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 Rep: 386 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bono wrote:
Bro-mero wrote:

Chronicle reminds me a lot like Napoleon Dynamite in the sense that they both seem to be low budget films (actors, camera quality, etc.) but both have had rave fan reviews. I Like both movies a lot! Chronicle does leave you thinking about the movie in the same way as Inception did

I just saw Chronicle tonight and I thought it was pretty cool. I gotta be honest though and say I don't even remotely see any similarities between the way Napoleon Dynamite and this were filmed.  Napoleon Dynamite was filemd like a movie, this was filmed home movie style ala Blair Witch project for most of it.  And again to be honest the movie didn't leave me thinking the way Inception did even in the slightest. I won't post any spoilers but I can't even begin to think where you might have drawn that comparison because to me it simple doent' exist at all.

Depsite it being a shade under 90 minutes it was pretty cool and definitely worth viewing I thought. As for the last 20 minutes Russ..... meh It kinda degenerated in a  typical Super hero movie kinda way but I wont' post spoilers though you guys can check it out for yourself.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:
slashsfro wrote:

Haywire.  Pretty good movie.  It's more style over substance which I can understand since Soderbergh cast a non actress in the lead role.  Really nice 70s soundtrack vibe in the film.

I wish the film were a bit longer as I found the second half of the film weaker than the first half.

One negative--Channing Tatum.  This fucker can't act.  He bored the shit out of me in all his scenes.  They would have been better off giving off most of his screen time to anyone else.

The showed the 21 Jump Street trailer before this film and it was fucking horrible.

Haha, no shit. I can't for the life of me understand how Tatum gets work. He's in some new "Notebook"-like romantic drama with Rachel McAdams, which they are advertising with all this "performance of a lifetime" bullshit, and I can't help but to laugh my ass off.

Channing Tatum could be given Jake LaMotta in "Raging Bull" and he'd fuck it up beyond any recognition.

And yes, the 21 Jump Street trailer looks horrendous. There is nothing that even looks remotely appealing about that film, and this is coming from a fan of the original TV series.

The original Jump St. series, could have it's "moments". Where it was just full blown campy, and over-acted. You'd of never thought Depp would've been the superstar he became.

But next to that trailer... the original Jump St. looks like the fuckin' Sopranos.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

misterID wrote:

Just watched DRIVE and Straw Dogs.

I thought they were really good. Especially Drive. It had a cool, early 1980's, Michael Mann vibe to it. When you hear the music and the credit font you'll know what I'm talking about.

Straw Dogs really surprised me with how good it was.

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

johndivney wrote:

i thought Drive was p terrible. there was hardly any driving in it at all. the violence was really the only thing it brought new to the table.

not a patch on the likes of Two Lane Blacktop or Vanishing Point.

the last fil i watched was Serenity, the film of the tv show Firefly. it was alright. good sci-fi. i tried to watch it one time before just randomly w/o know about Firefly & fell asleep. i watched Firefly recently & it was a good show & then the film made sense.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:
misterID wrote:

Just watched DRIVE and Straw Dogs.

I thought they were really good. Especially Drive. It had a cool, early 1980's, Michael Mann vibe to it. When you hear the music and the credit font you'll know what I'm talking about.

Straw Dogs really surprised me with how good it was.

Then i've gotta break my fuckin' neck to see it.

I LOVE vintage Michael Mann. I haven't seen the film, but heard the soundtrack to Drive and instantly fell in love.

I queued it on Netflix, it was supposed to be here today. No dice.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

Finally saw Drive.

And not a shock.


Might be one of the best movies i've seen in years. Damn near perfect film. And yeah for people going into it thinking they are getting a new Vanishing Point, are gonna be disappointed. In alot of ways the film came across as a spaghetti western, but told in a modern neo-noir platform. The cast was fantastic, especially Albert Brooks & Bryan Cranston.

And yes you're right ID, if you love stuff like Thief or Miami Vice, you'll love Drive.

I LOVVEDD the soundtrack too. Great great film.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

James wrote:

ID, original Straw Dogs or the remake?

 Rep: 386 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bono wrote:

I saw Goon last night. It was ok. It had some funny moments and yet the premise of it was so damn stupid even for a movie like this. It tried real hard to be like Slap Shot(which I've never liked anyways) with the characters and all.  The end fight scene was so far beyond belief that it sucked.

Anyways I think it could've been much better and much more funny had it been a little more realistic. Truth is if you can't skate you can't fight. I could kick the shit out of the toughest dude around IF his skating ability was equal to that of Sean William Scott's character so that made the whole idea of it stupid.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

misterID wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

ID, original Straw Dogs or the remake?

Damn, just caught this.

It was the remake. I was really impressed with it. I love the original and wasn't expecting anything great. James Marsden was very good.

I swear I've known people like those rednecks in the movie.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

PaSnow wrote:

Rise of the Planet of the Apes.  Pretty bad, didn't fit into the POTA theme, they were biomedially engineered, not from the future?!  Seen this concept a thousand times before, not sure why they consider it a Planet of the Apes legacy, it wasn't.  And it dragged on with a very predictable storyline.

Saw the latest Star Trek from a year or two ago as well, I thought that was really good. Which I suppose is why I was let down by Apes.

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