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 Rep: 53 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

slashsfro wrote:
Bono wrote:

Nothing could be further from the truth. Although I have heard some people say it is boring but those are always people who have not read the books. I hate being that person who says "oh you need to read the books" BUT with LOTR it does help a huge deal. With LOTR the books were so huge and the scope of the story was massive to see it put onto film in this manner was incredible. The movies are fucking fantastic especially if you've read the books because unliek any other adaptation they brought this inane otherw rold to life to almost perfect results. It is without a shadow of a doubt the greatest adaptation from book to film ever. And as for the acting well in my opinion it was great and each character was cast absolutely perfect. If you don't like character development and you're all about non stop action scenes do not watch LOTR.

While I don't think it's utter shit like john, I have very little desire to rewatch the Lord of the Rings trilogy.  I mean they are well made and well acted but I'm not sure I could sit through the films again.  FWIW, I have the same problems with most of Nolan's films as well.  I don't really like using the "you need to read the books" argument, shouldn't a film be judged on it's merits?  I mean the film should be able to stand on it's own regardless of source material.

Bono wrote:

I've tried to watch the Harry Potter movies numerous times and always fall asleep. The just are not good. the common theme with Potter fans is "Oh the books are way better" Sorta like how Twighlight fans justify the Twighlight movies.  The way Jackson translated the LOTR books onto film though is unmatched.  Like Axlin12 said though if you don't like fantasy you won't like the LOTR movies. They really are the epitomy of fantasy.

The earlier Harry Potter films are the best ones.  The last three or four are really mediocre and have a lot of that teen ansgst shit that permeates the plotline and makes parts of the film unwatchable.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:
Bono wrote:

I've tried to watch the Harry Potter movies numerous times and always fall asleep. The just are not good. the common theme with Potter fans is "Oh the books are way better" Sorta like how Twighlight fans justify the Twighlight movies.  The way Jackson translated the LOTR books onto film though is unmatched.  Like Axlin12 said though if you don't like fantasy you won't like the LOTR movies. They really are the epitomy of fantasy.

The Potter movies are very good, and I say that as someone who called them "gay" for years.

Brilliance? No.

But basically ala Star Wars, they are just little morality plays, that ultimately come down to the classic Good vs. Evil story from the Bible.

Certain people could be better cast among the older actors, but i've never not been entertained. I'm up through Order of the Phoenix, and they seem to get better, but I will say Chamber of Secrets was kinda mediocre. I found myself bored in places on that one.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bono wrote:
slashsfro wrote:

I don't really like using the "you need to read the books" argument, shouldn't a film be judged on it's merits?  I mean the film should be able to stand on it's own regardless of source material.

I don't like using that argument either but in this case I think it fits. I feel the LOTR movies do stand on their own but I can see why some might think it's slow paced or boring. However if they read the books I don't think they'd feel that way. The pace of LOTR is my style of movie though. Dialogue, character development, story telling. That's what I like. I'm the type who gets bored by excessive action so even in LOTR there were times during the action scenes where I was thinking ok ok get on with it, whereas I know a lot of people who think those are the best parts.

I believe it was Collateral with Tom Cruise and Jamie Fox,. The begining of that movie is Jamie Fox's character driving a  cab and just talking to his passengers. For me I found that very interesting. I could've watched that alone for 2 hours so..... I think it's another reaosn why I really like The Breakfast Club. It's all character driven because honestly nothing happens in that movie.

slashfro wrote:

The earlier Harry Potter films are the best ones.  The last three or four are really mediocre and have a lot of that teen ansgst shit that permeates the plotline and makes parts of the film unwatchable.

That doesn't help me much as I found the first two Harry Potters incredibly boring. That's all I ever saw. I stuggled to stay awake during both of them and in fact fell aslepp the first 3 times I treid to watch the first one.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

tejastech08 wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
Bono wrote:

I wonder what I saw when I saw the trailer for it in 3D before Warth of the Titans. I thought the Hobbit trailer looked incredible and to be honest was the best 3D I had seen to date.

It would have been 24 fps 3D since movie theaters across the country aren't even capable of handling 48 fps right now.

I don't know about DVD, but I could swear that Michael Mann's "Collateral", "Miami Vice", and "Public Enemies" were all 60fps HD. Was it just lowered for theaters, but filmed that way? He was really the first to take the leap into it, and it's literally so realistic that it looks like a documentary on Discovery channel. I'm not expert on this stuff.

I think for something that's going for a ultra-cool neo-noir vibe like Collateral or Vice, it's great. But for films that are time pieces or fantasy, not only no, but HELL NO. It totally takes away from it.

Mann took a shitload of criticism for Public Enemies because of this, for the same reasons the look of Collateral and Miami Vice were praised. Despite the weak story that buried an all-star director and cast, many critics and film goers alike buried the film in their mind only 30 minutes in because how in the living hell do you "escape" to the era of John Dillinger and 30's Chicago, when the screen looks like you're actually there so much to a point that it doesn't seem like a movie, but more like a flashback sequence on this week's episode of Highlander: The TV Series.

People were zapped out of the spirit of the film, and there was no getting them back.

Jackson doing this is a gutsy move, that could result in this long-awaited film looking more like an episode of HBO's Game of Thrones or Starz' Spartacus.

I think you are right about Mann shooting in higher framerates for those movies. But they were shown at 24 fps because theater owners haven't adopted the higher framerate projectors yet. Jackson and Cameron are trying to get them to upgrade for Hobbit and the Avatar sequel.

Mann is an odd guy. He has had a huge influence on Nolan, but the two are on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to aesthetics. One wants to preserve the so-called cinematic look of the last 100 years, while the other has given us some cheap looking digital films shot at higher framerates. The irony of it all is that Nolan is the YOUNG guy of the two, while the geezer is the one fiddling with new technology that looks like crap. I enjoy Public Enemies, but I wish Mann had let his cinematographer shoot on film at 24 fps. Would have looked amazing.

 Rep: 59 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

Just watched Prometheus.

Now I'm a huge Alien fan and as such I would be expected to go easy on it.


To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. The movie created more questions than answers, this was the movie that fans wanted to give answers (it failed). Acting was subpar from a lot of the cast and so many things just didn't make sense in the story, the script for this movie was horrendous and the editing seemed too heavy handed.

It may be improved from a directors cut down the line, but honestly who cares?

Not me. 


 Rep: 386 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bono wrote:

I'm off to see Snow White in about 20 minutes. I'll give my thoughts as soon as possible afterwards.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bono wrote:

I posted my thoughts in the Snow White thread. I liked it a lot. 8/10

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

Yeah that Rock of Ages movie looks like one of the worst films ever made.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

polluxlm wrote:

Prometheus was abysmal. Ridley Scott has officially lost it and is now basically reduced to a technical savvy studio shill. And there needs to be a law so we can prosecute people like Lindelof. The script makes Alien Ressurection look like a Shakespeare play.

Theron is hot and bitchy, Fassbender is kinda interesting and there's a few nice pictures. That's about it.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bono wrote:

shit. Guess I'll totally pass on Pprometheus then considering I've not heard a single positive review yet

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