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 Rep: 386 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

Bono wrote:
FlashFlood wrote:

I agree 100%. I get zero gratification from any band I like getting in. Its an industry circle jerk and has nothing to do with fans.

Bullshit. Gratification stems from watching your favorite band perform regardless of where it is. Watching them give their speeches that actually pay respect to the people that helped them get to where they are. You telling me Beastie Boys fans got nothing outta seeing their favorite band inducted? Bullshit. When U2 got inducted it was cool. They were inducted by Bruce Springsteen and then performed a killer set including one song with The Boss himself. Don't even pretend to act like seeing your favoirte band get inducted doesn't give you any sort of gratification. People appreciate their favorite band winning Grammy's, MTV awards, AMA's and seeing their bands perform at these shows, they like it when Gn'R top certain polls so to say the RRHOF is meaningless to you.... 16 whatever. Some of you just need to stop w ith the "cool guy fuck the establishment" attitude that the RRHOF is just an industry circle jerk. Newsfalsh kids it's no different than any other award show yet people shit their pants at the idea of Guns performing at the MTV award shows. Hypocrits.

James Lofton wrote:

There's Izzy hate going around? Is there a crack epidemic sweeping GNR nerd nation?

there is no hate for Izzy. That's simlpy something a  certain group of people here have fabricated. Blowing something so far outta proprotion because they feel butt hurt that Izzy is recieving any flak whatsoever. they act as though he's untouchable. Criticizm = hate to some people.  It's just narrow mindedness from people who think the only way to look at things is from a  Slash vs Axl perspective and that si the sole factor in how we think. forget taking into account the surrounding circumstances. No that woudl be too logical, it's imply Axl vs Slash.  Reverse the roles that Axl and Slash played at the RRHOF and these same people would think those giving Izzy flak for performing with Axl would praise him for performing with Slash. It's a ridiculous and incredibly short sighted opinion.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

Smoking Guns wrote:

Bono, we are wasting our time.

 Rep: 386 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

Bono wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Bono, we are wasting our time.


 Rep: 423 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

buzzsaw wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Bono, Monkey, Mikka, Metallex, and me....  Is it us alone in this camp about the rnrhof?

It depends on what camp you're talking about.  I think it was important for the fans, but not to the level some are taking it.

 Rep: 386 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

Bono wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Bono, Monkey, Mikka, Metallex, and me....  Is it us alone in this camp about the rnrhof?

It depends on what camp you're talking about.  I think it was important for the fans, but not to the level some are taking it.

It was important to the fans. The level it's been taking to though has been blown out of proportion because there are some who feel the need to pretend it wasn't an important event and they contiueally tell those who think it was important how lame it is to think that  and how they take it way too personally and blah blah blah. So in turn those who KNOW it was important to the fans have to explain why it was over and over again thus it making it seem like a much bigger deal.

Anyone who denies an event like that wasn't important to fans is dellusional. They may not have felt it themselves but it doesn't take a genius to understand why it would've been for others.

the funny thing is those who support Axl for not showing up would've also suported him for showing up. Those who say the RRHOF is no big deal would've lost their shit had Axl been there but Slash chose not to be.  On the flip side those who criticized Axl & Izzy for not being there, would've praised them for showing up and those who prasied Slash and co. for showing up would've criticized them had they not. Truth.  Yet some make it all about Axl vs Slash and having to choose sides like two fucking kilqs,  which is ridiculous.

 Rep: 633 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 423 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

buzzsaw wrote:
russtcb wrote:
johndivney wrote:
Bono wrote:

Oh and for the record had Slash not showed up to the RRHOF I'd have thought he was lame as well. Difference is he "got it" As did the other guys who showed up.  It's not my fault Axl's ego and Izzy "coolness" prohibited them from being there.  The fact is they weren't there and it was a dick move on both their parts.

jesus fucking christ.


stop fucking dumbing it down!!

how the fuck is the RnRHoF about the fans?! explain it to me, please. i have yet to see any fan of any artist ever inducted into that crap ever benefit one fucking iota. did faldor get a handjob off steven or did i miss something?! i just thought he had to pay money for the privilege of seeing the mega rich congratulate themselves!!


If I remember right, john and I don't agree on a ton, but he's gone and  pulled this: … e-head.jpg
The moment someone explains to me about The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame is about "the fans" is the moment I believe Izzy and Axl "owe" someone something.

It doesn't matter that it's an industry jerk off.  So are the Grammys.  So are all the award shows for all the industries.  That doesn't mean that fans don't like seeing the artists they enjoy being recognized at those events. 

If these events weren't for the fans, HBO wouldn't be spending money for the rights to air the event.  Media wouldn't be there reporting to the fans.  All of the GnR sites wouldn't have had pages of threads discussing it before, during, and how many months after... 

It's okay to hate the RRHoF.  Don't think for a second that just because it means nothing to you means that it means nothing to everybody.  Nobody said it was all about the fans (I don't think), but it's awfully naive to think that it wasn't at all about the fans.  It's also naive to think that at least some portion of the fan base would be excited about it and felt that it was in some ways about them.  You don't have to like it, but you probably should accept it.

 Rep: 70 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

Agreed. The Rock Hall doesn't give two shits about the fans of the bands that get inducted. If they did we would have Rush and all these other great bands that they were around way before GNR in already by now! The only reason Guns got inducted in the first place was to try to be a catalyst for a reunion attempt that in the end failed and cash in on it with the press and funding.

 Rep: 287 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

Aussie wrote:

The event itself isn't really for the fans but rather for the indvdals that are getting inducted. There is probably some other under current and agenda too at times by the people that run it.

BUT the fact a band is even being inducted at all is because of the fans. Yes there are glaring omissions from the Hall, but every band/person that has been inducted would never have even been considered if not for the fans supporting them. Yes there are more talented artists out there with little to no support that will never get into the HOF or the public recognition they deserve and I think therein lies the answer.  That's how the Hall in at least one aspect is about the fans to some degree, these bands would never be in there if not for their fans support. Sure the fans don't write the music but they connected with it and helped get it and the artist out there.

So from that perspective I believe the artists should at least fucken have the decency to turn up to te event and play for those fans.

 Rep: 661 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

monkeychow wrote:
johndivney wrote:

how the fuck is the RnRHoF about the fans?! explain it to me, please.

Academically I agree with you that it's a questionable institution.

But in practise, well, it becomes about the fans the minute someone proposed, (weather or not it was any of their business), to assemble all 5 AFD guys in the one place - regardless if they play or not - as that's something that's not been done in a VERY long time. If'd guess since when? The 1980s? Something like that is important to fans.

Why does russ get excited when Robin cameos with the band now? Why do a lot of us old timers get excited for Izzy or Duff? The mere presence of these people together in a band with GNR's history is exciting.

Also, despite being a bit of a sham, the institution serves for as much as a life time achievement award in the absence of anything else doing the job. People come to the event to celebrate the achievements of the bands, and GNR fans have been excited about this for years as it was a chance to honour the old band and what they did (and also for the possibility of some kind of retro performance).

The hall itself may be a little corrupt, but it's not the performers who give a shit what happens on the night, it's the general public and fans of the band.
Thus...maybe Duff doesn't care that Izzy wasn't there....but I know I do. I wanted to see all 5 standing together and listen to the audience go insane with joy over it - even if they didn't play.

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