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 Rep: 22 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

Aussie wrote:

I find it hard to believe that Zutaut was simply sacked for having strangers at the private screening of Black Hawk Down.  I think the real reason is that Beta didn't like him so he was gorn!

I'm betting that Beta had been in Axl's ear for sometime telling him that he had negative energy or some other cock n bull story. So when this screening thing happend (or was set up as Zutaut suggested) it was just a convenient excuse to launch him.

It is really concerning how much control this woman has over Axl.  I mean I'm sure she may think what she is doing is well intentioned but she really is "the gatekeeper" and I don't mean this in a helpful "PA role" as she describes it, rather in a creepy manipulative & controlling way.

I think the fact that everyone has to go through her to talk to Axl means that if Beta doesn't think Axl should talk to them, then I am sure the message doesn't get through or it gets manipulated and misdirected so he won't talk to them.   I know of a number of people that have tried to contact Axl on a professional basis but simply can't get through to him - they all believe because of Beta.

This is supposed to be fucken rock n roll and yet the maid is calling all the shots FFS!  And the article also quotes an interview that Fernando did WTF?  Next her pet fucken rabbit will probably be providing an inside perspective and screening calls (that's if she doesnt start boiling it on the stove first).

All this fucken hocus pocus shit pisses me off as well.  To think about what could have been whether with the old GN'R or the new lineup, but becuase of self serving dicks and psychophants sticking their nose in all the time, people have left, been sacked or replaced or can't even get a fair hearing - it just pisses me off.  People like Yoda (the witch) and Goldstein (the little bitch) have a lot to answer for, they destroyed one of the greatest rock n roll bands of all time.  But as soon as one crackpot or suckhole is out of his life there seems to be no shortage of replacements.

I also know that during his time in 2001 Zutaut took a call in the studio from Slash - against Axl's wishes.  Axl then went off his head about it and saying that somehow Slash had transferred his negative energy down the phone line and into Zutaut etc.  He then made Zutuat pay $25,000US to get an exorcism done to get rid of Slash and his negative vibes from him.

Well, sorry to destroy your paranoia there, but as an executive assistant myself ( although not a " personal" one), it is an assistant's job to sort people out on who is going to speak to your boss or who isn't.
Beta probably has an enormous deal of calls coming in as all assistants do, and imagining there are all sorts of issues in Axl's world, i am imagine she sorts calls out by their priority.

And as Axl's world is a very private one, we don't know what his priorities are, but one thing is for sure, she won't do anything unless it's been approved of by her employer.

She may at times rub people the wrong way, if that's how it feels for these people, but realistically, the only person she has to rub the right way is her boss, he's the one paying her salary every month.

If she's still there, it's because her BOSS is happy about it.

And yes, this is a message to people, also the ones who work in offices :

Never underestimate the assistant or the secretaries, never spit on them, never look down on them.

 Rep: 287 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

Aussie wrote:

Gee I must have touched a raw nerve there for ya - feeling a little unappreciated at work lately????

I have no problem at all with assistants - I have a PA at work and a good PA is worth their weight in gold.  If that's all we were talking about - a normal assistants role then that's fine.

We both know that aint the case in this situation, far far from it.

 Rep: 485 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

Neemo wrote:
Aussie wrote:

I have no problem at all with assistants - I have a PA at work and a good PA is worth their weight in gold.

i bet you dont pay them that much though tongue 16 kidding 19

 Rep: 53 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

elmir wrote:

any news so far as to how htgth handled this bit of news?

 Rep: 485 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

Neemo wrote:
elmir wrote:

any news so far as to how htgth handled this bit of news?

i havent seen it up on that board at all ... I only looked a couple times but i'm guessing that any references to it were deleted

 Rep: 50 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

Rex wrote:

Hardcore Porn & Dog Shit: My Journey With Axl Rose...

What a bunch of fucking whack jobs.

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

Sky Dog wrote:

harcore porn, dog shit, and chicken wire my friend....let's not underestimate the insanity here!:haha:

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

Sky Dog wrote:

In the end, all this story does is confirm some things in the NYT article and the long Rolling Stone piece "Lost Rose" or whatever it was called. We also need to remember that the storyline stops in 2002...we really have little clue as to what has been accomplished in relation to songs since then.:thumbup:

 Rep: 664 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

James wrote:

Just read the whole thing. Fucking bizarre. These peaks behind the curtain always have an impact because they happen so sporadically and always by surprise. After reading that, I am no longer even remotely shocked that we don't have an album, and wouldn't be surprised if 5 more years go by and we still don't have it.

There is way too much chaos and a 'cult of personality' vibe running through the veins of the GNR camp. What makes it even more odd is it revolves around two people instead of one, one of which had NOTHING to do with the success of GNR and/or Axl. You cannot give that much power over your life to someone like that. Its unhealthy, and insane to do so. Whatever Axl is searching for, he isn't gonna find it going down that road.

While Buckethead is my favorite guitarist, we now have proof the guy is a fucking lunatic. Porn and dog shit? Gimme a break. The guy is probably a fucking serial killer. While I have always wanted him to come back, I think we can now rule out his return completely. I don't think I even want him back now. He's too far gone. Hopefully his contributions to the record are intact though.

For years I have called this project the merry go round that keeps on spinning. They take one step forward, two steps back, two steps forward, one step back. Repeat for infinity. It goes nowhere, regardless of who gets brought in. We'll probably be discussing an article in three years talking about how Bumblefoot ALMOST took it to that next step towards a release before he left and his parts were removed.

There is one(and only one) constant through this whole saga: The hangers on that control too many aspects of the project. Until Axl rids himself of this vermin, the album will remain in limbo.

Regardless of the journey we have been on and the frustrations littered across message boards for the past 13 years, this is a once in a lifetime event.

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

Sky Dog wrote:

His relationship with Beta is not a problem to me because I truly think Axl sees her as the mother figure he always wanted and atleast she has him "looking" for positive energy. The yoda stuff is too much though. Beta also makes it very clear that Axl takes this record very seriously. My point is, when we get this thing, you know it will be the best that he could have done.:thumbup:

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