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 Rep: 0 

Re: What are you eating?

Mandy wrote:

Chocolate cereal bar.

 Rep: 664 

Re: What are you eating?

James wrote:

I'm eating a few Nutter Butter cookies.

I have a turkey breast baking in the oven, and will eat that with some sweet potatoes, cabbage, and possibly some garlic toast.

Re: What are you eating?

I just ate 2 eggs scrambled on a roll with butter smile

 Rep: 664 

Re: What are you eating?

James wrote:

I'm gonna make tuna cheeseburgers, brown rice, mashed potatoes, spinach, and gonna have peppers and sweet pickles on the side. Will wash it down with Diet Dr. Pepper.

Gonna watch Death Proof while I eat.

 Rep: 341 

Re: What are you eating?

bigbri wrote:

an apple with peanut butter, washed down with some White Merlot! Mmmmm.

Re: What are you eating?

I just had saute'd zucchini with chopped onions, in oil with salt and vodka sauce mixed in over rice with sprinkled grated cheese over it.

One of my favorite dishes.

 Rep: 485 

Re: What are you eating?

Neemo wrote:

lasagne, Garlic Bread w cheese and mixed greens for dinner....then i had chocolate cake for dessert 9

Re: What are you eating?

I'm going to have some thai green curry tonight.

Hopefully, it will turn out alright.

 Rep: 485 

Re: What are you eating?

Neemo wrote:

I'm not a curry fan at all sad

but i'm having some lipton vegetable beef cup o soup right now

 Rep: 80 

Re: What are you eating?

Backslash wrote:

I've got some ribs in the oven.  Just put them in, actually.  I seasoned them with garlic, pepper, and salt and put them in on 280.  In 2 hours I'll add some BBQ sauce and let them cook for another hour.  By then they'll be as tender and delicious as possible.

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