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 Rep: 475 

Re: Reckless Road Bio-pic

misterID wrote:

Never. Going. To. Happen.

Somewhere, someone forgot that Axl has to green light the music licensing. Axl doesn't like Marc. Marc is a big shot at Mygnr. Axl hates Mygnr. Marc is a terrible writer who doesn't even have a basic comprehension of grammar. He's supposedly writing the script. Good luck with that.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Reckless Road Bio-pic

polluxlm wrote:

A sequel to Citizen Kane is overdue though.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Reckless Road Bio-pic

Aussie wrote:

Yeah I really can't see this happening. Without licensing of music this wil be crap.

Also from what I can tell Axl wants nothing to do with Canter so I would imagine he might even go out of his way to make things difficult.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Reckless Road Bio-pic

PaSnow wrote:

Wasn't there supposed to be a Motley Crue movie being made?   Ever any updates on that?  IMDB still seems to say "In Development" (ie not being made lol).  Regardless of your thoughts of that band I gotta say they could probably have a pretty cool movie made about them & what they lived thru.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Reckless Road Bio-pic

Aussie wrote:

Yeah a movie of The Dirt could be some good light hearted entertainment. I thought there was talk of doing it a while back too, no idea why it stalled?

 Rep: 70 

Re: Reckless Road Bio-pic

Not gonna happen. Canter is a prick! The Dirt movie is in development though. Vince and Nikki I think were talking about it a couple months ago. They want to make it a hard "R" that's for sure. I think why it's not being all that worked on at the moment is they haven't found a director who isn't busy to do this and to find a lead that isn't too well known to play one of the band members. There is even going to be a KISS doc/bio pic in the future; but that's going to be scrapped cause it will just be the Gene Simmons show with no say from the rest of the original members.

 Rep: 227 

Re: Reckless Road Bio-pic

Will wrote:

Definitely have my reservations about this proposed movie, the idea just sounds cringeworthy even if Axl does license the music. If I want to watch Guns '85-89 I'll stick on a bootleg video from the Roxy or the Troub, not a movie with actors pretending to be the band lol.

The book was cool, but a movie just sounds like a horrendous idea. A documentary with real unreleased video/audio would be much more interesting imo.

 Rep: 70 

Re: Reckless Road Bio-pic

Will wrote:

Definitely have my reservations about this proposed movie, the idea just sounds cringeworthy even if Axl does license the music. If I want to watch Guns '85-89 I'll stick on a bootleg video from the Roxy or the Troub, not a movie with actors pretending to be the band lol.

The book was cool, but a movie just sounds like a horrendous idea. A documentary with real unreleased video/audio would be much more interesting imo.

Yeah the latter idea you mentioned sounds interesting just without Canter or anyone with an agenda's involvement. In order to get this movie right, they have to go all out on everybody, no sympathies, and no painting anyone as a saint or just one guy as the bad guy. Which judging from the source material looks like that won't happen. I do remember "Axlin"'s concept of a younger Tom Cruise portraying Axl and just going batshit with the performance. I would pay money to see that.

 Rep: 200 

Re: Reckless Road Bio-pic

apex-twin wrote:

There's more to it than just licensing the music. Financing feature-length films is a fickle business, as it's basically done through presales. The whole thing started when a production company / studio licensed the property from Canter and put their internal development money into the pool. Their goal is to generate a script which can be lobbied to talent. They will shop it around, and different parties will express separate views on how the property "should be" before they could feel secure in investing time, effort and money into it. Think the American Idol juries and you have a good idea what thousands of scripts have gone through over the years - loggerheads with deep pockets claiming to have a clue of the artistic side making demands so it'd be viable.

At some point, talent may come in. A director will find the script suitable, although s/he may ask to revise it. A talent (meaning actor) may also sign up - he's more likely to be an up and coming star than an established talent, because we're looking young Axl and Slash here. Depending on the budgetary range, they may not go for the unknown guy who just happens to be the best actor. Someone may go, 'Gulp, we need that guy from Twilight (for example)', simply because the unknown talent doesn't ring a bell with the distributors. And now we get to the meat of it.

The global distributors are where the money is. Film producers nowadays want to pre-sell to the international market, because the money's too tight to be had in advance in the US. So, they have a script and talent attached, and they come in, offering the film. The distributor looks into the package, offers his two cents, and they haggle. If all goes well, the producer leaves with some money in his pocket. He may have to make some creative concessions along the way, but that's showbiz. This is how the shooting budget is compiled, even with many studio projects - the money is, effectively, loaned.

This is why you hear people looking at the box office numbers of the opening weekend. Because for every dollar spent making the film, it needs to earn two dollars back. One dollar goes to cover marketing and other post-completion costs, the other makes its way to break the film even. So, if Reckless Road would be made at a moderate sum (by today's standards) of $50M, it would be $100M in the red once the budget had been signed off - and before the film would've even been shot.

Canter's a minor player in all this and if the project does hit that certain budget range, he'll be hoping they remember to invite him to the premiere. He'll have the 'based on the book by' credit, but everything else at this stage would be pushing it.

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