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Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

johndivney wrote:

Re: avengers, I also didn't have a clue what was happening @ the start. I hated the whole thing. Superhero/comic book films just aren't for me. I'll prob not even go see the new batman now. @ yea it's easily the best hulk film but even still so fuck..

only way I'd go see MiB3 os if someone held a gun to my head.
roll on prometheus.

 Rep: 70 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Prometheus does look quite promising. TDKR is going to be mind blowing! After watching the third trailer, I'm sold on Bane as the villain.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bono wrote:

Prometheus looks intense. To be honest I'm not overly excited for the Batman movie. I don't know why it jsut doesn't look all that great to me and I really don't like Anne Hathaway. I actually think the new Spider-Man trailer looks great.

Right now though I'm just pumped for Snow White. Got my tickets for the Friday matinee already.

How about Charlize Theron. Snow White opens this Friday and Prometheus next Friday. nota  bad little run for her.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

I'm excited for TDKR, but I can honestly say "not as excited" as I was for TDK.

But still VERY excited. Definitely the film to see of 2012.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bono wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

I'm excited for TDKR, but I can honestly say "not as excited" as I was for TDK.

But still VERY excited. Definitely the film to see of 2012.

Meh. the film to see of 2012 is going to be The Hobbit.

Apparently Prometheus is getting some early pre release luke warm reviews. On the other hand Snow White is getting good reviews. My buddy who won tickets to an early showing of it tonight said he thought it was awesome and asked if I still wanted to see it Friday night cause he'd go again. I've got tickets for the matinee already though.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

The Hobbit? Is that the fan in you, or do you really believe that?

Peter Jackson is so 2003. The dude has did literally nothing.

"You mean like James Cameron after Titanic?"

Okay i'll shut up. 16

 Rep: 194 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

tejastech08 wrote:

Personally I think they are holding back big time with the footage for TDKR. It doesn't feel like they're giving away every single great bit of footage like they did with TDK. You know why? Because they don't need to this time around. Batman Begins wasn't a huge box office hit, but had good word of mouth. They wanted TDK to be as successful as possible, so they literally crammed every bit of kickass one liners from the Joker into the marketing, not to mention most of the action money shots were already shown. Nolan is notorious for wanting to keep things secret. He has way more control over this movie than he did with TDK or Inception's marketing. Inception was a big risk for the studio, so ultimately they wound up showing a ton of visual money shots for that film's marketing just like with TDK. This time it feels a lot like they're holding back.

The strength of Nolan's career has been great endings. Following, Memento, Batman Begins, The Prestige, The Dark Knight, Inception. Every damn one of them has a great ending. And now he has a chance to not only end a particular movie, but an entire trilogy. Knowing his history, we can expect something great. Hopefully he pulls it off.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bono wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

The Hobbit? Is that the fan in you, or do you really believe that?

Peter Jackson is so 2003. The dude has did literally nothing.

"You mean like James Cameron after Titanic?"

Okay i'll shut up. 16

16 you have got to be shitting me. Am I correct in sensing a ton of sarcasm on your part? Seriously the LOTR trilogy was massive and the popularity of those books including the Hobbt have not diminished. All 3 LOTR movies could've easily won Oscars for best picture(Return of the King did). Given the technology advances  since then the Hobbit is going to not only look incredible we know from the LOTR movies that Jackson will do the book absolute justice and the acting will no doubt be top notch.

Honestly I'd put my money on The Hobbit crushing the box office. It'll be the biggest money maker of 2012(even though it's  earnings will roll into 2013). It's got a huge fanbase based on the all time classic book, it's got a huge fanbase that came with the LOTR movies and it'll get a whole new generation of fans who's parents will want to take them.

the Hobbit is THE movie event of 2012. In my opinion it'll challenge Avatar for biggest money maker ever.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

tejastech08 wrote:

One thing Hobbit needs to watch out for is potential backlash over 48 fps. Cameron and Jackson both believe higher fps is the future of moviemaking and moviegoing, but the 48 fps footage shown to bloggers and journalists at Cinema Con back in April apparently looked very similar to having your HDTV's motion interpolation setting cranked on high while watching Blu-ray. It creates the infamous "soap opera effect" where everything looks too real. People said the footage looked like you were watching them perform on a set. I have a problem with that myself. I do not watch movies to feel like I'm watching actors on a set. I want to be able to suspend disbelief. The traditional look of 24 fps helps create this.

It will be interesting to see how everything plays out in the coming months. WB has said they will release the movie in both 24 fps and 48 fps so everyone will have a choice. In terms of critical reception to the film, it might not be a bad idea for them to screen the film in 24 fps so the audience can actually focus on the story instead of being distracted by the technology. The reaction at Cinema Con was basically that the story looked good, but got completely overshadowed by the negative reaction to 48 fps.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bono wrote:

I wonder what it was when I saw the trailer for it in 3D before Warth of the Titans. I thought the Hobbit trailer looked incredible and to be honest was the best 3D I had seen to date. The whole point to 48 fps is to make it more compareable to what the human eye actual sees in real life. Apparently it's supposed to be easier on the eyes as well. I often find my eyes get sore while watching 3D movies in 24fps. it'll be interesting to see.  I assume they'll be showing it in 2D as well so....

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