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 Rep: 150 

Re: Mike Monroe reminisces on time with Guns

sic. wrote:

Hanoi Rocks vocalist Mike Monroe was recently interviewed to a Finnish magazine, Seura. In the interview, he touched base the ever-present subject of HR drummer Razzle and his unfortunate death in '84, along with the recent patch-up with lead guitarist Andy McCoy and the reformation of Hanoi. He also shared some stories about his solo years, when he was most directly affiliated to Guns.

Looking back, Monroe feels that sharing the stage with Guns N' Roses and Ronnie Wood at Milton Keynes, UK (05/30/93) was one of the finest hours of his solo career.

"I was in Finland to attend my grandmother's funeral. Suddenly Slash calls me, asking me to come over to London and record a single for the film soundtrack of Coneheads [The song was a Steppenwolf cover, Magic Carpet Ride]. GNR was throwing a gig at Milton Keynes at the time, so I ended up playing a 5-10 minute solo to Knockin' on Heaven's Door. Axl just quipped me with "Have fun, Mike!" It was a lot of fun, as was the long talk I got to have with Ronnie afterwards."

- Seura (in Finnish)

I bumped into Mike Monroe a few weeks ago, no big surprise as we live in the same city. Still deceptively skinny, heavy on eyeliner and wearing a leather jacket spiky enough to suit any biker, Mike caught my eye with those pitch-black ear muffs.

Better cool than chilly! 9

 Rep: 88 

Re: Mike Monroe reminisces on time with Guns

Gunslinger wrote:

I think Michael Monroe has one of the best rock vocals in the history of rock...period!  I'm serious.  It's not an Axl or Sebastian type of power in his pipes but a good "bar-sleazy" raw sound that just works perfectly for the type of music we all love.  I don't know much about Hanoi Rocks but he had a couple of solo albums that kicked ass.  "Not Fakin It" is a MUST for anyone who loves good rock n' roll.  The version he and Slash did of Magic Carpet Ride on the Coneheads soundtrack kicks some major ass and Ain't It Fun (imo) is far and away the best song off of TSI.  Michael fucking ROCKS!!

 Rep: 1 

Re: Mike Monroe reminisces on time with Guns

I agree. His voice just gives the (already great) music that extra bit of sleaze that i love!
I think Hanoi Rocks are pretty underated, especially if you consider the influence they have had on alot of other bands.
I was meant to go and see them tonight but my lift backed out on me last minute, leaving me no time to sprt out another way to get there sad

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