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 Rep: 227 

Re: Budweiser City

Will wrote:

I'd rather see Axl endorsing Budweiser than Monster Energy. Every bootleg I've seen Axl has a can of that shit on his piano, but I've never once seen him actually drink it 16

My favourite 'corporate sponsor' for GNR has to be DeLeon Tequila. Releasing footage like this is a much better way of winning over fans than crappy 2 second cameo appearances wink

 Rep: 217 

Re: Budweiser City

Mikkamakka wrote:


 Rep: 194 

Re: Budweiser City

metallex78 wrote:

Pretty lame, aside from the hot blonde standing next to Axl

 Rep: 70 

Re: Budweiser City

Will wrote:

I'd rather see Axl endorsing Budweiser than Monster Energy. Every bootleg I've seen Axl has a can of that shit on his piano, but I've never once seen him actually drink it 16

My favourite 'corporate sponsor' for GNR has to be DeLeon Tequila. Releasing footage like this is a much better way of winning over fans than crappy 2 second cameo appearances wink

Oh yeah man! Those recordings of the bar performance were killer. Just great jamming and Axl was in good spirits vocal wise and energy with the small crowd!

 Rep: 287 

Re: Budweiser City

Aussie wrote:

That was ugly. I gotta laugh at all the people who used to bag Slash for doing certain promos or endorsements etc. Seems he was ahead of the curve.

Artists gotta do what they have to in today's music environment. I have no problem with Axl doing it, although the music and most of that clip still sucked badly according to my ears and taste.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Budweiser City

misterID wrote:

I always thought slagging musicians for doing this is way lame. Never had a problem with Slash capitalizing on his image. Not from Volvo to The Disney Channel... if you're not playing in your garage, selling your music to no one, then you've already "sold out." You're "whoring" yourself out, by these standards, the moment you sign that million dollar record contract commercializing your art.

Good for him.  Just making a living...

And the blonde is hot smile

 Rep: 287 

Re: Budweiser City

Aussie wrote:

Yeah there isn't a lot of money being paid in the music industry these days so u gotta take a buck for what u do when the opportunity presents. I generally don't have a problem with that.

U see some funny shit at times as a result but in the main it's harmless.

A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: Budweiser City

Meh I liked it (not musically), made me smile. Never had an issue with Slash promoting stuff and I don't mind Axl doing it either. Glad to see him on something that puts him back in the mainstream.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Budweiser City

faldor wrote:
A Private Eye wrote:

Meh I liked it (not musically), made me smile. Never had an issue with Slash promoting stuff and I don't mind Axl doing it either. Glad to see him on something that puts him back in the mainstream.

I agree, but I wonder how mainstream this is going to be. Is the ad only going to run in Brazil where he's basically looked at as a God? Will they air a shortened version in other countries? If not, there's not a whole lot of exposure to go with this other than people seeking it out online.

I also never had any issues with Slash doing this sort of stuff, except for him going on American Idol because I despise that show and what it stands for. So I hope Axl stays away from that. And Slash making fun of the show a few years after appearing on it was a little strange to me. Other than that, artists have to put themselves out there. I never thought we'd see Axl do it. Didn't think he was willing. Maybe this is the start of that process. I hope to see more of it.

 Rep: 1 

Re: Budweiser City

gunnar wrote:

The ad was featured on the website of a Belgian newspaper … clip.dhtml

So even if the ad campaign is not going to be anywhere but Brasil, the internet will make sure it gets seen.

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