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 Rep: 423 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

buzzsaw wrote:
ottosporteman wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
ottosporteman wrote:

I'll respect what Russ asked and won't get into the issue.

Glad at least YOU are LOLing at this situation.

This attitude of laughing at other people opinion's expenses, thinking you are so cool and so right while everybody else is wrong is one of the reasons your country and your people is labeled as retarded all around the world, but I'll keep my comments to myself as they are not as short narrowed as your opinions seem to be.

I'm laughing at the idiotic notion that passing gun control laws would somehow magically stop people from getting shot.  I don't care that you believe it or not...that's your right.  I don't own a gun.  I'm not a gun advocate.  I'm realistic enough to understand that the people committing these crimes aren't going to not commit them because guns are illegal.  Killing people is illegal.  Do you think the fact that the gun is illegal too will somehow stop these murders?

I don't have an agenda, but clearly you do.

First of all, don't call me an idiot.

Second of all, I'm not saying to BLOCK access to Guns for everybody but to narrow down to people who are psychologically capable of handing a gun.

When did I say that guns should be illegal? Yeah, you're only talking about an agenda because you have one. Stop calling people who you don't know - and don't even bother to read their opinions - names and don't put carefully chosen words into what I've said and we can have a conversation, otherwise keep it to yourself.

Read what I said.  I never called you an idiot.  The rest of your crap is just babbling.  Take your own advice and keep it to yourself...telling a guy that doesn't own a gun that he has an agenda on gun control.  LOL

 Rep: 423 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

buzzsaw wrote:
Neemo wrote:

Terrible I can't imagine.

buzz is right a psycho is a psycho, and if he wanted these people dead he would've made it happen regardless of legality, but we need to understand that the accessibility of firearms is much higher in a country that stands up strongly for right to possess amunitions, and to my knowledge situations like this seem to occur much more frequently in the USA than in the rest of the world. I dunno if the shooter is a teenager or not, but if dude goes into a rage with a gun nearby chances are greater it will be used as opposed to going out finding a gun for sale on the black market then proceed to go on a spree. My $0.02

Guns are too inbred into our society.  They will never go away even if outlawed.  Once you realize that, you realize why gun control will never change anything in the US.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

buzzsaw wrote:
DCK wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
ottosporteman wrote:

A sad day and a shame it has to keep happening until gun control is taken more seriously.

LOL - gun control will do nothing...ask the kids in China if it was better to be killed with a knife instead of a gun.

22 wounded in China.

Wonder what would have happened if he had a Glock, don't you?

Are we going to suppose every situation in life?  Maybe he had a gun and didn't use it?  The point is guns don't kill people.  Yes, it's a talking point, but it's 100% true.  People that disturbed are going to do what they are going to do and no law is going to stop them.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 423 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

buzzsaw wrote:
RussTCB wrote:

I should clarify that I do not mean to say no one is allowed to be discussing gun control or lack there of now. I wouldn't dream of trying to censor the forum like that no matter what the issue.

All I'm saying is that I'm encouraging you guys to take a step back and really think about what happened and those affected before jumping into a debate about laws and/or country vs country.

That's the thing - everybody is jumping to gun control as the way to stop things like this.  Not here specifically, but all over twitter and facebook.  The bad guys are going to get their guns no matter what even if they were outlawed tomorrow. 

The issue isn't guns, the issue is how do we let people get to this point?

 Rep: 423 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

buzzsaw wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

The issue isn't guns, the issue is how do we let people get to this point?

I'll expand on this later, but I think the pussification of America contributes greatly to things like this.  Nobody learns about failure as a kid.  Nobody learns how to handle adversity.  Lets give everyone a trophy.  Lets lower our standards so more pass.  None of this happened when I was a kid; none of this certainly happened when my parents were kids.  People learned at an early age how to deal with stuff instead of being taught to ignore it.  Add to that the fact that violence is all over tv and the movies (and video games) and people are just immune to it.

The issue is society, not the gun.  If guns didn't exist, people would still die.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 281 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

faldor wrote:

Awful, awful story.  Can't imagine what those families are going through.  And even the people who survived the horrific event, their lives will never be the same.  Especially the children.  They'll probably go through a good portion of their lives living in fear, being faced with such a tragic event so early in life.

These types of things happen far too often, here in the US especially.  I don't know the reason for it, how to stop it, etc.  But it is just out of control.  There are too many sick and demented people running around.  For the life of me I can't fathom how they think actions like this are a good idea, or will solve anything.  Of course, you can't rationalize with a crazy person, so what's the use?

And I'd suggest to ease up with the anti-American thoughts and statements.  It's neither the time, nor the place for that.  Take it to PM's if you wanna conduct yourself in that manner.

 Rep: 31 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

Stacey wrote:
RussTCB wrote:

TWENTY. CHILDREN. DEAD. ... I realize the entire thing is a tragedy, but god help me, I just cannot get my head around that part.

It's unfathomable. I pray we never have something this tragic hit anywhere close to our home.

I really wish people would just stop talking about anything other than the tragedy of the entire situation. It's appalling.

 Rep: 70 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

RussTCB wrote:

TWENTY. CHILDREN. DEAD. ... I realize the entire thing is a tragedy, but god help me, I just cannot get my head around that part.

Same here. It's extremely unsettling and you can't sugar coat that kind of tragedy. Those kids just wanted to learn, go home, and they can't even celebrate Christmas or the rest of their lives now. That's the part that hurts the most. They won't be around for any of that. Enough about guns and laws....the damage has been done.

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