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 Rep: 149 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

slcpunk wrote:

I take issue with Axl refusing to play with the old guys for a few songs as a means to move forward and then following up with this.

 Rep: 281 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

faldor wrote:

Man, this place reeks of negativity lately.  At least the last few pages of this thread.  Can't wait till they start playing shows tomorrow so we can read about how terrible the setlist is and how awful Axl sounds.  How they're going in reverse, are a tribute band, talentless musicians who can't write to save their lives.  How Axl should just call it quits and go back into hiding.  How horrible the management team is.  What a joke this whole charade has become.  How fat Axl is.  How out of shape he is.  How disgraceful it is they dare play songs off of AFD.  How Axl doesn't care about the fans.  How Ron will probably quit after a few shows.  How Tommy is at his wits end and will probably leave the band to focus on a Replacements reunion.  How it's funny that Tommy used to be in the Replacements, and now he IS ONE.  How Buckethead, Robin, and Brain were genius's for getting out when they did.  How we'll never hear any new music.  And if we do, it won't be any good.  And if it is, it won't be AS good as real GNR.  And if it is, we won't admit to it anyway.  We can debate how real rape compares with fake rape compares with prostitution, compares with lynching.  We can talk about how Axl used to beat women and probably still does.  How he's crazy, bipolar, stuck in the past.

Did I get it all?  Probably not.  Regardless I look forward to those discussions.  Can't WAIT!!!

 Rep: 149 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

slcpunk wrote:

It sucks that we can't all feel the same way about everything huh?

 Rep: 70 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

..And now we wait in anticipation for the show and discussion to continue ladies & gents!

 Rep: 485 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

Neemo wrote:

I'm with faldor, this is gonna be sweet 9

Hopefully it all goes well, and maybe with a couple new tunes in the setlist they will get some positive momentum

 Rep: 281 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

faldor wrote:
Cramer wrote:

It sucks that we can't all feel the same way about everything huh?

No it doesn't.  Obviously people are going to have their own opinions, and they're going to vary.  But have you read through the last 3 pages in this thread?  It seems all those posts were pretty consistent to me.  I read a shit ton of "shared feelings", that's why I felt the need to shake things up a bit and break away from all the doom and gloom. 

People have given this band their own personal "last chance" multiple times.  I'm just sick of hearing it.  Give up on them already if that's the way you feel.  Stop bitching about it and take action. 19

 Rep: 281 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

faldor wrote:
Neemo wrote:

I'm with faldor, this is gonna be sweet 9

Hopefully it all goes well, and maybe with a couple new tunes in the setlist they will get some positive momentum

Yeah, I can't wait to see what unfolds.  I expect some mild surprises.  Nothing major, but enough to take notice.  Hopefully they do switch up the setlists as they go along, at least somewhat, for those going to multiple shows.  But again, I wouldn't expect them to go all Pearl Jam and change it up drastically every night.

 Rep: 231 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

-D- wrote:
faldor wrote:

Man, this place reeks of negativity lately.  At least the last few pages of this thread.  Can't wait till they start playing shows tomorrow so we can read about how terrible the setlist is and how awful Axl sounds.  How they're going in reverse, are a tribute band, talentless musicians who can't write to save their lives.  How Axl should just call it quits and go back into hiding.  How horrible the management team is.  What a joke this whole charade has become.  How fat Axl is.  How out of shape he is.  How disgraceful it is they dare play songs off of AFD.  How Axl doesn't care about the fans.  How Ron will probably quit after a few shows.  How Tommy is at his wits end and will probably leave the band to focus on a Replacements reunion.  How it's funny that Tommy used to be in the Replacements, and now he IS ONE.  How Buckethead, Robin, and Brain were genius's for getting out when they did.  How we'll never hear any new music.  And if we do, it won't be any good.  And if it is, it won't be AS good as real GNR.  And if it is, we won't admit to it anyway.  We can debate how real rape compares with fake rape compares with prostitution, compares with lynching.  We can talk about how Axl used to beat women and probably still does.  How he's crazy, bipolar, stuck in the past.

Did I get it all?  Probably not.  Regardless I look forward to those discussions.  Can't WAIT!!!

yeah but what if they do play same setlist, Axl does sound bad like RIR or bridge school?

I find it funny how Battered Wife Syndrome has taken over GNR land.

I have no optimism whatsoever Axl will play anything new.

if he does, I'll be happy but it amazes me how people fall for the same shit everytime.

 Rep: 281 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

faldor wrote:
-D- wrote:

yeah but what if they do play same setlist, Axl does sound bad like RIR or bridge school?

I find it funny how Battered Wife Syndrome has taken over GNR land.

I have no optimism whatsoever Axl will play anything new.

if he does, I'll be happy but it amazes me how people fall for the same shit everytime.

Who says I'm "falling" for anything.  I'm not "expecting" anything extraordinary myself.  I enjoy what they've been doing of late and like what they have planned for the near future.  I think I'm entitled to that.

Again, it's all based on how you view things.  You look at the Bridge School "performance" as horrendous and better off forgotten.  Or used for examples that Axl can no longer sing.  I look at it as it was a great charitable event for the band to be a part of.  MAYBE Axl was sick and that effected his ability to sing. 

It's not all bad, unless you choose to make it that way.

 Rep: 287 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

Aussie wrote:

Ha ha good post Faldor!

In a similar vein, I went over to HTGTH and it just reeked of positivity.  I just can't wait for the shows to start so we can start reading about, how awesome Axl sounds now, best WTTJ scream evvvaaa!!!, best TIL solo of all time!!!  How Axl really nailed that "Fuck Off" line in ISE I think it was directed at Slash, how rock n roll Axl is that he runs to his own timeclock, how cool it is that according to band members  they don't follow a setlist so anything could happen, how awesome all the recordings these guys are doing on their own and showing Axl are - we must be so close to a new album.  What a media and money hungry whore $lash is.  That Ashba TM swag is really groovy! What an over whelmingly positive impact the Lebeis' have had on Axl and the fans since they first came in contact with him, how shit previous managers have been and are to blame for everything negative.  How boss it is to hear Anything Goes live, didn't Fortus really nail that "Moving Piano Jam"! What a pleasant surprise it was to see another cover song thrown into the set, how cool it is that this lineup functions like a real band. How Slash is still trying to live off the GN'R legacy whereas at least Axl is moving forward - he's got a vision, GNR inducted into the HOF that's awesome - wait Axl's not going, the HOF is a joke.  Slash playing the super bowl is so lame, but DJ nailed that national anthem he played before that other game.  Same as that private wedding they did, pure rock n roll, no selling out to be seen here unlike $la$h.  Im so excited because DJ said they had a few surprises in store - again.  That is really nice that they mixed up the order of song 2 with song 3 this time and did a brand new cover song, that'll show those set list complainers!


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