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Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

Smoking Guns wrote:

Was that a trolling post? Hahaha.

 Rep: 41 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

Ali wrote:
monkeychow wrote:
faldor wrote:

They knew it was a HIGH probability that he wouldn't attend, yet when it happened it was somehow shocking behavior.

Yes...which is why Ali's "timeline of events" argument doesn't wash with me. Even if Izzy didn't call Axl before telling slash he didn't think he'd come himself - he may way have done so under the knowledge you describe above..the .high probability that Axl wouldn't attend 16

All due respect, I understand where you're coming from, but the fact is you don't know if Axl talked to Izzy or what figured into Izzy's decision-making.  Izzy's statement was hardly the picture of clarity.  Without having any knowledge to support that theory, I think it's not an irrefutable fact that conversation occurred.  Therefore, in the absence of said knowledge, it's a flawed argument.  Plausible, yes, but also flawed or imperfect.


 Rep: 423 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

buzzsaw wrote:
Ali wrote:
monkeychow wrote:
faldor wrote:

They knew it was a HIGH probability that he wouldn't attend, yet when it happened it was somehow shocking behavior.

Yes...which is why Ali's "timeline of events" argument doesn't wash with me. Even if Izzy didn't call Axl before telling slash he didn't think he'd come himself - he may way have done so under the knowledge you describe above..the .high probability that Axl wouldn't attend 16

All due respect, I understand where you're coming from, but the fact is you don't know if Axl talked to Izzy or what figured into Izzy's decision-making.  Izzy's statement was hardly the picture of clarity.  Without having any knowledge to support that theory, I think it's not an irrefutable fact that conversation occurred.  Therefore, in the absence of said knowledge, it's a flawed argument.  Plausible, yes, but also flawed or imperfect.


It seems to me that you're using a flawed argument to dismiss a flawed argument.  Fascinating.  10

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

Smoking Guns wrote:

Pretty sure if Axl talks to izzy to play random shows, they also probably talked about the rnrhof. Axl probably never figured slash and them would play without them. So I would say Axl's lil plan of ruining the evening for his ex band mates kind of blew up in his face.

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

Sky Dog wrote:

Is this thread about the London show or the RRHOF?

 Rep: 475 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

misterID wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
misterID wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

I'm fairly sure this is a GnR board with pretty diverse musical tastes outside of GnR.  Opinions on other bands are pretty irrelevant to this discussion.  We (generally speaking) don't care what other bands did. 

I bet most of those bands were having similar discussions on their boards (if they existed) at the time their inductions happened.  I bet most other bands' boards never talked about GnR's induction, and if they did, they certainly still aren't.

Like I said from the start, anykind of reunion show, whether it be a farewell show or what for the fab 5, I think needs to be done the right way, and not something where they don't feel comfortable doing.

Either it be a RIR performance or a free club show (which would be cool) is better than getting up and faking it... Or showing up and having a train wreck... Or showing up and not playing... It wasn't guaranteed to come off clean and happy, as we saw leading up to it. I'm sure the train wreck possibility played into people not wanting to go.

If they're not even talking to each other, or attempting to, you can't expect much.

I don't disagree at all, but that's not what we're talking about.  We're talking about whether they should have sucked it up for the fans and at least shown up.  I can see both sides of it...I agree with what you say, but maybe this could have been step one of at least talking to each other.

I think the whole problem with the HOF is that no one wanted to be the one to start a conversation, or get involved. They all seemed to be walking on egg shells. It was a weird, "lets see what the other guy does first."

I think if Duff had it to do over again, he would have made a call to Axl.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

Smoking Guns wrote:

Had to be Duff. Axl would never take a call from Slash.

 Rep: 661 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

monkeychow wrote:
Sky Dog wrote:

Is this thread about the London show or the RRHOF?

Sorry I think that was my fault.

I started posting inflammatory anti-izzy remarks.

I think it's great he and Axl are still friends.

But I think the combination of a few things put me "on tilt":

* I was really hoping RRHOF would allow old members to communicate again - not so much to get a reunion but to put an end to the fan-war. For example if Slash and Axl hung out - I think a lot of Slash fans would hate chinese less, and a lot of Axl fans would be less over the top against slash. I'd have just liked to see things get a little more civil.

* Even though it's different to the GNR i grew up with. I really like modern GNR. I met some of the guys and they were great. Bumble is a technical wizard. I really like DJ's riff's in Sixx:Am. I enjoy some of Axl's chinese vocals more than his old stuff. I'd love deeply to hear some new songs oneday as I think there's so much potential.

* While I love the new band. Elements of the marketing don't still well with me. Yes they are GNR. But when they write stuff like "GNR returns to the Ritz", , it gets a but creepy to me cos it's kind of suggesting they are the same people who did the old-gnr stuff. While I'm sure Axl wishes he'd always had this line's not historically accurate.

* We all love each other here at evo. But we all say some crazy shit each other doesn't understand. I've read a lot of posts proclaiming Izzy to be the real talent behind both Axl and Slash's works. That's ok. I'm sure my comments - like that Snakepit 1 riffs are as good as UYI riffs probably make some eyebrows raise here too. But I guess it was also a reaction to when people put izzy over like that - they're essentially insulting a ton of my favourite albums, snakepit, vr, slash stuff, chinese democracy....which I'm cool with each to their own. But I couldn't help but pick back....

* I just had a "OH COME ON" moment....all of us who've followed the band for years have them at times I'm sure.

It just struck me as ludicrous...firstly that Izzy couldn't sort out shit enough to even show to the hall...but then that the new bands surprise for this tour was the return of two old just made me say "Oh Come On!!!!!!"...:haha:

 Rep: 386 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

Bono wrote:
Ali wrote:

All due respect, I understand where you're coming from, but the fact is you don't know if Axl talked to Izzy or what figured into Izzy's decision-making.  Izzy's statement was hardly the picture of clarity.  Without having any knowledge to support that theory, I think it's not an irrefutable fact that conversation occurred.  Therefore, in the absence of said knowledge, it's a flawed argument.  Plausible, yes, but also flawed or imperfect.


I've never actually seen someone embrace an online character to such a  degree.  you do realize you are not Axl's actual defence attorney right? You do realize we're all just a  bunch of geeks discussing Guns N' Roses right? Honestly your post is hilarious, not for anything you said but for how you said it. Dude stop trying so hard. 14

monkeychow wrote:

* I was really hoping RRHOF would allow old members to communicate again - not so much to get a reunion but to put an end to the fan-war. For example if Slash and Axl hung out - I think a lot of Slash fans would hate chinese less, and a lot of Axl fans would be less over the top against slash. I'd have just liked to see things get a little more civil.

God I really hope that isn't true. I'd have zero respect for the person who decides what level they like somethng based on who so and so is hanging out with. I can only speak for myself but if Axl and Slash were friends it would not influence my opinion on CD or any of Slash's material one single bit. I'd pitty the person who is influenced in that manner. i'd find it really pathetic and so immature. That's just me though

 Rep: 661 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

monkeychow wrote:

^ yeah...I mean myself I love  Chinese Democracy and Apocalyptic it won't change my opinion...but I can't help but think in the broader general public people's opinions are political.

You know like years ago when I joined HTGTH jarmo was a VR fan! He actively supported VR and went to the shows and was into Slash. He has a right to change his mind as he ages I guess. But I can't help but wonder.....

Likewise I think people's dislike of Axl's bullshit has got to the point where they won't give him a chance. Not so much around here. I mean like my real life friends...there's no point playing "If the World" for them because if I go here's a new-GNR track I'll get a ton of "fucking Axl makes us wait...can't believe he kicked out Slash/Duff...biggest asshole" etc.....those issues wouldn't be solved...but I think if Axl/Slash were civil we could all move on a little.

Also - while I can see full reunions are probably not in Slash or Axl's best interests anymore, I can't see why like they couldn't do guests. If slash can play with pop acts he could cameo on an Axl song. And like why couldn't "By The Sword" from the solo album have featured guest singer Axl. Then they wouldn't have to deal with each others bullshit 24/7 like when in a band, but they could still occasionally work together when it was really called for musically...but that requires people being adults and talking to one another!

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