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 Rep: 485 

Re: Has a Song ever made you cry? which one, when and why?

Neemo wrote:

I've cried twice because of a song

Goo Goo Dolls - Iris - My Wife (then GF) and i got into our first argument cuz of something i cant recall right now....but anyway we had just finally saw eye to eye on the issue and i had to go to work on nights, and at the time we were just starting to date and she was on opposite shifts and we hadnt seen each other in 2 weeks...and i so obviously I didnt wanna go, then this song came on the radio and the emotions were still fresh

STP - A Song for Sleeping - Its a tune about Scott's Son Noah and i just felt on exactly the same page as him when i heard this song just after my first daughter was born..again emotions were fresh and high and the tears started

Re: Has a Song ever made you cry? which one, when and why?

HAHA there is probably to many to list :wtf:

 Rep: 205 

Re: Has a Song ever made you cry? which one, when and why?

PaSnow wrote:

I wouldn't say a song 'itself' made me cry, but more the timing of hearing it. A few years ago I had car problems (as well as other problems) and was driving my Mom's car around. I realized she had a CD player in the car (i think they were in a 6 disc in the trunk) so I put one on at random. It was Willie Nelson. I listened and realized how talented he really is. Then "Always on my mind" came on, just kinda hit me. Elvis does a powerful rendition of that song as well.

Another time was just a few months ago I had an uncle pass away. He was pretty young, and made a pretty big impact on me. He had a log cabin up the mountains, which he built himself, being a carpenter, and occasionally would have music on or cassette tapes while barbequeing & having a beer. So it was cool for me to see an adult listen to The Who, or goto a Stones concert etc as my parents are a bit older. One time, more recently, we were drinking a beer, goofing around playing darts and had Lynyrd Skynyrd on. I always remember that for some reason. On the day of his funeral, it was a Tuesday (October 30th, mischief night coincidentally enough, as he was a bit of a badass). I was off from work, woke up early and drank a coffee, which was a daily routine of his, and downloaded Skynyrd's "Tuesdays Gone" & listened to it over & over. God I still miss him, I just got a tingle all over again typing this stuff out.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Has a Song ever made you cry? which one, when and why?

James wrote:

Neil Young- My My Hey Hey
Neil Young- Philadelphia
Buckethead- Padmasana
Fleetwood Mac- As Long As You Follow
GNR- The Blues

 Rep: 221 

Re: Has a Song ever made you cry? which one, when and why?

polluxlm wrote:

Alice In Chains - Nutshell
GNR - The Blues
GNR - November Rain
Neil Young - Out On The Weekend
Jeff Buckley - Last Goodbye

 Rep: 88 

Re: Has a Song ever made you cry? which one, when and why?

Gunslinger wrote:

Alice in Chains - Nutshell
GNR - Estranged
Sting - Fields of Gold

 Rep: 1 

Re: Has a Song ever made you cry? which one, when and why?

GNR Estranged, Dont Cry, November Rain, Patience, The Blues, Coma
Skid Row Wasted Time (I cant even listen to this one anymore, which is a shame)
Jeff Buckley Hallelujah
Don McLean Vincent

I think it was either the timing of the songs or links they have to certain times that werent that great and people ive grown apart from who really meant something to me. I dont cry everytime I listen to those songs though.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: Has a Song ever made you cry? which one, when and why?

Axl S wrote:

I've never really cried because of a song, more just one comes on when I'm already on the verge of crying because I feel like shit. But not really. I rarely cry or get upset, I just get angry now.

 Rep: 22 

Re: Has a Song ever made you cry? which one, when and why?

Sailing by Rod Stewart.

I always sat in between two countries.
And for over 20 years, i had to take the ferry to go from one to another.
I'd go out on the deck, and watch the shores of one disappear and cry.
Especially when i lived in london, i was leaving all my friends behind.

So when this song comes on, it reminds me how difficult it is to have a soul somewhat split in the middle of the ocean.

chi mi morbheanna ( scottish folk song in gaelic)

Again, about leaving.

Si seulement je pouvais lui manquer by Calogero
( If only he could miss me)

It's in french but here is what it says :

It would only take
A call
A call
Where does my life come from
Not the sky

Tell him about my childhood
His absence
Every day
How to break the silence
About him ?

So true from afar
I talk to him
I learn alone
To fight
So true i don't stop
To think about it
If only
He could miss me

Is he going to be send me a sign
Lacking love
Is not a crime
I have only one prayer for him
If only
He could miss me

If will just tell you
Apart from this
All is well
Apart from a father
I am not missing a thing
I live in another world
I hang on every day
I will break the silence
Around me.

So true from afar
I talk to him
I learn alone
To fight
So true i don't stop
To think about it
If only
He could miss me

Is he going to be send me a sign
Lacking love
Is not a crime
I have only one prayer for him
If only
He could miss me

Re: Has a Song ever made you cry? which one, when and why?

AtariLegend wrote:
Axl S wrote:

I rarely cry or get upset, I just get angry now.

Thats how I feel when I listen to "Another Brick In The Wall Part III".

I have got upset in the past while listening to "The Final Cut" album by Pink Floyd, the whole hollowness I felt come on, when I was upset.

Never for Guns N' Roses, although some songs ala "Estranged", "The Blues" can emote emotions/feelings in me.

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