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 Rep: 281 

Re: New Madonna single to feature M.I.A and Nikki Minaj

faldor wrote:

Madonna Drafts Nicki Minaj And M.I.A. For First Single

by Andrew Tijs on October 28, 2011

Rumours abound that the Material Girl’s first single from her new album will feature M.I.A. and Nicki Minaj.

Madonna fansite hears from “sources” that nine tracks of Madonna’s new album are completed.

They report that she’s been working with William Orbit (see: ‘Ray Of Light’), “Solveg” (that would be French electro-pop producer Martin Solvieg) and Italian electro-house DJ Benny Benassi (of the saucy ‘Satisfaction’ fame). That seems right; both Orbit and Solvieg have previously been confirmed as producers.

Apparently the first single has been chosen and it will be debuted at her forthcoming SuperBowl appearance.

There’s no title yet, but word is she’s drafted ‘Superbass’ star Nicki Minaj and ‘Paper Planes’ troublemaker M.I.A. to guest on the track.

It’ll be very interesting to see what Madonna can do on her first album since 2008’s Hard Candy and since Rihanna and, particularly, Lady Gaga have be jostling for the “salacious pop queen” crown.

 Rep: 768 

Re: New Madonna single to feature M.I.A and Nikki Minaj

Axlin16 wrote:

Madonna for years has leeched onto younger artists to try and bring herself into relevance. Not shocked.

 Rep: 664 

Re: New Madonna single to feature M.I.A and Nikki Minaj

James wrote:

Minaj sucks and MIA has nosedived  artistically and in relevance since MAYA.

So glad I saw her that brief period she was untouchable.

Madonna should hitch her caboose to a different train.

 Rep: 221 

Re: New Madonna single to feature M.I.A and Nikki Minaj

polluxlm wrote:

Madonna is no Aretha Franklin or even Tina Turner. She was the first artist to build her career mainly on sex appeal. For a 53 year old woman that is starting to push credibility. The media can't say it outright so we get this slow adjustment to the fact that she is now an old hag. Nothing wrong with being old, but you can't go around acting like you're Jennifer Lopez anymore. Hell, even she can't do that these days.

A terrible personality doesn't help it either. I bet certain people in the media can't wait to get a reason to trash her.

 Rep: 768 

Re: New Madonna single to feature M.I.A and Nikki Minaj

Axlin16 wrote:

The last time I saw her, she was on a crash diet routine that left her looking so terrible, that some people speculated that she was on junk.

She's 53, but looked 67. She looked horrible, and like poll said, her whole deal was about sex appeal and dancing and stage show that whole bullshit. She's not a vocalist.

There's a reason Britney Spears still actively tours and releases shit and NO ONE cares. She's older, fatter, and know that she's put out kids, and is a divorcee, she's not that young jailbait thang that brought her a career.

Any artist that follows this format will have a time clock set in their career.

 Rep: 8 

Re: New Madonna single to feature M.I.A and Nikki Minaj

Anna wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Minaj sucks and MIA has nosedived  artistically and in relevance since MAYA.

So glad I saw her that brief period she was untouchable.

Madonna should hitch her caboose to a different train.


 Rep: 281 

Re: New Madonna single to feature M.I.A and Nikki Minaj

faldor wrote: … na-release

By Sally Bailey

M.I.A has announced to the world through Twitter that herself and Minaj have been summoned to NY to work on a video for Madonna's new release. Thereby confirming that they will be featured on Madges new album.

At this stage we have an unconfirmed release date of Feb 5 2012 when " Give Me All Your Love" is to be performed live with another 4 tracks at the Super Bowl XLVI in Indianapolis.

"Give Me All Your Love" was leaked to the internet on 8th of November, without M.I.A and Minaj vocals. Sounded pretty kewl then.....can't wait to hear it with bonus vox.

 Rep: 281 

Re: New Madonna single to feature M.I.A and Nikki Minaj

faldor wrote:

I actually didn't hate the lead single for this album.  Apparently though, most did.  Maybe that's why Axl isn't in a rush to release another album. … dium=email

Madonna MDNA For Sale For 42c

by VVN Music on June 7, 2012

Madonna may be selling out venues around the world, but her latest album, MDNA, is severely struggling.

Now in its ninth week on the charts, the former number one has dropped all the way to number 105, an area that normally means sales for the week have been a little over a thousand. The fact is, the album was never a big seller, getting a good portion of its first week sales of 359,000 from the free copies given away when fans bought tickets for the tour. That led to an 88% drop in sales in the second week and a continued slide to its current position.

The number of physical copies that are sitting on shelves can be pretty much determined by the prices that are being asked for the album on Amazon. The mega-online-retailer not only sells its own stock of albums but also allows its “associates” to sell through their site.

Amazon itself has dropped the clean version of the album to $3.25 (to be fair, the regular edition is still at $9.99 while the deluxe edition is $13.49) but the real discounts are with their associates. Five are selling the album for below a dollar with the lowest being 42 cents (plus $2.98 shipping and handling). Another nine have it for under $2.00.

Even the Standard Edition is being deeply discounted by some associates, as low as $3.13.

These are unprecedented numbers for an release that is less than three months old and is equivalent to seeing an album in the cut-out bins at old record store chains just weeks after release.

 Rep: 768 

Re: New Madonna single to feature M.I.A and Nikki Minaj

Axlin16 wrote:

People sell albums and lots of them EVERYDAY. It's called the internet. It's called downloading.

The sooner these dinosaurs get that, the better off they'll be. NOBODY moves physical units anymore other than GaGa or Adele.

Axl could release an album anytime he wants at full price, and it'd sell.

"But why?"

Because you're a MUSIC ARTIST. Not a music PERFORMER. Axl is the latter these days. At least Madonna is touring a new album, regardless if her fans are there for the hits.

However this might be somewhat of a comment on Madonna, despite her popularity. When you're fuckin' Madonna, you play the Super Bowl show, you team up with Nicki Minaj for your lead single.... and within a few months your brand new album is basically in the bargain bin with Mac Davis' Greatest Hits... either your album SUCKS, or nobody cares about you anymore.

Despite Axl's heel status, rock music still has a WIDE opening awaiting his return. His actual return. Whether it's with DJ or Slash.

 Rep: 661 

Re: New Madonna single to feature M.I.A and Nikki Minaj

monkeychow wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

Despite Axl's heel status, rock music still has a WIDE opening awaiting his return. His actual return. Whether it's with DJ or Slash.

Part of that though is because there is no new Axl.

As the VR boys have found...who's got those kind of chops in the last decade? The only candidates around are also people from Axl's vintage - Cornell, Sebastian..and so on...and Axl was already made king of that pile.

Seriously who is there. Corey Taylor / Myles Kenedy? Great singers...but there's no Axl amongst them...even just on chops without taking into account the danger, stage presence, melody writing, lyric writing and all that.

We wait for Axl because no one has sucessfully claimed that mantle.

Pop however is another matter.

Madonna sang some really great catchy tunes. But the guist of her act was poppy songs with the sex appeal and the risque nature of her stuff. These days society is double as porno all the she's too old to be hot which was part of her thing....and there's plenty of new pop acts to assume that mantle with the same kind of ability she had.

Gaga is the new madonna. Even singing her tunes 16 But as yet...there's no new Axl.

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