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 Rep: 485 

Re: Misunderstood Lyrics

Neemo wrote:
Aussie wrote:

"Rocket YEAH - Sattelite of Love". 

Everybody knows the Rocket Yeah bit but hardly anyone ever gets that next bit or even attempts is since it's bloody hard to understand.

haha really? i thought he said

rocket! yeah! See the Light! 14

 Rep: 287 

Re: Misunderstood Lyrics

Aussie wrote:
Neemo wrote:
Aussie wrote:

"Rocket YEAH - Sattelite of Love". 

Everybody knows the Rocket Yeah bit but hardly anyone ever gets that next bit or even attempts is since it's bloody hard to understand.

haha really? i thought he said

rocket! yeah! See the Light! 14

I never had a damn clue what it was myself either until a mate of mine who is a die hard Def Leppard fan told me one day.  We were talking about the intro to Rocket where the lyrics are backwards when it says "We are fighting the gods of war" - backwards.  Then he told me that other bit of info about the chorus.

 Rep: 1 

Re: Misunderstood Lyrics

Neemo wrote:

another GnR one was "dont watch that much TV" from OIAM....i couldnt for the life of me figure it out

I didnt understnad that line either until about 3 weeks ago when I randomly happened to look at the lyrics. I just used to mumble along anything when singing along to it lol

 Rep: 205 

Re: Misunderstood Lyrics

PaSnow wrote:

Saw Creed mentioned in the overrated thread & I remembered this one: The song from the first album "What's this life for", I always thought he yelled "Got a Wookie, Wookie, Wookie" at the end (Wookie as in Chewbacca). It was years later I learned it was actually "One king" or something.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Misunderstood Lyrics

Aussie wrote:

Well by now I assume most people have probably already seen this from Bulgarian Idol - but if you haven't it is piss funny!!!

 Rep: 13 

Re: Misunderstood Lyrics

Mike wrote:

When I first heard "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC, I thought the first line was "It ain't easy, living free. She's a Ni**er on a one way ride." But instead it's "It ain't easy, living free. Season ticket on a one way ride."

 Rep: 57 

Re: Misunderstood Lyrics

supaplex wrote:

i can only remember one for now

in breakdown, at the end where it goes: "There goes the challenger being chased By the blue blue meanies on wheels" i thought it went "by the true true weanies on wheels" 3

 Rep: 221 

Re: Misunderstood Lyrics

polluxlm wrote:

I could never figure out the chorus in Gimme Shelter.

Surprising to say the least when I found it was "rape, murder, it's just a shot away".

Generally, if I haven't read the booklet, I have no idea what people are saying in songs. Not even when it's my native language.

Lyrics are just syllables to me.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Misunderstood Lyrics

PaSnow wrote:

^^ Is that true (rape, murder)?? I never knew that. If it's the part I was thinking about I thougt it was "heyyyy Gimmie, it's just a shout away".

Also, 1 from a few years ago. I don't remember the band, they are a pop/rock band, had a song where it sounded like he sang "Fuck me like that". It was pretty popular & I was always surprised radio stationns were playing it. Later I found out it was "If I could be like that". Although, I think they knew it came close to saying Fuck, henece part of the catchiness of the song.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Misunderstood Lyrics

polluxlm wrote:

Actually there's 3 variants to the chorus. The first two are "war, children, it's just a shot away". Then it becomes "rape, murder, it's just a shot away" until it morphs into "love, sister, it's just a kiss away" at the end.

Fantastic song.

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