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 Rep: 39 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

-Jack- wrote:

WOW. I'm not even finished and this article is freaking amazingly great. I hope it keeps getting better. w00t

 Rep: 88 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

Gunslinger wrote:
Jameslofton wrote:

Like others, its very odd how no matter how many years go by, the same few songs are always mentioned even when there are claims of 30-80 songs. We've obviously heard some of the best material.

This is something I have feared to be true for some time.  The "Big Guns" statement Axl made a few years back was something I always hoped was "intentional misdirection" but as time passes I believe more and more it was a rare slip of total honesty he divulged while caught up in the heat of the moment rather than his usual tight-lipped approach.

 Rep: 77 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

Von wrote:
Aussie wrote:

I think the fact that everyone has to go through her to talk to Axl means that if Beta doesn't think Axl should talk to them, then I am sure the message doesn't get through or it gets manipulated and misdirected so he won't talk to them.   I know of a number of people that have tried to contact Axl on a professional basis but simply can't get through to him - they all believe because of Beta.

You mean people like 21

 Rep: 664 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

James wrote:

Slash had transferred his negative energy down the phone line and into Zutaut etc.  He then made Zutuat pay $25,000US to get an exorcism done to get rid of Slash and his negative vibes from him.

Its lines like ^ that makes me believe this album will most likely never be released. Too much chaos and way too many people who have a say that shouldn't even be involved.

After MSL talked to Beta for a couple hours last year, he said something like, "If GNR ordered a pizza, it would take at least a year because so many people have to approve the toppings".

I believe it.

Hell, the pizza would probably never even be ordered. Whoever has veto power in the GNR camp would probably veto the idea at the last second.

I'm gonna read this article tonight. From what people seem to be saying about it, we have another wake up call just like the NYT piece in 2005. No one woke up. Three years later, we'll see what the ramifications are from another sneak peak inside the world of GNR.

That was a great post.:beer:

 Rep: 287 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

Aussie wrote:
Jameslofton wrote:

Slash had transferred his negative energy down the phone line and into Zutaut etc.  He then made Zutuat pay $25,000US to get an exorcism done to get rid of Slash and his negative vibes from him.

Its lines like ^ that makes me believe this album will most likely never be released. Too much chaos and way too many people who have a say that shouldn't even be involved.

After MSL talked to Beta for a couple hours last year, he said something like, "If GNR ordered a pizza, it would take at least a year because so many people have to approve the toppings".

Yeah I thought that quote was classic when he said it!!!

 Rep: 4 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

bucketfoot wrote:

Buckethead is the shit. Bumblefoot is the shit. Ron isn't as enigmatic or interesting as Bucket, but the fuckers can play.

It breaks my heart to read all this. Axl is badass. Looking at that cover is something we should see once every day on a handful of Rock mags. We should hear this album. The world should embrace it.

Ugh. It's so frustrating.

 Rep: 217 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

Mikkamakka wrote:
Aussie wrote:

I also know that during his time in 2001 Zutaut took a call in the studio from Slash - against Axl's wishes.  Axl then went off his head about it and saying that somehow Slash had transferred his negative energy down the phone line and into Zutaut etc.  He then made Zutuat pay $25,000US to get an exorcism done to get rid of Slash and his negative vibes from him.

How do you know this? I mean if it's true then Axl's even more crazier than I've thought.

 Rep: 287 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

Aussie wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:
Aussie wrote:

I also know that during his time in 2001 Zutaut took a call in the studio from Slash - against Axl's wishes.  Axl then went off his head about it and saying that somehow Slash had transferred his negative energy down the phone line and into Zutaut etc.  He then made Zutuat pay $25,000US to get an exorcism done to get rid of Slash and his negative vibes from him.

How do you know this? I mean if it's true then Axl's even more crazier than I've thought.

Someone Zutaut told the story to told me.

 Rep: 217 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

Mikkamakka wrote:

Thanks for the quick answer. If I look to my crystal globe, it doesn't mean too good things hmm

 Rep: 30 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

jimmythegent wrote:

interesting read

doesn't bode well for a release anytime soon

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