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 Rep: 231 

Re: Guns N Roses Requst 20 Models For Front Row Of Glasgow Concert

-D- wrote:

for the record. nothing lame about banging 20 year olds... BUT if u have to pay for them to come... that sorta is

 Rep: 661 

Re: Guns N Roses Requst 20 Models For Front Row Of Glasgow Concert

monkeychow wrote:

On a lighter note and mostly unrelated of my friends just sent this meme to his girlfriend...she wrote back asking if he's a pedophile (hence my bringing it up here lol)....but I'd say he's going to be looking for a new woman soon if he doesn't get more


Made me laugh anyway!

 Rep: 287 

Re: Guns N Roses Requst 20 Models For Front Row Of Glasgow Concert

Aussie wrote:

Ha classic!  Why do some girls think just coz a guy likes to see a nice smooth VW Bonnet that they have pedo tendancies.

Personally either fully shaven or with just a little landing strip I like the best. I don't like having to pull hair out of my teeth or feel like I need a chainsaw just to get a look at the butchers shop.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Guns N Roses Requst 20 Models For Front Row Of Glasgow Concert

faldor wrote:

Just saw this posted over on HTGTH.  Thought it was appropriate.

 Rep: 6 

Re: Guns N Roses Requst 20 Models For Front Row Of Glasgow Concert

JordanRose wrote:
Aussie wrote:

Personally I don't care if they do this, even if they fuck them. It does seem a little lame tho.

Also the way I read Ron's comments saying "the band" didn't request this, I read to mean the band as a collective didn't, it doesn't mean an individual from the band didn't. I read it this way because he wrote the band in inverted comments and then went on to give the example of Axl being late saying he's waiting too. In other words "the band" isn't responsible for the late starts either.

Anyhow, just my read on it. As I said I don't really care outside of the fact it's pretty lame.

That said it wouldn't surprise me if it was actually Del and/or Fernando either.

I totally read it that way too, as in 'the band' doesn't include Axl. So far, Ron's been the only one with the balls to call Axl's shit publically and I think this was probably something that pissed him off enouhg to bring it up.I think practically the whole band have wives/gfs/kids and the article makes it sounds like they're all hanging out with teens in the jacuzzi after the show.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Guns N Roses Requst 20 Models For Front Row Of Glasgow Concert

Bono wrote:
Aussie wrote:
Bono wrote:

If Bono were single and to be messing around with someone the age of Selena Gomez I'd find that incredibly lame.

19  16

16 yes I've seen those before. Those pictures also came with rumors he was fucking around which were completely ridiculous.  If he was though I'd have no respect for that. I think cheating is a  douche move no matter who you are.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Guns N Roses Requst 20 Models For Front Row Of Glasgow Concert

Bono wrote:
misterID wrote:

Shut up with that whiney "Axl is your hero" bullshit. Bromero said Axl was a "boderline pedophile" (that he subsequently REMOVED, along with his entire post) which is completely fucking stupid. I gave an example as to others who have actually "crossed a line" which Bromero said Axl had done. I don't care what the age difference is with consenting adults. Sorry, but I don't, just like I don't care if a young guy is going after a milf/cougar.

You're such a  whiner. Bro-mero wsn't even remotely saying Axl was a pedophile. Learn to understand the context of things being said. All you do is run to Axl's defense non stop no matter what's being said. The fact you instantly jumped to bro-mero calling Axl a  pedophile as a matter of fact speaks volumes to your complete lack of ability to comprjend what was being said and it also displays your insane attachment to Axl and how personal you take things directed his way.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Guns N Roses Requst 20 Models For Front Row Of Glasgow Concert

Bono wrote:
Bro-mero wrote:

I did call Axl a BORDERLINE pedophile. And I explained my reasoning in a latter post by saying that it's disturbing for me to see my idol possibly banging a chick 31 years younger than himself. I don't care if other rockers did the same, my opinion still stays the same. It's still disturbing. Everyone's moral standards on life are different. I am well aware that the actual definition of a pedophile is someone who molests anatomically undeveloped children, and that's not what I was trying to portray Axl as. When I called Axl a borderline pedophile, I obviouslly did not mean he was molesting a 5 year old. If u can't figure that out then that's your problem, not mine.

If you had a 19 year old daughter and she was hooking up with 50 year old men, I guarantee You would have a problem with it as well

how did you put it misterID?..... Oh SNAP! Bro-mero nailed it. If you didn't comprehend what he was saying that's your own fault.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Guns N Roses Requst 20 Models For Front Row Of Glasgow Concert

Aussie wrote:
JordanRose wrote:

the article makes it sounds like they're all hanging out with teens in the jacuzzi after the show.



Not all - just Axl & Tommy. 14

 Rep: 661 

Re: Guns N Roses Requst 20 Models For Front Row Of Glasgow Concert

monkeychow wrote:

Well I admit I took the bait..not so much because it was a post against Axl or because I thought he really thinks axl is a pedophile but just because I don't like it in general when people minimise pedophillia by confusing it with other socially unacceptable stuff.

As for the ethics and so on.

To me it's notable these girls are hired to be eye candy at the one is saying they're up for long term dating or for that matter even any real physical stuff (although I'll grant in rock it's always on the cards lol)

it's socially unacceptable....then again I also think Bro-mero happens to be one of the younger users of the board Correct? I'll be interested to see what he thinks about it when he's in his late 40s.....;) wink

Cos at 25 I thought people who were 35 were old you know what I mean.

I suspect at 45 girls who are 25 are still hot...but then I'm a pervert by nature wink

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