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Re: Updates: Orlando, FL (Amway Center 10-28-11)

Lomax wrote:

^^Yeah I watched the Tokyo DVD lately I used to think the Wild Horses rendition was perfect.... not so much now.

Worse, I talked it up to my friends and made them watch it too... awkward

 Rep: 485 

Re: Updates: Orlando, FL (Amway Center 10-28-11)

Neemo wrote:

yeah its happened to me at a few concerts i've seen live

Pantera 1997, STP 1997, GNR 2002

like at the show my memories day they sounded amazing...watching boots it doesnt feel the same...i cant watch concerts on tv or computer...its just not the same..most of what makes a concert experience is the people and the atmosphere in the venue and the energy coming from the band..a recording cant capture that

 Rep: 12 

Re: Updates: Orlando, FL (Amway Center 10-28-11)

rose22 wrote:

watched estranged from chicago 92 and it was just as intense as i remember it being.:thumbup:

 Rep: 423 

Re: Updates: Orlando, FL (Amway Center 10-28-11)

buzzsaw wrote:
Riad wrote:

^^Yeah I watched the Tokyo DVD lately I used to think the Wild Horses rendition was perfect.... not so much now.

Worse, I talked it up to my friends and made them watch it too... awkward

Funny Tokyo VHS story:

I made a cassette tape copy of the VHS (yes, this was a long time ago) so I could listen to it at work.  There was a girl I was not really dating since I was dating someone else at the time, but we hung out (it was actually pretty awkward looking back at it, but that's another story).  She was naive and I enjoyed poking fun at her, so I played her the guitar solo and told her that it was a recording of me playing.  Somehow she completely believed it was me...even when the crowd was cheering.  Ah to be young again...

 Rep: 200 

Re: Updates: Orlando, FL (Amway Center 10-28-11)

apex-twin wrote:

Axlin's review sparked a 16-page emotional response.

Hot damn.

Re: Updates: Orlando, FL (Amway Center 10-28-11)

Sky Dog wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
Neemo wrote:

i know what you are saying buzz...its one of the reasons why i prefer memories of concerts now more than actually seeking them out and watching them....

its goes that way with everythign though...hell ever try to go back and watch cartoons from when you were a kid? some are pretty damn bad 16 like WTF did i ever see in this show!?

LOL - all the time.  You wonder how did you ever relate to this crap???

I've seen bootlegs of the Chicago 92 show.  They are pretty good, but none of them are as good as how I remember the show being.

Noblesville May 91 for me...hurts the ears now but in the moment it was f'n awesome hearing all the Illusion songs for the first time. 9

Re: Updates: Orlando, FL (Amway Center 10-28-11)

Sky Dog wrote:

oh...and for the record, I think Axl is kicking ass right now so I believe JR's speaking in a rational manner. We are old fucks least some of us. You call it as you see it.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Updates: Orlando, FL (Amway Center 10-28-11)

buzzsaw wrote:
madagas wrote:

oh...and for the record, I think Axl is kicking ass right now so I believe JR's speaking in a rational manner. We are old fucks least some of us. You call it as you see it.

I'm quite sure he's calling it as he sees it.  I don't think anyone has stated he wasn't.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Updates: Orlando, FL (Amway Center 10-28-11)

Axlin16 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:
Neemo wrote:

cramer or axlin...

was the floor GA or Seating?

Standing floor/GA

buzzsaw wrote:

I never denied that.  That was never the point.  The point is check in after a couple months.  If he still feels that way, great!  It was a (rare) genuine reaction.  My guess is his feelings will mellow when given time to really soak it in (again, see the rio thread).  That's human nature.  If I insulted him by calling him human, then I apologize for that.

What a backhanded apology.

That logic could apply to a NEW ALBUM of NEW SONGS, which i'm having an emotional initial reaction to.

But with live songs i've heard tons and tons and tons of times performed by different people, AND been to different shows... it's not an emotional response. It can't be. It's an honest reaction from someone who has a track history with dealing with it, seeing it, hearing it.

It's either good or not. Obviously i'm a guy who has no fear to say "Axl fuckin' blew it".

You're totally not getting it.  I don't know why having an emotional response offends you so.  You can see all of the bootlegs in the world, there's nothing like being at a show.  You know that.  I expect I would have an emotional reaction (one way or the other) if/when I go to a show.  It's natural.

And I wasn't apologizing...I have nothing to apologize for.  I was being sarcastic.

Me and you both know the context of 'emotional response' was not used that way.

I know the difference between, "wow that really spurred some great emotions out of you", and "yeah that's an emotional response".

The latter is a totally different context, meant to correlate to "clouded judgment".

20 fucking years from now, you very well may be right. But I can tell you it'll take that long.

You used the word 'emotional' to basically infer clouded judgment, which it was not to suit some sort of argument about "day after the show" syndrome, like I somehow was 'over selling' the performance.

That's what you did. I didn't misread, misunderstand, confuse, or flat out "not get" anything.

It's what you said, meant, and still mean by your obvious attempts to not let this thing fucking go and to continue to try to dig out of a lost argument that you were shut down on numerous occasions about.

Am I sensitive to the word emotional? Hell yes I am, when it's used the way you used it. I triple dog dare you to say that to your wife when she's criticizing you and not have her flip her lid. Like somehow it gives what her (or my) statements less credibility, because "it's emotional".

And as for me swaying here and there and all that shit, well maybe I have at times, because I give things a chance to succeed, before I shit on them when they don't.

Unlike you who shit on CD's release before you ever even knew it was gonna be botched. Was it? Yeah it was, but you didn't even try to see it the other way. Same thing with this. You've got this whole thing dead and buried before it ever has gotten off the ground.

And i'm half convinced it's not about cynicism, it's about you protecting your doctrine about how GN'R is doomed.

apex-twin wrote:

Axlin's review sparked a 16-page emotional response.

Hot damn.

9 14

The only thing emotional was the response. I made some jump for joy and others throw their drink across the room, apparently.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Updates: Orlando, FL (Amway Center 10-28-11)

Axlin16 wrote:

Okay, i'll concede on thing about 'emotional' to Buzz. My response to his response was emotional, because I was wanting to be positive because it was a positive situation, and I saw Buzz immediately being a cynic about it which I just did not want to hear or deal with at the time.

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