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 Rep: 70 

Re: The Star Wars Thread *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED!*

polluxlm wrote:

Looking around it appears it's not really even a rumor, just a fan made title. No crisis mode....yet. 14

..and breathe..and exhale! 16

 Rep: 221 

Re: The Star Wars Thread *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED!*

polluxlm wrote:

Arndt (the scriptwriter) has gotten the sack. Kasdan from ROTJ brought in, he'll be writing with JJ.

 Rep: 70 

Re: The Star Wars Thread *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED!*

Yep the news has been circling the web for a couple days now. Very interesting and brings in some relief on the script and production parts. Hopefully a teaser appears sometime in the spring or summer of next year.

 Rep: 287 

Re: The Star Wars Thread *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED!*

Aussie wrote:

Not sure if anybody saw this, but I noticed on live leak last night a few vids with this in the description:

A Star Wars fan bought a LaserDisc off eBay and payed $699 for 30 minutes of never before seen footage. It contains 50 raw and behind-the-scene takes from Return of the Jedi. Here is one compilation of of out takes and bloopers.

Here is a link to a couple of them:

 Rep: 70 

Re: The Star Wars Thread *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED!*

Very cool footage. I saw some of the stuff earlier today. I have a feeling alot of this footage will see the light of day on future releases once Disney gets the original licenses and releases the original trilogy properly uncut and untouched from all the unnecessary touches added by George years later.

 Rep: 70 

Re: The Star Wars Thread *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED!*


A little sad that it won't be in May and near my birthday that year. Oh well. This sounds like a good strategy. More time to make the movie better and develop the other stories for VIII and IX. Looks like they don't want to rush this thing out of the door which is a positive sign. … -breaking/

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Star Wars Thread *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED!*

Axlin16 wrote:

I'm still kind of stunned Abrams brought back Kasdan to help right VII.

I'm curious what the continuity will look like with Jedi, compared to the prequels. I thought after Lucas re-tooled Jedi to incorporate the characters from the prequels, that everyone just wants to move on from that period, and either have a direct-sequel to Jedi, or just a sequel in the future.

I say a sequel, rather than a reboot, because A) it's # VII, and B) I think all the fans will be disappointed if Hamill, Ford & Fisher aren't there in some form.

Still think the best move is to do it sort of similar (but written WAY better) to the new "Dallas". Just bring in a new group, or kids, and have 'the big three' in the background kind of guiding them.

 Rep: 221 

Re: The Star Wars Thread *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED!*

polluxlm wrote:

This project is such a hit or miss. For me at least there can be no middle ground. Either they do it proper or they shouldn't have bothered at all. My biggest fear is people don't understand that SW isn't about effects, not really. It's a very specific type of story telling. Humorous, but serious. Relevant, but not political. Kid friendly, but not a kid movie. If I get the slightest inkling of that standard Hollywood stick being inserted it's over.

The only thing in Disney's catalog giving me hope in this project is John Carter. Granted I actually liked that film, but it's not very promising. That being their only "success" in the genre till now.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Star Wars Thread *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED!*

Axlin16 wrote:

I think though if you at least have the dynamic between Hamill, Ford & Fisher, albeit older, the rest will fall in the place for the fans.

The new Dallas is not that good, but diehards will swear by it as long as those principles are on screen, because there's such a power in it. These old school people pop WAY MORE than these new school kids.

I think Episode VII could be the worst Star Wars film yet, and if the big three are there, the diehard geeks will swear VII is lightyears better than the prequels.

 Rep: 70 

Re: The Star Wars Thread *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED!*

I liked John Carter. It was one of Disney's biggest flops; but I think a pretty ballsy move on their part. The film is well made and quite enjoyable. It commits to it's other worldness and some of the material it is adapted from. Just I think the story and it's many elements people were extremely confused by and you can't fault anybody for that. I think with some better writers that could of been fixed appropriately. Everything with that film is just gorgeous. The music, the presentation, designs, and the acting is pretty solid. It could be in cult status down the road.

As for Episode VII, I would call it just yet. Give it time and wait for the final product to be released. Hell it could be fantastic and the best decisions have been made to save this franchise. Or it could all be a disaster and just a money making scam that tricked fans...or it could be an alright film leading to improvements. Not sure at the moment.

Interesting ideas all around from you both. As for Kasdan, I'm kind of glad a veteran writer from one of the earlier films is helping out Abrams. Also the whole Eewoks and certain elements that were in Jedi were just Kasdan bowing to Lucas's demands. George wanted some of that stuff not alot of the production people. I think we will get more liberty from these films to explore more and have the fun back. I'm sensing the Expanded Universe or at least some things from it being used. Abrams from him not wanting to be involved all that much with Star Trek anymore will live out his dream of making a Star Wars movie and seeing if that succeeds and him being a fan while bringing in those ideas from earlier films will pay off.

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