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 Rep: 341 

Re: Thoughts and conspiracies

bigbri wrote:

So, bumble, you admit you're wrong? Good. I like integrity in my trolls.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Thoughts and conspiracies

Aussie wrote:
Bumble4tus wrote:
Aussie wrote:
Bumble4tus wrote:

Oh you took the bait! Wanted to see if you actually knew the difference between concerts or were here for no reason. Thank you for clearing that up,were you there?

I went to the Perth concert then flew to Melbourne and saw the 2 conerts there as well.

And perhaps you could keep your suggestions to yourself,but I'm impressed you went to three concerts then? Which one was your personal favourite?
and what is "whingeing?" Sounds of Silence sounds good to me right now.

But if everybody kept their suggestions to themselves - nobody would ever post on the message board.

I liked the 2 melbourne concerts better than Perth (curfew restrictions meant they couldn't do a longer encore in Perth - no Maddy or CD).  I liked the first night in Melbourne since they did Rocket Queen (I love that song) and Axl came out riding a low rider style biycyle that he had bought at the start of the song.  They also did CD which was cool.  The second night was cool coz I was on the rail and during the ending of Paradise City BBF was down in front of the rail walking along letting people strum his guitar, then when he got towards the end where I was he stopped right in front of me and I was just strumming away to the outro of the song.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Thoughts and conspiracies

war wrote:

I have a feeling axl has a few friends in low places who's identity or identities would surprise most of us here.

 Rep: -3 

Re: Thoughts and conspiracies

Bumble4tus wrote:
bigbri wrote:

So, bumble, you admit you're wrong? Good. I like integrity in my trolls.

Look at your Icon Featherfucker, I am never wrong-I simply admitted CC's statement was amusing

the "my rant caused your rant" made me laugh!

and as for the perth guy, That was an obvious bait-have you not learned subtle ways of finding things out yet? I guess not!

 Rep: 287 

Re: Thoughts and conspiracies

Aussie wrote:
Bumble4tus wrote:
bigbri wrote:

So, bumble, you admit you're wrong? Good. I like integrity in my trolls.

Look at your Icon Featherfucker, I am never wrong-I simply admitted CC's statement was amusing

the "my rant caused your rant" made me laugh!

and as for the perth guy, That was an obvious bait-have you not learned subtle ways of finding things out yet? I guess not!

But even if I didn't know if it was Brisbane that the object was thrown onstage, I don't think it makes me any less of a fan.

If I hadn't attended the concert in my hometown then possibly you could assume that I might be more of a casual fan or not even a fan at all.

But at the end of the day I love GN'R.  I dont' necessarily agree with everything they do and how things are run all the time and I say so now and then - but hey that's just my opinion and take on the situation.

 Rep: -3 

Re: Thoughts and conspiracies

Bumble4tus wrote:

Just testing the water,don't get bent out of shape perth guy. At least you enjoyed the concerts,that is positive.

 Rep: -3 

Re: Thoughts and conspiracies

Bumble4tus wrote:
Neemo wrote:
Bumble4tus wrote:

Mr. Mod Neemo
Actually Reznor has a history of not getting along with his Recording Companies,and when it came time to renew,he said no to Interscope. Fact.

I'll take your word on it cuz I'm not a Trent/NIN fan..but you said the key words there..."When it came time to renew"....Axl has yet to hand over CD...and he at least owes one to the Label..until he gives Geffen that album his hands are legally tied...and he cant just walk away cuz the next thing he releases is gonna be Geffen's whether he likes it or not

as for tthis

Bumble4tus wrote:

They fabricated a name for their "next" album and came up with a bogus list of songs-then they sat back and watched as the gossipmongers and people that seemed to know it all made fools of themselves.

They did this not once but twice, having the last laugh on the parasites that were preying on this band..
"bootlegs" for the nonexistant album were issued as well as illegal merchandise such as Tshirts.

Phony insiders discussed the album at length claiming to have heard tracks.

we already know for a fact that 7 tracks are true...cuz we have the for the others too many people outside the band have talked about songs like prostitute for them to be could be right that the album will not be called Chinese Democracy though...any unofficial merch from the 06 tour for GnR still had the old band on it though so we already know that those people are fucked

I was just amused that Tool was able to pull that off to such a degree, to raise havoc with an industry that will eat you alive is an accomplishment par excellence.
Don't read anything into my post that wasn't there, I wasn't remotely suggesting that ChiDem would be called anything else, or discussing it's tracklist. I'm not going there......

My point was that Tool took vengeance on the people who pose as Fans, but in reality are opportunists..
and was able to fuck back with a cold heartless Industry at the same time- now that is priceless....

 Rep: 287 

Re: Thoughts and conspiracies

Aussie wrote:
Bumble4tus wrote:

Just testing the water,don't get bent out of shape perth guy. At least you enjoyed the concerts,that is positive.

I'm not bent outta shape - I was just trying to understand where you were coming from with some of your posts.

Yep I had a great time when GN'R were here in Oz!  Album or no album didn't make a difference to me when I was seeing em live.

 Rep: -3 

Re: Thoughts and conspiracies

Bumble4tus wrote:

You enjoyed it,that's all that counts sometimes.
Would you go again?

 Rep: 287 

Re: Thoughts and conspiracies

Aussie wrote:

Yeah I would definitely go again - even it was to hear exactly the same songs and no more new music.  Sure there would be other songs I would like to hear them play, but I just enjoy seeing them live - Axl could sing nursery rhymes for all I care, and I would still enjoy it.  There is something special about seeing a band like them live!

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