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 Rep: 70 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Awesome! It's cool when some movies do that. It means they are having fun filming the scenes.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Smoking Guns wrote:

Saw Battleship, was actually pretty good!

 Rep: 31 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Stacey wrote:

I saw Looper on Sunday during the Lions game and thought it was a great, very well-made film. Joseph Gordon-Levitt's facial modifications were so realistic and believable that I actually thought he had plastic surgery I hadn't heard about. I read later that it was prosthetic.

I personally have a terrible time with time travel and movies/TV shows/books that work out-of-sequence, so I usually have to do some reading to figure out if what I thought happened really happened. A cool thing I read about this one yesterday was that the writer/director left a few things open-ended so you could think what you wanted. I really liked it overall, and would recommend.

 Rep: 70 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

I was actually trying to see that film this past Friday; but my theater always has the most fucked up movie times. lol I might see it in a few weeks with some good friends since we loved the trailer and it's been getting good praise. Glad you enjoyed it!

 Rep: 200 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

apex-twin wrote:

Les Vampires; Episode I: The Severed Head.

I was amazed how smooth watching it made, despite being a century old. 16

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

johndivney wrote:

killing them softly
p good
dialogue heavy, character driven light on plot but p good @ some great performances & funny lines.

i watched sex drive after reading comments o here
it was p funny. but it made me feel old - they all looked so young.

gonna watch prometheus again 2nite.. if idont fall asleep during it.

 Rep: 227 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Will wrote:

Crank 2 High Voltage. Absolute shite.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bono wrote:

Watched Looper the other night. It was pretty cool. definitely worth seeing

 Rep: 83 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

otto wrote:

Yeah, just got home from the theater. Looper was great.

 Rep: 70 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

ottosporteman wrote:

Yeah, just got home from the theater. Looper was great.

Glad both of you guys loved it. I'm actually hoping to see that with my bro either this week or later on since our original plan is to see Sinister if it gets good reviews.

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