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 Rep: 475 

Re: The Walking Dead

misterID wrote:

Awesome episode last night.

 Rep: 70 

Re: The Walking Dead

Now if Tyreese can come back and help out his future buddy. That would be great!

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Walking Dead

misterID wrote:

Yeah, that was disappointing that he wasn't in this episode. Very shocked they took out that one dude with a sniper shot. The whole end of that episode with the Governor's attack on the prison I was like, "Oh, shit..."

Next week's episode didn't look very ood though, but hopefully I'm pleasantly surprised. We need Daryl to grab Rick and tell him to stop being such a little bitch now.

 Rep: 70 

Re: The Walking Dead

I was really excited and happy when that fight happened. Made the episode besides Daryl's awesome rescue all the more epic. As for Rick's state, well...once you lose your wife, close friends, and people you thought you could trust. It can really fuck with your head I suppose. Rick just needs to get some damn sleep after that fight. But yeah..Daryl knows what's up and will help Rick out. Just got to keep one eye open for ol' Merle. lol.

Kirkman said during Talking Dead that Tyreese will show up again with his group and Rick's group sometime during this season or next...he won't spill the details of course.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Walking Dead

Axlin16 wrote:

I thought it was the best episode since the show came back, if not the entire season.

I love the new Daryl/Merle tag team and the tension between them. Easily the best thing on the screen now. And as I said before, I am completely sick of Rick.

 Rep: 50 

Re: The Walking Dead

Rex wrote:

That last episode was awesome with the action, and it also makes you think.

The Governor's mindgames, Maggie being all weird, the dynamic between Merle and Daryl. Lots of good stuff.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Walking Dead

Axlin16 wrote:

Great point Rex!

I actually mentioned that to a friend while watching it. When the Rick/Shane dynamic was going strong in Season 2, it worked so well because there was a philosophical battle going on between Rick & Shane that made the show well-written and fascinating to watch. I, who in my core thought I would root for Rick, found myself rooting for Shane (whom I initially hated) by the end, because I found Shane to be a more ethical person than Rick. Shane's ethics are survival. He was like the Joker -- just pure chaos. Rick on the other hand was a total fake. Shane wore on his shoulder what he was about, what he loved, and what he wanted. Rick seems self-centered now in comparison.

However i've been a Daryl guy since the beginning, but at least in that dynamic there was something.

Now that Shane is gone and Merle is back, the Daryl/Merle relationship has now taken over that aspect, and the morality play that exists between the two of them, and the backstory of them and their father we've yet to hear has revived that aspect. What made the show so good before.

It should get good again now.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Walking Dead

misterID wrote:

Shane was trying to fuck Rick's lady and raise his kid... Right in front of him! He had a right to be pissed. And he still didnt' want to lose Shane and was trying to get him back t the guy he knew he could be, even if anything, for the sake of the group, because he knew how important Shane was, who did nothing but wallow in self pity there for a while. But I do agree that Rick needs that balance, and hopefully Merle provides that.

Re: The Walking Dead

johndivney wrote:

Shane more ethical than Rick?! Wtf they teach u on that psychology course?!

 Rep: 50 

Re: The Walking Dead

Rex wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

Great point Rex!

I actually mentioned that to a friend while watching it. When the Rick/Shane dynamic was going strong in Season 2, it worked so well because there was a philosophical battle going on between Rick & Shane that made the show well-written and fascinating to watch. I, who in my core thought I would root for Rick, found myself rooting for Shane (whom I initially hated) by the end, because I found Shane to be a more ethical person than Rick. Shane's ethics are survival. He was like the Joker -- just pure chaos. Rick on the other hand was a total fake. Shane wore on his shoulder what he was about, what he loved, and what he wanted. Rick seems self-centered now in comparison.

However i've been a Daryl guy since the beginning, but at least in that dynamic there was something.

Now that Shane is gone and Merle is back, the Daryl/Merle relationship has now taken over that aspect, and the morality play that exists between the two of them, and the backstory of them and their father we've yet to hear has revived that aspect. What made the show so good before.

It should get good again now.

Can't say I agree with you here. In fact, i'm inclined to believe the opposite.

Shane was a two-faced asshole from the very beginning. I think the only reason he was trying to be a "survivalist" was so that he would have a reason to kill Rick and take the "spoils of war." When he actually had the nerve to speak at Otis' funeral after what he did, it really showed me what a piece of shit he was.

I really don't see Rick as being a total fake, maybe naive, but not fake. He truly believed that they could go on with their lives as if nothing happened if they just found the right place. Unfortunately, he learned the hard way. The world changes you, and he himself is turning into another Shane.

As for Daryl and Merle, I'm left wondering whether one of these brothers will have the others blood on his hands. It's not just the relationship between them, but how is the rest of the group going to react to Merle? Everyone's already on edge after what happened, and with Rick pretty much losing his mind, adding more stress is only going to make things more volatile. I have to wonder if Glenn is going to take a seat now that Darly's back, or try to stay the "top dog."

I swear, it seems like they're trying their hardest to get me to hate Andrea, and it's working. I also get the feeling that they're building it up so that she eventually has to make a decision between Woodbury and the Prison. What bugs me is how they don't really bring up the tanks full of heads or anything. Does she really feel this guy is all there when he's doing shit like that?

AND PLEASE, DO SOMETHING WITH MICHONNE! It's hard not to like her when she's walking around, slashing the heads off zombies, but man am I tired of her being a dumb moody bitch all the time.

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