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Re: The Video Game Console Thread

johndivney wrote:
russtcb wrote:
IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

I would honestly say, an ok game with awesome facial animation ( not awesome graphics but very good). Worth a rent but maybe not a purchase, I traded mine in after I completed it as it has zero replay value. I did enjoy it but it did get repetitive.


I got through some of disc 2 but I don't see myself bothering to finish it.

just started playing this last week after borrowing it from a friend
& it's shit
but what's worse is it's slowly killing my old fat 40gb PS3
i'm on the 2nd vice case & the game crashes so often now it's unplayable. every segment of the two vice missions i've played so far, after every auto-save the game crashes/freezes in some way - like the graphics just disappear & phelps is left waistdeep in what used to be the road while he can jump over invisible walls, or the phones & action buttons stop working, or the screen just goes to black (especially if i exit the map via the start button)

it's crashed the whole way thru the game but has gotten really bad since the final homicide case.

now outside of those issues it's just boring as fuck with a stupid as fuck story & stupid as fuck plot holes & there's absolutely nothing to do outside of the glorified point & click main adventure. completely substandard stuff from a Rockstar published game (oh wow, you get to view landmarks if you hold down the circle button when you drive past, jeez that's such an exciting & generous collectible!)

i enjoyed the likes of prof layton & phoenix wright (& ghey as fuck point & click games my dorky friend used to play when we were kids) far more than this weak sauce. games that are funny & challenging instead of a boring emotionless slough.

australians probably shouldn't be allowed to make videogames if i'm being totally honest. stick to the soap opera's with the pretty young honeys instead.

oh & i thought the next GTA was headed for an Asian city..

 Rep: 633 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 50 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Rex wrote:

Gonna be a good week for videogames.  Resistance 3 and Dead Island, as well as Starfox 64 3D.  I'm gonna be one broke ass beaner.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Neemo wrote:

 Rep: 59 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

So me and my son, we collect a lot of Mcfarlane figures and collectible figures in general. Well when I seen this I just had to order it.  I have to say the quality is pretty damn good for something bundled with a game.

(I know, I'm a big kid tongue )


 Rep: 768 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Hero worship: "BATMAN: Arkham City" among the year's best
by Mike Smith / Plugged In-Yahoo! Games


Superheroes have proven unexpectedly hard to translate to video games. Superman 64, a disastrous 1999 release, is counted among the worst games of all time, though the list of lousy superhero games certainly doesn't end there. From The Fantastic Four to Iron Man, even the sturdiest super-types have been roughed up on small screen.

But that wasn't true of 2009 hit Batman: Arkham Asylum, which melded a pitch-perfect comic-book tale with fantastic action gameplay, resulting in what most folks consider the best superhero game ever made.

Until now, that is.

Leaving the claustrophobic passageways, cells, and grounds of Arkham's asylum to take on the whole town in an open-world romp, Batman: Arkham City releases this week for the Xbox 360 and PS3. And according to critics, it doesn't just match the original, it surpasses it. With a stunning 95 average at Metacritic, the verdict's in: go out and buy it, because this, actually, is the best superhero game ever made.

It's also Mark Hamill's (yes, that Mark Hamill) final performance as The Joker. Hamill, who first took on the role in the Emmy-award winning 'Batman: The Animated Series', has embodied the character longer than any other actor. No offense to Heath, Jack, or Cesar, but most hardcore fans consider Hamill to be the greatest Joker ever, making his swan song something of a big deal.

And he's going out with a serious bang.

"Arkham City not only lives up to the standards set by Arkham Asylum, it bests its predecessor in every way and stands tall as one of Batman's greatest moments," raves Game Informer's Andrew Reiner in a perfect 10/10 review, adding that it's "one of the biggest and most enjoyable time sinks of the year."

Nearly every critic out there agrees with that assessment. Regardless of how well Arkham City sells, it's already a massive success, and stands a pretty good chance at being among the best reviewed games of the year, if not the outright winner.


Take it from IGN's Greg Miller, who rated the game 9.5 -- "amazing" -- out of 10.

"The voice acting, the challenges, the amazing opening, the unbelievable ending and the feeling of being the Dark Knight -- these are the things that stand out looking back," Miller writes. "I've beaten this thing twice and still want to call in sick and chase Riddler Trophies...Batman: Arkham City isn't just better than Batman: Arkham Asylum, it's better than most games on the market."

But it wouldn't be a Batman game without a villain, right? Destructoid's oft-controversial Jim Sterling weighs in with a conspicuous 8.5/10, the lowest Arkham score to date. (Though, we should note, it's still a very positive mark, especially given Destructoid's comparatively stingy scores.) His chief complaint? It tries to do too much.

"It's just confusing to have so many buttons doing so many things, and so many enemies that require so many different ways of dispatching," Sterling writes. "It's certainly great to have options and variety, but there's an information overload that can drown even the most focused of brains." Though as he notes, there are far worse problems to have than that, as he still calls it "one of the most absorbing and engrossing [products] on the market."

Above all, one common thread can be found in linking Arkham City reviews: this game genuinely makes you feel like Batman. Over the 72-year history of the character, how many fans haven't sat back and dreamt of zipping around Gotham as the Dark Knight? You don't have to be the World's Greatest Detective to know that number's lower than Mr. Freeze's preferred thermostat setting -- and you don't have to be Wayne Enterprise's top scientist to deduce that any Batfan is going to be delighted with Arkham City.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

I should be playing this later today, or some time tomorrow.

I CANNOT WAIT! People are already saying it surpasses Arkham Asylum (which was the best game of 2009 imo)

It's sad to see Mark Hamill's Joker in his final performance (Hamill IS The Joker as far as i'm concerned), but the atmosphere and story-quality of these games is so good, that i'm starting to think "it's world" is of equal comparison in quality and respect to Batman: TAS, and the Nolanverse.

What I love about it is it's like a tri-cross between the darker comics, TAS & Nolanverse. The best of all worlds.

 Rep: 633 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

RussTCB wrote:


Re: The Video Game Console Thread

AtariLegend wrote:

I'll get it, likely.

..But I do think "Arkahm Asylum" is pushing it, was a good fun game, but it was too short main story wise and the unrealistic silly steriod Joker final boss really took it down a notch for me.

"Arkam City" does look better, can't wait for "The Elder Scrolls V" coming soon too btw.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Played Arkham City, so far it's FANFUCKINGTASTIC. Totally amazed. Tons more Batman villians this time around tho, although the voice work is a bit mediocre at times, specifically Catwoman, Two-Face & Penguin. I think Adrienne Barbeau, Richael Moll & Paul Williams (Batman:TAS) spoiled me.

But the game looks, feel, and operates great. Just like all sequels, the whole thing seems like Arkham Asylum on steroids.

I still haven't even gotten past 1% in the game though. There's so much to do, and the map is 5-times bigger than Arkham Asylum.

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