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Re: *FALSE* "The Collective's" unofficial statement regarding C.D.

Sky Dog wrote:

No offense Russ (an Elvis man is a good man).....but Beta may be a little closer to the fire than some of Russ' lower level buddies at Uni. Unless he is emailing Jimmy Iovine, I simply don't think his contacts have a clue what could possibly be going on. They will find out a release date when we do. 15

 Rep: 633 

Re: *FALSE* "The Collective's" unofficial statement regarding C.D.

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 0 

Re: *FALSE* "The Collective's" unofficial statement regarding C.D.

echrisl wrote:

Another point about the reliability of lower level contacts ... they have no personal stake in what they're reporting, unlike higher ups or people in/close to the band.  Just saying ...

 Rep: 633 

Re: *FALSE* "The Collective's" unofficial statement regarding C.D.

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 0 

Re: *FALSE* "The Collective's" unofficial statement regarding C.D.

echrisl wrote:
russtcb wrote:
echrisl wrote:

Another point about the reliability of lower level contacts ... they have no personal stake in what they're reporting, unlike higher ups or people in/close to the band.  Just saying ...

I'm not sure where the idea came from that I know "lower level" people came from, but that's not exactly the case. As madagas said, it's not Jimmy Iovine or anyone like that, but it's not just some person who puts up posters at record store.

As for their "personal stake" the person I talk to is extremely loyal to artists, labels and the industry as a whole. They check into these things for me because they know how much it means to me. They also know that I'd rather separate fact from fiction ASAP so I don't keep a bunch of false hopes up for no reason.

Obviously you're welcome to believe who and whatever you want to. There are more then a few people in this community who can vouch for the fact that any info I pass along is strictly with the idea that it may help others as well.

I meant to imply that with no personal bias they have no reason to give anything less than reliable information.  As far as lower level, I just used the term that the previous poster did.  Never meant to imply anything negative about your contacts or their information, actually I meant quite the opposite, in fact.

 Rep: 633 

Re: *FALSE* "The Collective's" unofficial statement regarding C.D.

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 287 

Re: *FALSE* "The Collective's" unofficial statement regarding C.D.

Aussie wrote:

I think the GN'R camp want us to believe that the record company has the CD and that it's now totally their fault that CD is not out yet and has nothing to do with GN'R.

They wish to try and deflect the heat and critiscism away from themselves again and since there are few scapegoats left - "the big greedy, nasty record company" has been put in the cross hairs, thru a subtle campagin of snippets of partial information and misinofrmation.  From Beta's comment to Classic Rock about the album being finished- "everybody knows that", to heresay from Eddie Trunk and other questionable or unreliable sources - Axl's negotiating for more money or they are diagreeing on the size of the marketing budget, or GN'R are shopping the album around with other labels, or GN'R have been dropped by the label.

Keeping everyone in the dark means it's hard to know who exactly to point the finger at.  But after 15 damn years it's pretty obvious that there has only been one constant in all this stupidity

 Rep: 633 

Re: *FALSE* "The Collective's" unofficial statement regarding C.D.

RussTCB wrote:


Re: *FALSE* "The Collective's" unofficial statement regarding C.D.

Sky Dog wrote:

Just for the record, I still put the release of the record on Axl.....14 years should have been enough to tie up the details.:haha:

I am not saying lower level to discredit anything....I am only saying lower level to describe their separation from the upper crust inner circle-Jimmy Iovine's immediate circle. That is where anything going on with the band will occur. It will not be public knowledge throughout the company. However, at the pace this record has gone, it certainly doesn't suprise me that the label won't hear from the band for months. 17 The magical mystery tour continues on with no end in sight.:flame:

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: *FALSE* "The Collective's" unofficial statement regarding C.D.

Axl S wrote:
DoubleTalkingJive wrote:

Good job Russ, Thanks!

I thought they were in negotiations according to Beta  10

Well in 2002 we thought the album was finsihed:ummm:

I don't believe a word the GN'R camps says anymore.

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