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Re: Axl Rose's Religion

johndivney wrote:

he defo has a p unpleasant jesus-complex but whether that's any indication of his religious beliefs i dunno.

does axl believe in santa?

 Rep: 33 

Re: Axl Rose's Religion

skippy wrote:

When I'm thinking about Axl's hair, I often find myself thinking about his religion as well.

What's his favorite ice cream?

Favorite video game?

Way to relax after a stressful day of songwriting and recording?

You'll find these answers in next month's "Tiger Beat" magazine!

 Rep: 768 

Re: Axl Rose's Religion

Axlin16 wrote:
skippy wrote:

When I'm thinking about Axl's hair, I often find myself thinking about his religion as well.

What's his favorite ice cream?

Rocky Road

Favorite video game?

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Way to relax after a stressful day of songwriting and recording?

Throwing the CD-R's in the closet and kicking back with Fernando joking about how nobody will ever hear it... muwahahahahaha

You'll find these answers in next month's "Tiger Beat" magazine!


 Rep: 661 

Re: Axl Rose's Religion

monkeychow wrote:

Personally, while I respect it's his private business so I wouldn't snoop into it, if he did publicly come out with his religious views I'd be curious to know what he believes. As it's nice to get some perspective on the minds that create this stuff.

Although sometimes it's best to separate the art from the artist's views.

Good example is the composer Wagner..who wrote pretty impressive music but was apparently an anti-Semite.

 Rep: 200 

Re: Axl Rose's Religion

apex-twin wrote:

Wagner's anti-semitism should be taken in with consideration of the cultural climate in late 19th century Deutschland. The jews had been pitted against the Germans for a while there, much like one sees Croats against the Serbs, or even muslims against Christians.

The 'otherness' is what creates a certain group of 'us', and another consisting of 'them'. This does not exclude friendships, marriages and families between members of these groups, as in its softest form, the separation stigmatizes masses rather than individuals. Wagner himself held many friendships with Jews and had no qualms about their faith.

Was he wrong as an individual to chastise the Jewish composers like Mendelsohnn? You bet, but there's more to the story than simply Wagner being an anti-Semite. Mendelsohnn, for instance, had received a copy of an early Symphony by Wagner, then a fledgling composer. The would-be mentor then went and lost his copy, so there's a personal grudge element involved already.

Anti-semitism, like any unwarranted discrimination, is condemnable in my opinion, but if we choose to pass judgment, we should remember that justice is built upon the facts. Otherwise, we end up with sorry witch hunts, which have never served to provide with a better society.

 Rep: 70 

Re: Axl Rose's Religion

Axlin12 wrote:
skippy wrote:

When I'm thinking about Axl's hair, I often find myself thinking about his religion as well.

What's his favorite ice cream?

Rocky Road

Favorite video game?

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Way to relax after a stressful day of songwriting and recording?

Throwing the CD-R's in the closet and kicking back with Fernando joking about how nobody will ever hear it... muwahahahahaha

You'll find these answers in next month's "Tiger Beat" magazine!


Well we all know that his favorite video game isn't Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock! xD 14:rock:

 Rep: 23 

Re: Axl Rose's Religion

Bro-mero wrote:

I know that I was walking a thin line when bringing up this topic, so please no one feel offending by any comment I made or anyone else's. to me, Axl Rose has seemed to be a highly spiritual person, and I knew discussion would benefit everyone to expand the knowledge that we know from interviews, documentaries, personal statements, etc.

 Rep: 1 

Re: Axl Rose's Religion

alexandra wrote:

I think he believes in reincarnation too. He alluded to it during the making of the Don't Cry video.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Axl Rose's Religion

misterID wrote:

I always got the vibe that he was (at least personally) kind of anti-religion, but did have some kind of spiritual beliefs. Like mentioned above; reincarnation and psychics.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Axl Rose's Religion

-D- wrote:

Id say def new age with that Yoda lady or whatever her name was.

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