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 Rep: 212 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

Intercourse wrote:

Again, this thread is starting to spin down to people setting out their 'my taste is better than yours' stalls and getting ready to sling some mud.

We should be able to sling the mud to keep things interesting but I don't understand why people have to start calling each other dicks and assholes for having an opinion.

If you love GNR's music but think Axl is an over weight, mickey-mouse-voiced past-it asshole I believe you have as much right to be here as the Axlamic Fundamentalist. Watching the two sides throw down with well thought out, incredibly well researched and detailed materal is what brings me here very day.

We shit on the brainwashed of HGTH and should always remember that when going into threads.

 Rep: 768 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

Axlin16 wrote:

Slash isn't playing shit, but Slash isn't playing near as much good stuff as his fanboys equate to him.

But when he busts out Anatasia... I think it's worthy-equivalent to the fact that Axl can still sing Welcome To The Jungle better than anyone Slash has come into contact since 1993.

 Rep: 386 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

Bono wrote:
misterID wrote:

Slash is bascially shining a turd on his new stuff. Saying he's playing better than ever doesn't really say much when he's playing shit. hmm

No I guess it doesn't say much that those who are going to see Slash live are getting the best Slash there's ever been. Busting out new solos that many seem to think are among his best as well as ripping up the classic Guns songs better than he ever has. Yeah that doesn't say much cause it's all just one big turd he's shining 14

Must really grind your gears that nobody is saying Axl sounds better than ever so you make a weak attempt to diminsh the fact Slash is playing better than he ever has. Nice effort though.

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

johndivney wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Is it a stretch that Slash has improved and Axl has gone backwards?

i don't think it is. i think that's p accurate actually.

Slash has cut out the BS & has become the consistently masterful guitarist he always threatened to be.
Axl's voice & performances (& output - lol!) have deteriorated quite badly imo.

the proof is in the pudding. even on old songs like Civil War, Slash's power compared to the limp GnR performances tell the tale.

i know a lot of you, like ali, get off on Axl's current form. but to me it's not rock n roll. whereas Slash still retains that raw power & ambition that make a beautiful noise. the noise Axl & his band make isn't pretty anymore.

 Rep: 15 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

jonesy wrote:
johndivney wrote:

i know a lot of you, like ali, get off on Axl's current form. but to me it's not rock n roll. whereas Slash still retains that raw power & ambition that make a beautiful noise. the noise Axl & his band make isn't pretty anymore.

Agree with you on Slash still having the raw power and ambition, I think some of that is his need to keep busy, and to do so he keeps creating, releasing and playing, and being out there and on form.

And its those two things that I dont see Axl having or pushing, raw power and ambition.  A bunch more of the latter and a bigger set of balls would do him the world of good.

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

Sky Dog wrote:
Bono wrote:
Sky Dog wrote:

first of all, that is the greatest Bono performance of all time and I actually get teary eyed watching it due to the fact that me and my first love watched this live, taped it on our cassette and listened to it in her room over and over and over. That is the singular moment that blew U2 through the stratosphere. No debating that, I was there. As for Axl vs Bono now, yes, Bono overall sounds better with his songs. However, Axl's songs are WAY more difficult to pull off at 50 than Bono's U2 songs are...that is a fact! Well, it is not a fact but I am just aping you and all your proclamations. 5

Did you just  defend that particular performance as though I cut it down? Or were you just stating your feelings about it and having a  nostalgic moment?

In my opinion the performance itself is overrated. It's not the greatest Bono performance of all time. The circumstances surrounding it are what actually contributed hugely to U2 being thrown into the stratosphere. Bono and everyone in the band thought he fucked it up minutes after it happend and even weeks after Bono went into a slight depression cause he felt he had blown their big moment. Thought about quitting the band, thought he was gonna be kicked out fo the band. Pretty good performance no doubt but hyped up by the circusmatnces around it. It was the worlds first real introduction to U2 so..... It's not their best "performance" though.

Who cares if Axl's songs are harder to sing. He'd likely sound like shit on U2 songs.  He sang the Gn'R songs so that's what he'll be judged against. His performances on his songs, not Bono's performances on Bono's songs.

Smoking Guns wrote:

Sky Dog, it is a fact that Axl is trying to sing some hard ass shit.  Period.  Bono and Scott Weiland both have limited range, so not too hard to cover their tunes.

true Bono's range isn't as diverse as Axl's but Bono did have some abilities that Axl clearly did not. Bono had a falsetto that Axl never did. Granted that's not overly useful for singing rock songs. The youtube clip is a little example.

And here Axl isn't pullying these kinds of notes off and never has. Totally different styles of course but this is 2011 Bono.
Skip to the 2:50 mark

Again though Bono could never sing Gn'R songs and do them justice. His voice just isn't made for it that's for sure. He's a way better singer than Scott Weiland though and has more range than that guy.

Smoking Guns wrote:

Dude, current Axl sings in falsetto 80% of the time now. Lol

Ummm.... No comment 14

monkeychow wrote:

Likewise...I don't think Axl can scream any higher or longer than he does in with Slash it's a song where they've captured him at the edges of his abilities...

Nah Axl's scream on IRS is enhanced in the studio I think. No different than Bono's note he "holds' in Native Son(early version of Vertigo). Axl's is 10 seconds, Bono's is 13 seconds. I don't think either of them are natural.  If CD wasn't so freaking produced I'd have more faith in Axl's voice but far too often on that album his voice sounds fake. At least to my ears.

I am gonna pull a "you" Macphisto. All I know is that "everyone I know" went U2 apeshit after that. Nobody cared about Queen or Led Zep. Everybody talked about U2 and Bad. Yes, very much a nostalgic moment and I guess it is now since it still holds some type of power over me. BUT, Bono killed it. Period. And I don't care what they thought afterwards as that is just insecurity. When they hit the outro of...

If I could, you know I would
If I could, I would
Let it go...

This desparation
In temptation
Let it go

And so fade away
To let it go
And so fade away
To let it go
And so to fade away

the music and volume rise, the emotion is through the roof. Then, he drops the mike and goes down to the crowd. Fuckin epic. Don't rain on my parade Paul. 16

 Rep: 475 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

misterID wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

Slash isn't playing shit, but Slash isn't playing near as much good stuff as his fanboys equate to him.

But when he busts out Anatasia... I think it's worthy-equivalent to the fact that Axl can still sing Welcome To The Jungle better than anyone Slash has come into contact since 1993.

I listened to Anastasia yesterday, and tbh, it's just okay. It kind of goes everywhere and the Randy Rhoads riff is lame. I like the solo, though. The entire new album pretty lame, imo.

The first Slash solo album he really shined musically. And the only bad thing were some of the singers that didn't reach Slash's level. I thought he sounded bad ass on Mother Maria, too.

I understand people saying how great he plays live now, I totally get that and believe it. I just don't get how anyone can say that's Slash at his best on this new album.

 Rep: 661 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

monkeychow wrote:
misterID wrote:

Slash is bascially shining a turd on his new stuff. Saying he's playing better than ever doesn't really say much when he's playing shit. hmm

I really don't understand how people feel this way. I prefer Axl's voice to myles, but song-wise Slash's solo songs are not so removed from the types of songs he did with GNR.

Songs like By The Sword, Starlight and Back from Cali arn't really all that far off musically from  songs like patience, used to love her and so on.

Songs like Halo and Shots Fired, aren't all that different from a Don't Damn Me type track.

Double Talking Jive is genius around here but then Anastasia is a turd? They're very similar tracks. I just don't get it.

If you only like tranced or something non-guitar like I'd understand but how you can love slash's riffs in GNR and hate them out of it just doesn't make sense to me!

EDIT: Just saw you said you liked the 2010 album so i take back the bit about not liking any of his outside GNR stuff. But to me this is a very similar album to that in terms of riffage...just it's only got myles.

 Rep: 475 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

misterID wrote:

It's the songs themselves, monkey. That has a lot to do with it. Not Slash's playing on them.

 Rep: 661 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

monkeychow wrote:

So why is the Anastasia riff lame and the sweet child of mine riff isn't?

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