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 Rep: 205 

Re: Misunderstood Lyrics

PaSnow wrote:

Laverne & Shirleys theme song, I always thought they sang "Vermeil, Vermazzel, Positive Incorporated"

I still have no idea what they say.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Misunderstood Lyrics

Neemo wrote:

surveeval survival something something incorporated 16

 Rep: 80 

Re: Misunderstood Lyrics

Backslash wrote:

That one's always baffled me so I googled it.  Apparently they say "Schlemiel, schlimazel, hasenpfeffer incorporated!"

Here's an answer I found:

The Wikipedia entry for the "Laverne & Shirley" show provides the
opening phrase for us.

"In the beginning, the girls are skipping down the street, arm in
arm, reciting a hopscotch chant : 'One, two, three, four, five, six,
seven, eight! Schlemiel! Schlimazel! Hasenpfeffer Incorporated!'"

Schlemiel and schlimazel are Yiddish words, defined by the online
Free Dictionary as follows.


"A habitual bungler; a dolt"


"An extremely unlucky or inept person; a habitual failure."

This "Word for the Weak" archive entry points out that the two are
usually linked together.

"A schlimazel can be concisely described as a born loser. No discussion
of schlimazel could be complete without mentioning his counterpart:
schlemiel, a habitual bungler. They go together:

A schlemiel is one who always spills his soup, schlimazel is the one on
whom it always lands.

A schlimazel's toast always falls butter-side down. A schlemiel always
butters his toast on both sides."

As for hasenpfeffer, that is a German word.

"A highly seasoned stew of marinated rabbit meat"


Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: Misunderstood Lyrics

'Got money?' In NIN's Head Like a Hole, until I actually bought the physical CD and read the lyric book to find 'God, money' there.

 Rep: 59 

Re: Misunderstood Lyrics

jorge76 wrote:

Long ago, a friend of mine thought it was "Take that one to Hardee's" at the end of "Out Ta Get Me".  Everybody got a good laugh out of that when he asked why he was saying that.

Re: Misunderstood Lyrics

AtariLegend wrote:
Communist China wrote:

'Got money?' In NIN's Head Like a Hole, until I actually bought the physical CD and read the lyric book to find 'God, money' there.

I used to think that too... It works either way.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Misunderstood Lyrics

Neemo wrote:

another GnR one was "dont watch that much TV" from OIAM....i couldnt for the life of me figure it out until i heard the CBGB's show

also same song...i used to think it said boney's or soemthing until i finally figured it out that he said police 16

 Rep: 20 

Re: Misunderstood Lyrics

Great thread!  I am sure I have misheard many things but until I remember some I'll just laugh at the rest of you! big_smile

 Rep: 109 

Re: Misunderstood Lyrics

Saikin wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:

"Somebody raped my tapeworm abortion
Come on motherf*ckers and deliver the cow"

- I'm still not quite sure what Weiland was actually singing.

Uhh... that's actually what he's saying.  16

 Rep: 287 

Re: Misunderstood Lyrics

Aussie wrote:

There's an Aussie band called Silverchair and they have a song called Greatest View.  This chick I knew used to sing the chorus like this:

"And I love God, the Greatest View..."

But it's actually "And I've got, the Greatest View.."

Another Aussise themed one is a Cold Chisel song Khe San the chorus is:

"Well the last plane out of Sydney's almost gone"

But I hear so many people sing "well the last train..."

Another funny one is the Def Leppard song Rocket.  The part where it goes:

"Rocket YEAH - Sattelite of Love". 

Everybody knows the Rocket Yeah bit but hardly anyone ever gets that next bit or even attempts is since it's bloody hard to understand.

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