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Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

Sky Dog wrote:

and the plot thickens.:ummm:

 Rep: 16 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

Abbey_Road wrote:

From Mysteron


Quote from: DCK on Today at 11:21:47 AM
I have never been speaking negatively about GNR. I've been way too soft on how things have been handled. Just because I'm a follower and a supporter doesn't mean I can't speak up when there's something going on that I don't like. There are several things about GNR that I do not agree, for example how on earth that album still isn't out.

But it seems to me that a good fan is a positive fan at all costs on this board. It's a highly interesting approach, at best. Whiners and constant complains is one thing and they should be dealt with, but I will not sit back and be positive or happy with everything GNR does. I buy GNR records, tickets and merchendise and I am therefore qualified to disagree or voice my opinion when there's stuff going on that I don't like. My money is in this project. The idea about a forum only with positivity is not a forum I can support. A forum that does not accept discussion (note discussion!) about a big article in Classic Rock is also not a forum I can support. Unfortenately. A forum that runs with moderators that's using a downright degrading choice of words towards members is not acceptable either. Their posts should be dealt with but not in that way, no matter how frustrating it can be to read the same shit over and over again. I see it here way to often and I truly do not like this attitude and it doesn't make this forum gain more members at all.

That is MY opinion.

And if I can't discuss the article in Classic Rock and voice an opinion about it I'm sure Jarmo or any other rational person over the age of 18 can, then I'll do as Axl told us concerning GNR, "take a break". It's simply gone a bit too far here. The forum is run on ideals that isn't natural. I can go along with that, but not the arrogance and degrading tone the moderators use here.  As Jarmo repeats in every other posts, we can go other places to discuss it. That's what I wanna do. Leave. Case closed. No problems

As far as I am aware, alot of the work for CD took place in the last few years, post the Zutaut era. That makes the Classic Rock article nothing more than tabloid blood for the gossip vampires. … =50568.320

 Rep: 217 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

Mikkamakka wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:

A response...

Mysteron wrote:

As far as I am aware, alot of the work for CD took place in the last few years, post the Zutaut era. That makes the Classic Rock article nothing more than tabloid blood for the gossip vampires.

Yeah, Axl had to finish the vocals, since the music was done long before (according to Tommy, 2004).

A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

AtariLegend wrote:

A response...

Mysteron wrote:

As far as I am aware, alot of the work for CD took place in the last few years, post the Zutaut era. That makes the Classic Rock article nothing more than tabloid blood for the gossip vampires.

Interesting. Possibly a bit of damage limitation on GNR's part there but it wouldn't surprise me if this was true. The whole GNR circus was obviously completely out of control back in 01/02, Axl unsure where to take things creatively, people pulling him left and right to make sure they got their slice of the pie etc. Whilst I'm sure some of those people are still around I think the newest era of GNR activity (06 onwards) was a sign Axl had a bit more control of things. He said himself in 01/02 the band was pushed around and made commitments in terms of tours that he wasn't really ready for, in 06 he was obviously in a much better frame of mind. It's possible things began to change in 04 when he took control of producing the album, but of course BH leaving threw a major spanner in the works which delayed any chance of major progress. 

You'll notice Mysteron or anyone else hasn't said this is false, instead he takes a shot at anyone who wishes to talk about it, the first real detailed info about behind the scenes of CD, like the fans won't want to talk about it. All the work in the world can have been done since these loony times but whilst the same songs get mentioned now as the ones back then it makes this article relevent. The CR article is a small portion of the CD saga from someone who witnessed it firsthand, if people don't like it being known what went on perhaps someone should have put a stop to it at the time. As I said it's only a small portion of the CD tale, hopefully Beta's parting comment is right and one day Axl will tell his story.

I can see now why HTGTH distanced themselves from the CR news last month, they obviously knew this was coming.

 Rep: -3 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

Bumble4tus wrote:
A Private Eye wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:

A response...

Mysteron wrote:

As far as I am aware, alot of the work for CD took place in the last few years, post the Zutaut era. That makes the Classic Rock article nothing more than tabloid blood for the gossip vampires.

Interesting. Possibly a bit of damage limitation on GNR's part there but it wouldn't surprise me if this was true. The whole GNR circus was obviously completely out of control back in 01/02, Axl unsure where to take things creatively, people pulling him left and right to make sure they got their slice of the pie etc. Whilst I'm sure some of those people are still around I think the newest era of GNR activity (06 onwards) was a sign Axl had a bit more control of things. He said himself in 01/02 the band was pushed around and made commitments in terms of tours that he wasn't really ready for, in 06 he was obviously in a much better frame of mind. It's possible things began to change in 04 when he took control of producing the album, but of course BH leaving threw a major spanner in the works which delayed any chance of major progress. 

You'll notice Mysteron or anyone else hasn't said this is false, instead he takes a shot at anyone who wishes to talk about it, the first real detailed info about behind the scenes of CD, like the fans won't want to talk about it. All the work in the world can have been done since these loony times but whilst the same songs get mentioned now as the ones back then it makes this article relevent. The CR article is a small portion of the CD saga from someone who witnessed it firsthand, if people don't like it being known what went on perhaps someone should have put a stop to it at the time. As I said it's only a small portion of the CD tale, hopefully Beta's parting comment is right and one day Axl will tell his story.

I can see now why HTGTH distanced themselves from the CR news last month, they obviously knew this was coming.

The bottom line is if Axl had a problem with this article, he would have prevented it from coming out.  He didn't have a problem with it and you are right in that Mysteron never denies it's false and decides to say it's gossip for the vultures.

HTGTH won't post this because Jarmo feels it's what Axl and company want and he is wrong.  They don't have an issue with it at all because if they did, it never would have surfaced.

 Rep: 341 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

bigbri wrote:
Bumble4tus wrote:
A Private Eye wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:

A response...

Interesting. Possibly a bit of damage limitation on GNR's part there but it wouldn't surprise me if this was true. The whole GNR circus was obviously completely out of control back in 01/02, Axl unsure where to take things creatively, people pulling him left and right to make sure they got their slice of the pie etc. Whilst I'm sure some of those people are still around I think the newest era of GNR activity (06 onwards) was a sign Axl had a bit more control of things. He said himself in 01/02 the band was pushed around and made commitments in terms of tours that he wasn't really ready for, in 06 he was obviously in a much better frame of mind. It's possible things began to change in 04 when he took control of producing the album, but of course BH leaving threw a major spanner in the works which delayed any chance of major progress. 

You'll notice Mysteron or anyone else hasn't said this is false, instead he takes a shot at anyone who wishes to talk about it, the first real detailed info about behind the scenes of CD, like the fans won't want to talk about it. All the work in the world can have been done since these loony times but whilst the same songs get mentioned now as the ones back then it makes this article relevent. The CR article is a small portion of the CD saga from someone who witnessed it firsthand, if people don't like it being known what went on perhaps someone should have put a stop to it at the time. As I said it's only a small portion of the CD tale, hopefully Beta's parting comment is right and one day Axl will tell his story.

I can see now why HTGTH distanced themselves from the CR news last month, they obviously knew this was coming.

The bottom line is if Axl had a problem with this article, he would have prevented it from coming out.  He didn't have a problem with it and you are right in that Mysteron never denies it's false and decides to say it's gossip for the vultures.

HTGTH won't post this because Jarmo feels it's what Axl and company want and he is wrong.  They don't have an issue with it at all because if they did, it never would have surfaced.

How could Axl prevent a magazine from publishing a story? It's called freedom of the press, although I realize it's based in Britain, but same deal.

 Rep: -3 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

Bumble4tus wrote:
bigbri wrote:
Bumble4tus wrote:
A Private Eye wrote:

Interesting. Possibly a bit of damage limitation on GNR's part there but it wouldn't surprise me if this was true. The whole GNR circus was obviously completely out of control back in 01/02, Axl unsure where to take things creatively, people pulling him left and right to make sure they got their slice of the pie etc. Whilst I'm sure some of those people are still around I think the newest era of GNR activity (06 onwards) was a sign Axl had a bit more control of things. He said himself in 01/02 the band was pushed around and made commitments in terms of tours that he wasn't really ready for, in 06 he was obviously in a much better frame of mind. It's possible things began to change in 04 when he took control of producing the album, but of course BH leaving threw a major spanner in the works which delayed any chance of major progress. 

You'll notice Mysteron or anyone else hasn't said this is false, instead he takes a shot at anyone who wishes to talk about it, the first real detailed info about behind the scenes of CD, like the fans won't want to talk about it. All the work in the world can have been done since these loony times but whilst the same songs get mentioned now as the ones back then it makes this article relevent. The CR article is a small portion of the CD saga from someone who witnessed it firsthand, if people don't like it being known what went on perhaps someone should have put a stop to it at the time. As I said it's only a small portion of the CD tale, hopefully Beta's parting comment is right and one day Axl will tell his story.

I can see now why HTGTH distanced themselves from the CR news last month, they obviously knew this was coming.

The bottom line is if Axl had a problem with this article, he would have prevented it from coming out.  He didn't have a problem with it and you are right in that Mysteron never denies it's false and decides to say it's gossip for the vultures.

HTGTH won't post this because Jarmo feels it's what Axl and company want and he is wrong.  They don't have an issue with it at all because if they did, it never would have surfaced.

How could Axl prevent a magazine from publishing a story? It's called freedom of the press, although I realize it's based in Britain, but same deal.

It's Axl.  I am sure he'd find a way to block it.


 Rep: 33 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

Scabbie wrote:

I haven't read the article yet, I'm still waiting for my copy of the magazine in the post but I get the gist of it.  Sounds like a good read!

Re: Mysteron. I sometimes wander who the real 'whiners' are...if GNR don't like this article they could have easily prevented it. A quick telephone call to Classic Rock to thank them for their 'album of the year' award and would they like to know some more about the band and whats in store for the fans. All of a sudden Zutauts story isn't so interesting after all.

When GNR finally 'go public' its going to be interesting to see who they choose to channel their promotion.

Anyway, I'm still glad this article was written and I'm looking forward to reading it.

 Rep: -3 

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

Bumble4tus wrote:
Scabbie wrote:

I haven't read the article yet, I'm still waiting for my copy of the magazine in the post but I get the gist of it.  Sounds like a good read!

Re: Mysteron. I sometimes wander who the real 'whiners' are...if GNR don't like this article they could have easily prevented it. A quick telephone call to Classic Rock to thank them for their 'album of the year' award and would they like to know some more about the band and whats in store for the fans. All of a sudden Zutauts story isn't so interesting after all.

When GNR finally 'go public' its going to be interesting to see who they choose to channel their promotion.

Anyway, I'm still glad this article was written and I'm looking forward to reading it.

Exactly and Jarmo thinks they do have a problem with it so he's censoring it from his site when in reality, if they had a problem with it, it never would have surfaced.  What's also funny is that Zutat still speaks very higly about Axl so there isn't any issue with this article at all.

Think about it.  Would Beta say what she said if she knew it would get posted and released and there would be a problem with it as tight as the GNR camp is?

Re: GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover!

Bumble4tus wrote:

It's Axl.  I am sure he'd find a way to block it.


just like how he can control obsessed "journalists" from creating biographies about him and releasing them?   Axl has no control over the media.

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