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Re: GNR Evo Updates
Made quite a few changes to Evo as you can see so hope everyone will have a fresh browse around the site and give us some feedback.
If any of you guys want to help improve the content found on GNR Evo all you have to do is reply on whatever page you're viewing. I'm hoping that members will help us improve the content offered here by correcting information, sharing info on discs/songs we're missing, reporting dead links etc.
If anything doesn't look correct please reply to let us know as we're still working on Evo.
edit: updated 20.9.2014
Re: GNR Evo Updates
very picky response...but, I am not sure why we put a 2006 year picture of Axl on your home page. At this point, after so many "eras" and so many divided fans on all these eras, I say just go with your Gnrevo pics unless you want a separate section where you can post pictures both old and new. Plus, I hate the braids!
I do like the simplicity of the site though plus we always have Chinese Whispers which the other shit sites don't have.
- Mikkamakka
- Rep: 217
Re: GNR Evo Updates
I like this style much better. Thanks for all the thoughts and work put into it.
Now all we need is news to discuss.
Re: GNR Evo Updates
very picky response...but, I am not sure why we put a 2006 year picture of Axl on your home page. At this point, after so many "eras" and so many divided fans on all these eras, I say just go with your Gnrevo pics unless you want a separate section where you can post pictures both old and new. Plus, I hate the braids!
I do like the simplicity of the site though plus we always have Chinese Whispers which the other shit sites don't have.
The braids banner was never intended to go live - we don't have permission to use that photo so it needs replacing asap Due to the site going 'fullscreen' I just thought the old banner looked far too stretched and wanted to try something new, just never got around to digging out suitable photos, getting permission etc (see #3 on the 'to do' list
). If you click on the banner you'll notice that it nudges a little, that's because it's actually a slider and I was thinking it could be used to promote various GNR stuffs..... eg, I intended the second banner in the slider to be this:-
^ Artwork from the fan remix EP
Planning to fire through most of the to do list tomorrow so will look at the banners again - not sure we have enough updates to warrant needing a slider, and it slows down the page loading time slightly, so can probably ditch that and work something else out
Thanks all
Re: GNR Evo Updates
I don't think the homepage should be a list of threads from just those 2 sections. Should just be Otherwise if someone ever clicks on the forum links they'll ust see that page and think that's the entire forum, with at times only 4 threads that have been posted in the entire week.
I also honestly think the dates of posts should be included, especially the first post. Stuff like 325 weeks ago? Not fun unless you want to do maths looking back on old threads and articles.
The Axl forum chats should be easier to find, really don't why that thread was unstickied. It was the biggest source of communication between Axl and the community ever regardless of what you think.
Cheers for the feedback Atari Good point about showing the dates. The "325 weeks ago" bothered me too, which is why I hid the timestamp amongst the other post related links (edit/quote/report/etc). If a post is over 1 year old I'll make it show only the date instead
The Axl chats are now 5 years old which is why the thread was destickied, that and the fact no-one had replied since December 2008 A permanent link to that thread has been available at the top of the Axl bio page for the last year.
sorry, I've been out an about all weekend, only popped in to post here and there, but it looks good Will. I was just used to the old layout, but this is definitely better! but also agree with a lot of what Atari has said too. I also think the 2006 Axl should go, and just stick with the Evo logo
Cheers metallex 2006 banner is definitely on the way out, but might try a few other variations before reverting back to having just the banner on its own which I wasn't a fan of
Also about the site, when I try to reply to a particular post it doesn't show up for me when I try to reply to a specific user. Also alot of the site's new designs and custom art doesn't show on the pages either.
Thanks! Will look into this A lot of the art is purposely hidden though, for example the banner is now only on the homepage so that you have less scrolling to do on each subsequent page.
Re: GNR Evo Updates
Tis cool, all n'all. Might prefer a bit more padding on the left-hand side, just to nudge it towards the center of the screen - the right-hand side, in comparison, looks a bit desolate now, a problem exacerbated by higher screen resolutions. But it's getting there; better to start big and narrow it down to the most useable form than the other way around.
Love the simplicity. And I like the braids better than the Stache
Oh my, yes.
Re: GNR Evo Updates
I like the new layout, but as said the guy with the braids is long gone, it gives the forum a dated look. Also agree with Atari that with the homepage only highlighting GNR stuff the other forums will suffer, fact is people speed browse webpages on the net, the majority will just check the latest posts on the homepage and continue surfing.
Re: GNR Evo Updates
Just including posts from GNR sections isn't enough on the front page, the forum looks dead cause more than half the posts are in threads that aren't even displayed. The outdated chatbox with messages from months ago doesn't help either.