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Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: The Walking Dead

Smoking Guns wrote:

Okay. Give me the spoiler, who was on the phone?  They need to kill all the damn walkers in the prison. So many of them. How did they bury carol with no grave?  All they had was her beanie. Michonne needs to find Rick and crew. Maggie will fuck Daryl cause he is that big if a badass!

 Rep: 50 

Re: The Walking Dead

Rex wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Okay. Give me the spoiler, who was on the phone?  They need to kill all the damn walkers in the prison. So many of them. How did they bury carol with no grave?  All they had was her beanie. Michonne needs to find Rick and crew. Maggie will fuck Daryl cause he is that big if a badass!

Hidden Text:

In the comic, Rick carries around an old rotary phone so he can "talk" to Lori whenever he wants. I think you can connect the dots.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: The Walking Dead

Smoking Guns wrote:

Holy hell... If Rick loses his mind, who will be the leader?  I guess Daryl, right up until Guvnah starts coming around, then Rick comes back to old rick?!?!?!?!

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Walking Dead

misterID wrote:

I've never seen a Talking Dead episode since I usualy DVR the series. Any good?

I'm thinking Michonne and Andrea won't get to the prison until next season.

I can see Daryl taking on a more leadership role, especially how he took to the baby. And it's going to be interesting to seehow they play Rick's relationship with the baby in the show, seeing Lori died for her and the baby is (no doubt) Shane's. They've changed so much from the comic that I have no diea what's coming next.

...Well, there are a few things I KNOW they'll add from the comic in the future, but the best thing about the show is Daryl. He's not in the comic and it changes all the dynamics for everything.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Walking Dead

Axlin16 wrote:

The episode before last kicked ass. Real intense.

The follow up was a fucking joke from a writing standpoint. Real disjointed. I like you guys had no clue what was even going on. The third grave thing, where's Carol, and the group just moves on.

The plus is finally making Rick go to the background (which I hate more and more each week), and promoting Daryl to the series star which everyone knows he is.

Daryl is my boy. Remind me of me. Love that guy.

 Rep: 70 

Re: The Walking Dead

Yeah he truly is everyone's favorite and for good reasons. The writers seem to do no wrong with the character especially since he was built for the show exclusively. His moments this past episode were strong and quite developing despite the problems with the others.

 Rep: 59 

Re: The Walking Dead

jorge76 wrote:
misterID wrote:

I've never seen a Talking Dead episode since I usualy DVR the series. Any good?

I've only caught a few, but it's definitely interesting.  It gets a little super nerdy about things sometimes, but that is sort of Chris Hardwick's schtick anyway, and if you're watching you're obviously into the show. 

I don't know if they're all like this (but I assume they are) the ones I've seen have someone involved in the show whether it's an actor or someone behind the scenes, and one other person who is marginally famous... but the only person I knew that I saw was Patton Oswalt once last season.  They just sorta shoot the shit about the show that just aired and the series in general

They do an "In Memorium" for everyone who died, Zombies included, which I find hilarious, and I think Hardwick is kinda funny anyway which helps out. 

It's not must watch by any means, but it's worth checking out.  Like I said before, if I hadn't watched this week, I'd have had no idea what was going on with Rick and that zombie, but I've never had anythng like that happen with this show before.

 Rep: 70 

Re: The Walking Dead

Talking Dead is entertaining for the most part. Basically it helps recap the show for viewers and allows some of the producers, cast members, and celebs discuss their thoughts. Just the constant commercials and other shit is very annoying. If you are looking for a critical review of an episode that's not the place. I thought the T-Dog model puppet that was used and brought on the show was freaking hilarious.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: The Walking Dead

Smoking Guns wrote:

Shit is getting good now!!!

 Rep: 70 

Re: The Walking Dead

Smoking Guns wrote:

Shit is getting good now!!!

5 Agreed! Can't wait for more!

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