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A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Should be a good couple months game wise, with the new Batman, Assassins Creed and MW3 all out soon.

Quick question I never got Arkham Asylum, do I need to have played it to play Arkham City in terms of storyline etc?

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

No, not really.

There are a few references to the previous game with Joker & Bane. Such as Joker taking "Titan" (the stuff that makes Bane big), and it making Joker messed up.

I think there's another reference to Joker taking over Arkham Asylum, but so far the storyline has been a new story.

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

johndivney wrote:

GTA5 deets leaking apparently

back to SAN ANDREAS, Hispanic character Adrian, 2012 w/Mayans gangs/end of world jokes
co-op story mode, 32 player multi-player
you'll die @ end like RDR & play as adrians brother


 Rep: 633 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

RussTCB wrote:


Re: The Video Game Console Thread

johndivney wrote:

what i wanna see:

better activities - no pool. exciting, more energetic stuff like go-karting or sky-diving etc.

no missions on building sites

the drug dealing from chinatown wars needs to be brought over, maybe gun running too.

 Rep: 633 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 768 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Yeah i'm looking forward to this. I follow Lazlow and his occasional radio show, and he's gotten to where he doesn't talk about all about the Rockstar stuff. So when he's NOT talking, usually he's busy working on this shit.

Apparently Rockstar are not gonna introduce any more new maps, which fuckin' is real lame. They should keep moving with that, instead of switching back and forth between San Andreas, Liberty City, & Vice City. I'd of liked to of seen Chicago, Tokyo, Toronto/Vancouver...

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Btw, played Batman: Arkham City all the way through story mode, then sent it back to GameFly (I basically played it for free).

I wouldn't rank the game over Arkham Asylum, both are pretty much on the same wavelength. I think Atari isn't gonna like the fact that once again Arkham City seems to get over fairly quickly.

All of the new villians were cool, but I think they might've gotten villian-crazy, and lost sight of The Joker being the star of the game. He seemed to appear in the beginning, then kinda drift away until the end, while you had to deal with others.

Boss fights seemed to be a tad easier than they were in Arkham Asylum. Which was odd. You had to bust your ass to fight regular henchmen with knives & guns, yet kicking The Joker's ass was fairly easy. Maybe that was intended?

Didn't get to play The Catwoman side story, as I had a rental. I'll do that when I finally buy the game, which was so good I fully intend on doing it.

The whole game is snowy, and kind of has a cold "Batman Returns" kind of feel in the atmosphere. Penguin & Freeze have big roles, which gives the whole thing a colder-feel.

The game is a bit darker than Arkham Asylum. Alotta death in the air. Either intent to kill, sick and dying, or dying. Every character in the game is affected in some way.

The map is great, and moves seemlessly. The Mr. Freeze bits were the best, added more difficult (he will DESTROY you within seconds if you don't strategically go after him). His talking with Batman had the most interesting bits of the story imo. I wish it'd been expanded upon. Like having Freeze go directly after Joker, which unfortunately doesn't happen.

It's a VERY good game, but I still don't think they've "reached greatness" yet. It's probably the best game of 2011 by default. But they've still got some work to do.

They NEED a storyline mode that lasts longer than one 2-part episode of Batman: TAS. They also need to go for the gusto and do a game than you can move around ALL of Gotham City.

Hidden Text:

I heard alot of rumors that Mark Hamill was foolin' around when he said he was retiring. That plans are already underway for a Joker-starred Batman 3 game in some form, despite the ending of Arkham City.

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

johndivney wrote:


short & not very informative
but LA/Hollywood for sure
a family guy

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Looks bad ass. Especially the mountains. Hopefully you can drive up there and do some crazy ass shit.

I noticed they showed NONE of Vegas & the desert.

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