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 Rep: 70 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Yeah I wanted to see that as well. I'm hoping to see The Avengers! If  I love it and if any friends come join me, then I may see it a few more times too.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bono wrote:

saw The Avengers tonight. I thought it was really good although I got slightly bored and annoyed with the excessive action sequence at the end of the movie. It was like 45-60 mins long and it got a little bloated. 

Hidden Text:

I mean seriously with all that destruction going on they are worrying about civilians trapped in a  bus? Gimme a break. Also Black Widow jumping up off Cpt. America's shield to grab a  flying space ship.... lame

Action scenes typically ruin movies for me BUT the quality of the characters in this movie held it together. Hulk had two pretty hilarious moments.  Thor and Hulk were my favorites. Mark Ruffalo was aboslutely perfect as Bruce Banner in my opinion. Better than Ed Norton.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Smoking Guns wrote:

Saw avengers today. Absolutely loved it.

If GNR were the Avengers,
Izzy captain America
Duff, Thor
Slash, iron man
Axl, hulk
Adler could be the bow and arrow guy, lol

Killer move, "hulk, Smash!"

 Rep: 53 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

slashsfro wrote:
Bono wrote:

saw The Avengers tonight. I thought it was really good although I got slightly bored and annoyed with the excessive action sequence at the end of the movie. It was like 45-60 mins long and it got a little bloated. 

Hidden Text:

I mean seriously with all that destruction going on they are worrying about civilians trapped in a  bus? Gimme a break. Also Black Widow jumping up off Cpt. America's shield to grab a  flying space ship.... lame

Action scenes typically ruin movies for me BUT the quality of the characters in this movie held it together. Hulk had two pretty hilarious moments.  Thor and Hulk were my favorites. Mark Ruffalo was aboslutely perfect as Bruce Banner in my opinion. Better than Ed Norton.

I liked it less than you did but I have some of the same sentiments.  Ruffalo brought a different dimension to the Banner character.  I fell asleep when I watched the Norton version a few years ago.

Agree on the finishing acting sequence being somewhat irrelevant,  the one in the middle was far better.  The ending one just seemed tacked on.

I found Hawkeye and Black Widow pretty underdeveloped as characters and as a result they bored me.


Hidden Text:

What exactly is Black Widow's special power or ability?  They never exactly went over that in the film.

I found the main villan to be kind of weak as well.  I think the acting of the main characters carries this film.  Let's put it this way, if they had crappier actors in the roles, I'd hate this film.

 Rep: 70 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

That's to good to hear. I'm actually looking forward to seeing that film sometime soon. Saw The Avengers last night and it was quite amazing! I haven't enjoyed a film like that in awhile. The acting and special effects were great and now I don't have to block Avengers spoilers from the social networking sites anymore lol.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

tejastech08 wrote:
Bono wrote:

saw The Avengers tonight. I thought it was really good although I got slightly bored and annoyed with the excessive action sequence at the end of the movie. It was like 45-60 mins long and it got a little bloated. 

Hidden Text:

I mean seriously with all that destruction going on they are worrying about civilians trapped in a  bus? Gimme a break. Also Black Widow jumping up off Cpt. America's shield to grab a  flying space ship.... lame

Action scenes typically ruin movies for me BUT the quality of the characters in this movie held it together. Hulk had two pretty hilarious moments.  Thor and Hulk were my favorites. Mark Ruffalo was aboslutely perfect as Bruce Banner in my opinion. Better than Ed Norton.

Honestly, the first 10 minutes bored the hell out of me. It starts off with some weird Skeletor guy spouting off exposition in outer space. Reminded me a lot of a Transformers type of opening scene. Then it's followed by an action scene with a bunch of characters I don't care about. I came to the movie for Iron Man, Hulk, and Captain America. None of them are in the opening scene, thus I didn't give a shit about it.

However, and this is a big however, I loved the rest of the movie. The tension between the superheros was great during the first half of the movie. Also loved the dialogue. Hilarious back and forth between numerous characters. The absolute, hands down best thing about this movie was the Hulk. He completely stole the show. 9

 Rep: 70 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

That's cool. Have fun with it.  I actually have fond memories of the second film even though it has a ton of flaws because that and Spiderman were the first PG-13 films I saw in theaters with family. Of course the first one is a classic and a great film!

 Rep: 386 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bono wrote:
russtcb wrote:

Saw MiB3 last night and it was FAR better than I was expecting.

I was actually surprised how good it was as well. Pretty entertaining and I really liked the "twist" at the end.

russtcb wrote:

I may actually go see MiB3 again in the theaters. I'm still surprised by how much I liked it.

Having said that there's no way it was good enough for me to go see again in theatres.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

I actually never got the fan fare behind Men In Black. Sure I thought Tommy Lee Jones & Will Smith were great together, and the original had it's charm (and Linda Florentino was a FUCKING BABE, whatever happened to her? God-damn)

But the second one blew chimp, and the whole modern gimmicky sci-fi thing just seemed to be oversold by fans. In my mind, no way should anybody ever "love" a Men In Black film.

Either way i'm curious to see #3 just for completist's sake, plus Josh Brolin looked great in Jones' suit.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bono wrote:

I don't think I ever saw MIB2. To be honest I never even really liked MIB all that much. I just went to the matinee of MIB3 on the weekend by myself and was surprised that it was actually pretty decent and like I said really good ending I thought. By no means do I LOVE any of the MIB movies.   Mostly I went to see it because Snow White, Ted, Spider-Man, Dark Knight aren't out yet and I had already seen the Avengers haha. They reelased it at the right time 16 I did like it thought but like you Axlin I'd have a hard time taking anyone who said they LOVE MIB seriously.

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