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 Rep: 661 

Re: Axl Rose's Religion

monkeychow wrote:

I would be curious to know more about his motivation for things in general as they may not always be what we'd assume.  For example he might wear a cross for some reason we don't know - maybe that he related to the persecution of jesus even if he didn't believe in jesus in a religious sense or something like that. You never know. I will say from his lyrics and interviews I think Axl is a fascinating person...he has such a unique perspective and choice of phrase.

Re: Axl Rose's Religion

Lomax wrote:
Bro-mero wrote:

A religious belief is much more significant than toiltet paper. And if your against the discussion of it, then you shouldn't written on thzis topic from the start

Cool opinion bro on both accounts.

Now back on topic.

Axl is a New Agey type.

 Rep: 70 

Re: Axl Rose's Religion

From what I've seen it sounds like Axl has a combination of different spiritual beliefs. I saw him taking elements of Buddhism and Christianity. While exploring different other areas of spirituality and psychological studies. He seems to be more at peace with himself as a person and at peace with the life he has now and what's happened in the past. Back in 2008/2009, he looked stressed as fuck due to Chinese Democracy coming out and the reaction from the public; but now he seems to be having the time of his life. Then all the media and Slash is a cancer didn't help either. (Abu Dhabi breakdown too) Now he sounds like he's starting to back off and look more fondly on the old days and looking towards the future of Guns. Which he should be doing now in his age.

Re: Axl Rose's Religion

Sky Dog wrote:
Riad wrote:
Bro-mero wrote:

A religious belief is much more significant than toiltet paper. And if your against the discussion of it, then you shouldn't written on thzis topic from the start

Cool opinion bro on both accounts.

Now back on topic.

Axl is a New Agey type.

Axl's nuts....that's my opinion. Cool?:haha:

Re: Axl Rose's Religion

Lomax wrote:
madagas wrote:
Riad wrote:
Bro-mero wrote:

A religious belief is much more significant than toiltet paper. And if your against the discussion of it, then you shouldn't written on thzis topic from the start

Cool opinion bro on both accounts.

Now back on topic.

Axl is a New Agey type.

Axl's nuts....that's my opinion. Cool?:haha:

Agreed in fact.

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