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 Rep: 386 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bono wrote:
russtcb wrote:

Ted was fucking hilarious.

I'm cautiosly optimistic. My brother gave it only 5.5/10 which bummed me out. Him and I usually have close to identical opinions on movies. Still wanna see it though cause most reviews have been good. Just shocked to see my brother rate it that low.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

-D- wrote:
russtcb wrote:

Ted was fucking hilarious.

Agree was hilarious

I could see it going the other way bono if u were in a certain kind of mood or checking ur phone etc

 Rep: 231 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

-D- wrote:

First time i watched dumb and dumber i didn't laugh once thought it was stupid cause the mood i was in. Now its one of the three funniest movies ive ever seen

 Rep: 194 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

tejastech08 wrote:
-D- wrote:

First time i watched dumb and dumber i didn't laugh once thought it was stupid cause the mood i was in. Now its one of the three funniest movies ive ever seen

WTF man. No matter what mood you're in, this is hilarious:

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:
smoke wrote:
Me_Wise_Magic 91 wrote:

I would have to say 5 (Order of the Phoenix) is probably the worst of the films

Totally agreed, the book was the worst of them too. I found myself not giving a crap about any of the characters. I think the book itself suffered from a lack of editing, and it carried over into the film.

Ironically I thought #3, #4 & #5 were the best of the bunch.

 Rep: 70 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

1, 7 pt. 2, 3, and 6 were my favs. big_smile

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

I also liked the very first one ALOT. It's more kiddie, but there's something very charming about it all.

The film franchise went on for so long that it played like a TV series. When they wrapped up the series at the end, it was so weird to see all three of them in the present, then having the flashbacks to the first couple of films.

They grew so much during that process, that you didn't even realize.

 Rep: 70 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Yeah...when the final film was over...I'm like that film series has been for over 10 years!  Time sure passes you by! I know it was really hard mentally and emotionally for all the actors to say goodbye.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bono wrote:

The Amazing Spider-Man   

It sucked. The end.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

metallex78 wrote:
russtcb wrote:
Bono wrote:

The Amazing Spider-Man   

It sucked. The end.

I have a friend who's a huge Spider-Man fan and he thought it wasn't very good at all.

Every review I've heard has been positive.

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