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 Rep: 633 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 41 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

Ali wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

Holy fuck...that dead flowers sounds fucking really suits how Axl's voice is at the moment.

Yeah, I really love his tone in that song.  That exemplifies why that clean tone works so well.


 Rep: 194 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

metallex78 wrote:

In hindsight, regardless of my stance about Axl and Izzy on the HoF, I admit if I was at this gig and saw this happen live, I would have lost my shit. 14 Years is one of my fav GnR tunes, and to hear it played by Izzy and Axl in 2012, is pretty fucking cool.

 Rep: 661 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

monkeychow wrote:
Bono wrote:

Axl sounded ok. The problem with Axl's voice these days for me is what was so appealing back in the day was he had this insane amount of venom in his voice even when singing ballads. That just isn't there anymore.

In general I know what you mean, I just felt Dead Flowers here was one where he got away with the new voice working in the song, not so sure about 14 years.

To me the great things about Axl were:

1. The Venom and Anger and Rasp
2. The power of his voice.
3. The range of his voice.
4. The melody choices.
5. THe headfuck psychological lyrics.

Which is why I wish we'd hear some more studio tracks, as I feel the first one is the one that's most lacking in live versions these days...and it could likely be corrected in the studio..because you'd use the best ever take of it...or indeed even if it wasn't it wouldn't be as obvious as comparing it to a song we've heard back in the day.

And even if it wasn't he'd still have a lot of the other factors that made him awesome.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

Smoking Guns wrote:

He has no venom or anger left in his voice because he used it all on Slash... Lol

 Rep: 231 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

-D- wrote:

OK, i can't hold back no more. I've been trying to do the, If i have nothing nice to say routine but fuck that

Watching 14 years over n over and when Izzy's mic is cut off.. I feel myself getting violently pissed off.

what kind of bullshit mickey mouse crew does Axl have working on this fucking thing?

I've never seen ANY problems like this EVER happen to any other band. what the fuck is up with shit like this?

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

Sky Dog wrote:

Izzy forgot the lyrics did Axl. They fucked it up but the coolness of the performance wins out. Damn, you guys are pure bitches at this point.

 Rep: 231 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

-D- wrote:

that performance was actually very avg.. just the spectacle made it big time overrated

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

Smoking Guns wrote:

He forgot the words and moved his lips and nothing came out.

 Rep: 231 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

-D- wrote:

Damn at that 93 Dead Flowers.

that really is the case closed argument when people try to make any type of new band vs old band comparison

new band could never be better seeing as they have far inferior version of Axl.

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