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A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: The Early Recording Process of CD? (With spoilers from Slash's Book)

bigbri wrote:
Neemo wrote:
bigbri wrote:

This is a book made for Slash to profit from. I'm not gonna take it as the gospel. Besides, if he got this "fax" that stated Axl was gonna leave and take the GNR name with him, where is it? Wouldn't you keep a fax like that if it was gonna change your entire life, your career, threaten your livelihood, threaten your family in effect, make everything you worked for obsolete? So, where is this fax? I'd like to see it. If it ever existed, we would have seen it by now if for no other reason then to discredit Axl.

like i said this Fax has already been a source of evidence, but the courts ruled that Axl was in his legal rights with said fax....its a know event to have happened 19

How come we haven't seen it?

Why would we have? It wasn't a fax for us, things like that would only get out into the public if the owner wanted them to. I'm assuming Slash did keep the fax given it's importance like you said and Neemo said it was used in court so it exists in some form. Why do you think something like this would become so public?

Re: The Early Recording Process of CD? (With spoilers from Slash's Book)

Sky Dog wrote:

it was a listed exhibit in the Slash/Duff vs Axl lawsuit. We were not privy to the document though. We had the complaint but not the exhibits attached to it.:flame: It must not have held much water because the lawsuits were dismissed. The Slash asslicking is out of control. 19 It takes two to tango people.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Early Recording Process of CD? (With spoilers from Slash's Book)

Neemo wrote:
madagas wrote:

it was a listed exhibit in the Slash/Duff vs Axl lawsuit. We were not privy to the document though. We had the complaint but not the exhibits attached to it.:flame: It must not have held much water because the lawsuits were dismissed. The Slash asslicking is out of control. 19 It takes two to tango people.

no asslicking at all...i acknowledged in my first post that i understand it's Slash's POV....i wish i could read Axl's and try to make an unbiased opinion...Slash even says that in his book....he's always enforcing the idea that Axl has just as valid of argument as he does, but from where he was thats what he felt and went through...he put alot of blame on goldstein as well for catering so much to axl but realize that him and duff let doug deal with axl, cuz they didnt want to, so he acknowledges that they kinda brought it on themselves

 Rep: 341 

Re: The Early Recording Process of CD? (With spoilers from Slash's Book)

bigbri wrote:
A Private Eye wrote:
bigbri wrote:
Neemo wrote:

like i said this Fax has already been a source of evidence, but the courts ruled that Axl was in his legal rights with said fax....its a know event to have happened 19

How come we haven't seen it?

Why do you think something like this would become so public?

Everything becomes public nowadays. Haven't you noticed. Freakin' documents from the White House or CIA that are supposedly private or classified are leaked every day. Bands' contracts with venues are leaked all the time and give those great "tour rider demands" on Grand jury testimony, which is supposedly private by law, makes it into newspapers on a daily basis. Anyone with an agenda can leak anything, and, voila, everyone sees it.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Early Recording Process of CD? (With spoilers from Slash's Book)

Neemo wrote:
bigbri wrote:
A Private Eye wrote:
bigbri wrote:

How come we haven't seen it?

Why do you think something like this would become so public?

Everything becomes public nowadays. Haven't you noticed. Freakin' documents from the White House or CIA that are supposedly private or classified are leaked every day. Bands' contracts with venues are leaked all the time and give those great "tour rider demands" on Grand jury testimony, which is supposedly private by law, makes it into newspapers on a daily basis. Anyone with an agenda can leak anything, and, voila, everyone sees it.

except anything to do with GnR is so tightly kept under wraps that we rarely get any info about anything..i guess the US government should take some lessons from them 16

 Rep: 287 

Re: The Early Recording Process of CD? (With spoilers from Slash's Book)

Aussie wrote:
Neemo wrote:
madagas wrote:

it was a listed exhibit in the Slash/Duff vs Axl lawsuit. We were not privy to the document though. We had the complaint but not the exhibits attached to it.:flame: It must not have held much water because the lawsuits were dismissed. The Slash asslicking is out of control. 19 It takes two to tango people.

no asslicking at all...i acknowledged in my first post that i understand it's Slash's POV....i wish i could read Axl's and try to make an unbiased opinion...Slash even says that in his book....he's always enforcing the idea that Axl has just as valid of argument as he does, but from where he was thats what he felt and went through...he put alot of blame on goldstein as well for catering so much to axl but realize that him and duff let doug deal with axl, cuz they didnt want to, so he acknowledges that they kinda brought it on themselves

I think Goldstein has a lot to answer for.  All he ever appeared to do was milk things for himself.

If he was any sort of manager he would have stood up to Axl and put his foot down about a whole range of shit.  But I'm sure he was happy to pander to him to keep the peace which meant keeping his paycheck.

Granted Duff & Slash were just as potentially spineless for not kicking ass as well, but the fucking manager at least should.  I mean what the hell is his role then if not to say "No" now and then to people?

He should also be keeping costs down (all the equipment hire we hear about sounded like a total waste of money), keeping things moving, rehursals, communication etc.  But it sounds like he simply turned into a personal secretary and errand boy for Axl and simply took orders rather than gave them.

I think Slash summed it well when he spoke of Niven's sacking as manager ....."I knew it was going to happen but I didn't think it would be the tipping point.  Looking back, I feel that shift was the moment, the pause at the pinnacle of the bands success...and the start of it's downfall.  All the same, I saw Doug coming.  He made a place for himself in Axl's life, and once Axl had made his feelings about Alan clear, I don't think it's a coincidence that Doug was right there to pick up the reins.  He had been strategically moving up the ladder from the beginning.  He was like an ambush predator".

Those are pretty scathing comments.  Plus it's worth noting that Niven was the last manager to actually get an album of original material out of the GN'R.

 Rep: 108 

Re: The Early Recording Process of CD? (With spoilers from Slash's Book)

war wrote:
Neemo wrote:
war wrote:

slash said he quit due to musical differences with axl back when axl was into the techno phase.  Now he says in one interview about chinese demoracy that they had something going toward the end and it will be interesting to see where axl brought it. he's lied in the past about things too so don't take everything he says to heart. and even of this perspective is true it leaves important parts out i think. i think things gradually got like this because of the musical directions axl wanted to go. it's no secret salsh wanted to keep it simple and axl didn't. when slash didn't wanna change axl started bringing in other musicians and influences and that's when they started to quit. can't blame them for quitting but you can't blam axl either. it's not like he forced them out. if anything he avoided doing that. it was time, that's all.

did youi read the book? Slash makes it clear that the musical diferences thing is bullshit he goes into alot of depth about "musical differences"

no and i don't need to. you are telling me what is in it. and what you are telling me is that slash is saying something that contradicts what he has said in interviews. and, yes, he has been dishonest in the past. it is quite simple. you have to take what he says with a grain of salt like bigbri said.

 Rep: 423 

Re: The Early Recording Process of CD? (With spoilers from Slash's Book)

buzzsaw wrote:

Thank goodness we have good old honest Axl to set the record straight.  19

 Rep: 53 

Re: The Early Recording Process of CD? (With spoilers from Slash's Book)

elmir wrote:
war wrote:

what you are telling me is that slash is saying something that contradicts what he has said in interviews.

what slash wrote in his book about "musical differences" is that he would have done an industrial record IF Axl was easier team other words if Axl was a cooperative band member, and helped out, didnt skip rehearsals and concerts, and separate himself from the rest, Slash would have made an effort to please him and his new experimental musical ideas....

that's all he said about that topic....nothing else...

i don't see it as much of a contradiction as to what he said in interviews, but more of an explanation on a sore topic for most fans...

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Early Recording Process of CD? (With spoilers from Slash's Book)

Neemo wrote:
war wrote:

no and i don't need to. you are telling me what is in it.

yes with my amazing skill as a writer i am able to summarize 460 pages in one single 10 line post 16

buzzsaw wrote:

Thank goodness we have good old honest Axl to set the record straight.  19

haha no doubt

elmir wrote:
war wrote:

what you are telling me is that slash is saying something that contradicts what he has said in interviews.

what slash wrote in his book about "musical differences" is that he would have done an industrial record IF Axl was easier team other words if Axl was a cooperative band member, and helped out, didnt skip rehearsals and concerts, and separate himself from the rest, Slash would have made an effort to please him and his new experimental musical ideas....

that's all he said about that topic....nothing else...

i don't see it as much of a contradiction as to what he said in interviews, but more of an explanation on a sore topic for most fans...

i just thought it funny cuz slash made a point to write about "musical differences" and then war posted about it...i got a bit of a chuckle out of it....maybe you should read the book and you'll find out what exactly he says about musical differences and those who claim that reason for the breakup tongue

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