote for may only effect your mood the day after the election.  But months and years down the road, some man with 5 mouths to feed is going to follow his orders and go to some fucked up worthless country and never come home.

I give a shit Randall. And i'm sorry. And I don't think that even who you vote for anymore even matters. Democrat, Republican... what's the fuckin' difference anymore. It's like arguing Pepsi or Coke. The mother fucker is still cola.

We're way too young to be this cynical. But how and why should you bury truth?

 Rep: 31 

Re: The Rant Thread

Stacey wrote:
monkeychow wrote:
Stacey wrote:

Any questions? Lol. it true you all share a hive mind? 16

No, I happen to have missed out on that particular female thing. I'm quite different than your average girl wink

 Rep: 31 

Re: The Rant Thread

Stacey wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Maybe not gold digging, but definitely a girl looking to be "taken care of".

That's female language for "go out and make money so I can sit my ass at the house and do nothing or go shopping with your credit cards, while you support me".

One of the BIGGEST issues with female equality and feminism that has existed since it was adapted by the 80's, is that although women were empowered to go out and get jobs right beside men and not stay at home with kids, something Gen X & Y now feel entitled to, is that despite that role they were given.... they still typically expect men to foot their bill in life.

Doesn't work that way. If that makes me a fuckin' caveman asshole, than whatever, but I ain't backing down on it.

Not all women are like this. It's part of our life plan for me to one day be running a hospital or some big shit like that while Russ stays home and raises our babies.

I mean, really. How else is Evo going to stay around forever without our spawn?

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Rant Thread

Axlin16 wrote:


Wonderful, a whole new generation of diehard Robin Finck and Clutch fans.


 Rep: 31 

Re: The Rant Thread

Stacey wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:


Wonderful, a whole new generation of diehard Robin Finck and Clutch fans.


Hey no problem brother. I do what I can for the future of this planet.

 Rep: 633 

Re: The Rant Thread

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 768 

Re: The Rant Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

I gotta admit, it looks more anchored and kid-friendly than me raising mine on these two...



 Rep: 31 

Re: The Rant Thread

Stacey wrote:

I'm seriously about to have a heart attack! UGH!

Having a SHIT ASS DAY. Thanks in no small part to most of Ford Motor Company, their SHIT ASS service departments at dealerships, and the SHIT ASS asshole FUCK guy I spoke with when I went in 2 hours ago to have my tire looked at.

Thanks also to a dumb customer at work who doesn't understand basic concepts of the English language, and gave me a poor score, which brought my overall scores down, therefore affecting my bonus! Woo!

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Rant Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Damn that sucks. Sorry.

Re: The Rant Thread

AtariLegend wrote:

Oh no!!! Just sent an email to a lecturer explaning my adsense from an appointment tommorow, with a RE: at the bottom for another lecturer with a completely different reason.

Shit, what a prat I look like sad.

*kills self*

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