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 Rep: 287 

Re: State of GNRevolution (PLEASE READ, discuss)

Aussie wrote:
johndivney wrote:

Yea I'd tend to agree w/ppp on that one.

Aussie why do u think Slash'd have a different tone? Has he said anything post-HoF about Axl?
Certainly it gives him more ammo to turn the fans against Axl if he wanted to pursue that angle. But it looks to me that Slash is almost a little fed-up w/the GnR question & Axl blame-game..

He just seems to give me the impression in interviews post HOF that he has finally put that part of his life plus any chance of a reunion behind him. He doesn't even wanna waste any more time even talking about Axl and all that shit anymore.

Prior to HOF maye there was a very small glmmer of hope that they could at least use it as a time to put the knives away for good and be gracious and act like grown ups. Maybe Slash's standpoint even started changing before then with shit like the cancer comment happening etc etc. with HOF being the cherry on top.

As for Slash's book I recall hearing around the time it came out that the first daft was actually harsher on Axl but Slash ended up toning it down somewhat in the final version.

I hear what you and PPP say too, Slash has skeletons like the Todd Crew thing plus plenty of others I'm sure that he would prefer remained in the closet.


Re: State of GNRevolution (PLEASE READ, discuss)

ppp wrote:

The one time I was able to speak to Slash, I asked him about that first draft. He told me it was harsher on many people and he changed it because he didn't want his personal feelings about people to mess up his book (or something of that nature).  He thought it would sound too bitter.

And I'm sure he knows he will always have to talk about Axl and GNR. Steven tried it for like two months and now he's back talking on it.

 Rep: 661 

Re: State of GNRevolution (PLEASE READ, discuss)

monkeychow wrote:

I agree with DCK - Axl has a way with words - his book would be very interesting - and the things that people don't like about it - blame shifting etc - I think would be fascinating - as if we understood his perspective better it would be easier to understand his choices.

But I think it won't happen. Axl seems to have a hard time letting go of the past. Writing of it in detail would be like reliving it for him, and he'd experience all those feelings fresh.

I agree with Aussie on was painfully obvious before the hall that everyone was hoping to get back with Axl. Now they've all given up - and it's pretty obvious slash has moved into solo-project till death mode. He's done with VR and GNR IMO.


Re: State of GNRevolution (PLEASE READ, discuss)

ppp wrote:

Slash's opinions on GNR/Axl/VR change by the year. I think a lot of it depends on money and factors like that. His solo stuff can only go so far there.

 Rep: 768 

Re: State of GNRevolution (PLEASE READ, discuss)

Axlin16 wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

I agree with DCK - Axl has a way with words - his book would be very interesting - and the things that people don't like about it - blame shifting etc - I think would be fascinating - as if we understood his perspective better it would be easier to understand his choices.

But I think it won't happen. Axl seems to have a hard time letting go of the past. Writing of it in detail would be like reliving it for him, and he'd experience all those feelings fresh.

I agree with Aussie on was painfully obvious before the hall that everyone was hoping to get back with Axl. Now they've all given up - and it's pretty obvious slash has moved into solo-project till death mode. He's done with VR and GNR IMO.

Yeah but the problem is, Axl could write this all in a book, because regardless... he pretty much brings it all up anyway in every other book.

 Rep: 633 

Re: State of GNRevolution (PLEASE READ, discuss)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 212 

Re: State of GNRevolution (PLEASE READ, discuss)

Intercourse wrote:

Me too! Stellar bunch of thinkers....

 Rep: 768 

Re: State of GNRevolution (PLEASE READ, discuss)

Axlin16 wrote:

I wish I was around more than i've been. I miss all of you guys. You taught me a big lesson. Internet friends can become and be actual friends.

You all know me more and treat me better than anyone i've ever known called "friend". I know that sounds weird, but i've not had it so great in that department. Alot of "one way's" and users surrounding me.

You guys are my Malibu Mafia, and for that i'm forever grateful.

 Rep: 633 

Re: State of GNRevolution (PLEASE READ, discuss)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 768 

Re: State of GNRevolution (PLEASE READ, discuss)

Axlin16 wrote:

Bwhahaha 14

Yeah 10 years ago, I would never EVER mention the name 'friend' when referring to someone on the internet. I looked at them as "non counting". GN'R Evo completely changed that. Because as anyone who's been on here for an extended period of time... we all know inside ourselves what we have here is beyond different than anything i've ever been apart of on the internet.

This is the classiest group of mysogynistic gentlemen grunge metal headbanging crazy ass romantic intelligent sensitive nerds on the internet today.

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