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 Rep: 661 

Re: (Merch store now open, SALE!)

monkeychow wrote:

THought i'd share the combination of stuff that made it out to Australia:


It's the new logo on a bandana and cloth patch...the old logo on a belt buckle...and a retro t-shirt. I actually owned this shirt back in 1991 and wore it till it fell appart... so it was kinda a blast to have it back...although interestingly the paint on the top is sort of distressed...makes me wonder if they make them to look old now.....

Anyway...thought it was an interesting mix of old band and new band themed merch in light of the talk in this thread...

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: (Merch store now open, SALE!)

Smoking Guns wrote:

I got that same shirt.

 Rep: 281 

Re: (Merch store now open, SALE!)

faldor wrote:

I got the same package.  I like the shirt, and didn't own it prior, so it's good with me.  Can't wait for the new shirt though, whenever that may come.  I have a feeling we could be waiting awhile.

 Rep: 633 

Re: (Merch store now open, SALE!)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 768 

Re: (Merch store now open, SALE!)

Axlin16 wrote:

I've had that shirt for YEARS.

Always loved it, and wore it until it actually looked distressed. Still love it.

I think it's because it has such 1991-vibe on it... primo era.

Still lame tho that the fan package basically is just "junk" they are trying to get rid of. The bandana and the patch is one thing, but the shirt (which is cooler than the AFD shirt, is still a throwback '91 design), and that belt buckle is WAYYYYYYYY OLD.

There was a CD-themed belt buckle at the show I attended in 2011, and it was far newer than that old Guns deal up there. I guess they don't want to give them away or something.

 Rep: 664 

Re: (Merch store now open, SALE!)

James wrote:

Been said a trillion times, but it's time to bring this shindig to the 21st century. Like the other old timers, I had all that crap when I was a teenager. I'm not a teen anymore and I would NEVER wear that again. Only GNR shirt I wear anymore is the Hammerstein shirt DTJ bought me at that first show. When that wears out or gets cigarette burn holes in it, I'm putting it out to pasture.

My fandom has reached the point where I even regret my basic GNR tattoo. Waited forever for a killer CD era logo to put underneath it but it never happened. Used to think about getting that barb wire skull logo from 91 but wouldn't do that now.

Is it REALLY that hard to move on, even logo wise??

 Rep: 475 

Re: (Merch store now open, SALE!)

misterID wrote:

That belt buckle is hilarious. 16

 Rep: 423 

Re: (Merch store now open, SALE!)

buzzsaw wrote:

I kinda like the shirt with the American flag.  I'm guessing they will start popping up on ebay soon.

 Rep: 768 

Re: (Merch store now open, SALE!)

Axlin16 wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Been said a trillion times, but it's time to bring this shindig to the 21st century. Like the other old timers, I had all that crap when I was a teenager. I'm not a teen anymore and I would NEVER wear that again. Only GNR shirt I wear anymore is the Hammerstein shirt DTJ bought me at that first show. When that wears out or gets cigarette burn holes in it, I'm putting it out to pasture.

My fandom has reached the point where I even regret my basic GNR tattoo. Waited forever for a killer CD era logo to put underneath it but it never happened. Used to think about getting that barb wire skull logo from 91 but wouldn't do that now.

Is it REALLY that hard to move on, even logo wise??

From Axl's perspective and business-wise... I think so. The older shirts sell well. Bottom line. The casual, newbie fans just discovering the band still want those throwback AFD and bullet-logo shirts for happy revisionism.

Diehards want new designs that represent GN'R as it's own beast. If you were some new Motley Crue fan, you gonna want that cocaine "Dr. Feelgood" shirt, or are you want some sort of "Saints of LA" shirt?

Obviously the throwback Feelgood shirt. I think Axl's in the same position, PLUS disorganization because the hedge-trimming crew is managing the band, plus legal issues. What legal issues? Well look at the 2006 pistol n' roses fiasco. They went out there and pushed all of this pistol n' roses, 1986-Strip GN'R meets G&R 2002 design, and then Slash files a lawsuit claiming ownership over the design or whatever the fuck.

So basically the old stuff still sells the best, but Axl gets less of a cut. "So make new stuff". Not enough want it.

He's stuck. But at the same time, as someone who went to a 2011 NA show, there are TONNNS of new GN'R merch related to the current look and band. They just aren't selling it on the website for whatever reason.

 Rep: 633 

Re: (Merch store now open, SALE!)

RussTCB wrote:


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