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 Rep: 475 

Re: The Walking Dead

misterID wrote:

The gov's role was rushed, I was expecting him to survive, not the episode.

And I give a fuck about the baby, apparantly. It's in a carrier, meaning someone was carrying it. I can see someone just leaving it if they were a complete and utter useless little bitch. Try and attack the tank? HA! Not when you're a little bitch who wouldn't even try to save a baby in a carrier. wink

 Rep: 70 

Re: The Walking Dead

I've honestly enjoyed this season alot thus far and the finale was straight out of the comics; but adding the right amount of changes that the show made to make it feel appropriate. I agree that this should of been the S3 finale and I wish Tyreese was introduced earlier in the series itself cause that could of helped a few things with the dynamic.

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Hershel's death was executed properly and not forced

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I'm actually glad they kept the Gov around a little longer and gave him more of an angle. In the comics, he is just not human period. At least with the show they give him more back story which sort of worked and a chance which he blew. Plus David Morrisey is a fantastic actor and fit the character perfectly.

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Rick Vs. The Gov mono ye mono was badass and the Michonne stab. Full fight was brutal and sets up a great situation for the rest of the season. To get the hell out of Atlanta and survive. I'm sure the group will regroup sometime in the rest of the episodes.

Re: The Walking Dead

AtariLegend wrote:

I think the Baby is alive! That said if it wasn't, you still wouldn't show the body.

btw Anyone think the Gov got a pretty nice death? I mean almost everyone he convinced died. He decapitates fucking Hersel. He guns down half the residents of the town he ran and the Andrea stuff from last season ect. That chick should have just let him get eat by zombies.

Re: The Walking Dead

johndivney wrote:

really wish givnor had turned into a zombie
he'd have been a badass zombie
coulda brought some organisation to the hordes!

the baby prob is alive but i hope she's not
i don't get it away. she's not even rick's daughter. she's a bastard. & i mean you never saw rick or his son w/the baby. it was always the blonde one that is boning daryl that was looking after her. rick & the son didn't give a shit about the baby until the last 2mins of that recent episode.

tyreese or that psycho kid carol trained prob have her. hopefully not tho & she shows up in some zombies stomach like lori.

Re: The Walking Dead

johndivney wrote:
misterID wrote:

The gov's role was rushed, I was expecting him to survive, not the episode.

And I give a fuck about the baby, apparantly. It's in a carrier, meaning someone was carrying it. I can see someone just leaving it if they were a complete and utter useless little bitch. Try and attack the tank? HA! Not when you're a little bitch who wouldn't even try to save a baby in a carrier. wink

that makes no sense
why would you burden yourself w/another mouth especially if it's no kin to you? every man for himself in that environment. & when resources are love that baby could've come i useful for food. have you never read the road? i think they actually do that in there. they also do some brutal stuff to babies in other mccarthy books that's maybe where i get it from. it's the right attitude to have tho.

Re: The Walking Dead

johndivney wrote:
Me_Wise_Magic wrote:
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Hershel's death was executed properly and not forced

this has prob been my favourite demise of any character. lori's was good too but i think this one was just extra saucy w/the hacking & the image of the head severed from the body it was a moment brought a big smile to my face! 9

Re: The Walking Dead

AtariLegend wrote:

I think johndivney will make a good father one day. Well by our countries standards anyway.

Re: The Walking Dead

johndivney wrote:

i'd protect my own.

i'd eat your babies tho.
in a post-apocalyptic society of course..

& judith is shane's kid.

you gotta think rationally & seriously about this stuff. if it happens you'd be even more conscious about fucking & careful about family planning (to put it politely - i was going to say about coming inside but i thought i better rephrase it...)

 Rep: 212 

Re: The Walking Dead

BLS-Pride wrote:

Just caught up to date. After years of not giving a try I decided it. Gotta say I like it. Did not think the acting would be as strong. Excited about the last half of season four. Carl, Daryl and Michonne have to be my favorite characters.

 Rep: 70 

Re: The Walking Dead

Daryl, Rick, and Michonne are mine! Hershel was one of my favorites too especially Season 3 and the first half of this season. Glad you are liking it man. The second half is going to be exciting and leave more for the characters to explore and survive. Hoping they give Tyreese more to do in the second half since he's an important character in the comics. Want to see that dynamic with him and Rick as friends even though they kind of went a little backgrounds with their relationship in this show; but I can respect that. David was fantastic as the Governor and glad that arc was finished properly. The Governor I think was given more room to morph into a character then in the comics which is just a rapist asshole from the first time you meet him.  One thing I don't want them to rush and I'll leave it as a potential spoiler.

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The introduction of the villain, Neagan (who is like a more military version of the Governor. Even worse.) I remember seeing promos for the second half and they had one outside the prison and they show a figure pull out a weapon while standing in the zombie fields. Much too soon for this show especially since his character arc isn't done yet in the comics plus I don't like what they are doing in the comics now. It's about survival. It's becoming a war epic with zombies way way in the back. Which is a problem that I think Kirkman wrote himself into a corner with. For the show they should be surviving for a couple episodes, reach the safe zone, and then go into a elaborate set up with lots of situations for the main characters. I like that Scott Gimple, the show runner is going to give each character a story and more personality to establish them this time around. I'm optimistic for the future of this show.

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