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 Rep: 221 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

polluxlm wrote:

The Hunt For Red October

Still holds up. Amazingly it is rated PG. Much more adult than today's PG13 fest, or even the few Rs we get.

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

johndivney wrote:

Watching Bone Tomahawk right now. It's pretty nuts.

 Rep: 70 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Forgot to mention it; but a couple weeks ago I saw the Peanuts movie with some family. I thought it was cute and charming. Very well made and the closest to doing a modern version of the specials; but staying close to Shultz's original works without much compromise. If you got kids in the house during the holidays and there is an opening for the movie besides Star Wars, I'd recommend it. Blue Sky did it justice and it's their best animated film in quite a long time.

Also recently saw Creed (The Rocky spin-off) and thought it was pretty good overall with strong performances.

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

AtariLegend wrote:

Creed - Seen it yesterday. To be honest I didn't even know it was out.

It was playing in the big screen of my local cinema to an almost empty crowd on the same week "The Revenant" came out which was weird. It was actually pretty decent, it absolutely should have been the film that came out after Rocky IV (with Rocky V never being made). Well acted and I was actually surprised that Stallone was believable. It's been years since I've seen him in something serious.

Although the boxing was well filmed, I actually think the low point of it was the boxing. I wouldn't have minded a film just about those characters and their struggles without a fight ever actually happening, might have even enjoyed it more. I'm probably in the minority though.

Also seen in the past week;

The Revenant - Really good. It seems on paper like a film you've seen before many times, but really well executed and acted. Would loved to have seen it on a much bigger screen.

The backdrop/sit-pieces mean it's really something you should check out in the cinema, it'll lose something in the transition to blu-ray.

The Hateful Eight - I liked it, but it was very-by-the-numbers for a Tarantino film.

I didn't take issues with alot of the stuff, it was basically what you'd expect from one of his films. Certain scenes that border on self-indulgence, in other words lasting a little bit longer than needed. Dialogue scenes that go on a bit too much and don't advance the plot, some pretense to justify excessive use of the n word and the ending was almost too predictable.

It's what I expect from one of his films and I normally love it, this though was missing a spark. It wasn't one of his better films, but it was still a Tarantino film I guess.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

James wrote:

I've had Creed on my computer for weeks. Maybe I should finally watch it. They just don't make movies like they used to. I rarely watch new horror anymore. The so called "summer blockbuster" seasons are shit too.

 Rep: 53 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

slashsfro wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:

The Hateful Eight - I liked it, but it was very-by-the-numbers for a Tarantino film.

I didn't take issues with alot of the stuff, it was basically what you'd expect from one of his films. Certain scenes that border on self-indulgence, in other words lasting a little bit longer than needed. Dialogue scenes that go on a bit too much and don't advance the plot, some pretense to justify excessive use of the n word and the ending was almost too predictable.

It's what I expect from one of his films and I normally love it, this though was missing a spark. It wasn't one of his better films, but it was still a Tarantino film I guess.

Thanks for the review.  I was on the fence about seeing this but I'll pass and just wait for it on dvd.  I've becoming tired of Tarentino recent films as they demonstrate all those negative qualities you stated above.  The fact that there is a looong running time (almost 3 hours) was a huge turn off as well.

James Lofton wrote:

They just don't make movies like they used to. I rarely watch new horror anymore. The so called "summer blockbuster" seasons are shit too.

Yup.  The movies being released have been shit for a long time now.  Gotta admit though that the Mission Impossible franchise is still watchable and entertaining to me.  The Marvel superhero films basically follow a template and are the same for the most part.  Side note: the netflix Marvel tv shows are pretty entertaining.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

James wrote:

I've missed the last few MI films. Loved that first one and the summer of 96 is my favorite summer blockbuster season ever. I was at the theater every week that summer. Just great action film after film...GREAT Olympics that year too. Still kick myself in the ass for not going to Atlanta for it. I had the money at the time but spent it all on crap that youth waste money on.

Wish I could go back to the 90s. I didn't fully appreciate it until it was over.

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

AtariLegend wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

I've had Creed on my computer for weeks. Maybe I should finally watch it. They just don't make movies like they used to. I rarely watch new horror anymore. The so called "summer blockbuster" seasons are shit too.

What were you thoughts on "It Follows"?

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Wish I could go back to the 90s. I didn't fully appreciate it until it was over.

Lol, I was JUST thinking this the other day. When you are living in them, you don't even think that shit. If I had a time traveling DeLorean, there's so many things i'd go back to the 90's to do, when I was living in the 90's I was bitching how they weren't the kick ass 80's.

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

johndivney wrote:

I loved the hateful 8
Really disliked the revenant

Enjoyed the hateful 8 more than any Tarantino film since KB1. I still haven't finished Django Unchained, but this one just killed me. It wasn't perfect - the violence was a bit too cartoony for a western & some of the jokes fell flat, but that aside i loved it. I'm a sucker for those corbucci/Leone westerns & he nailed it, even if indoors almost the entire time, while putting his own twist to it. Thought it was brilliant.
Kurt Russell's on a roll w/this & Bone Tomahawk.

Yea Creed I couldn get into at all. I thought it was going to be a rocky film but i really wasn't the intended audience, wasn't for me. More a reboot. My mate wanted to leave after the run with the boys on the bikes. Bit too cheesy.

I finally saw that ex Machina. It was ok, always like Alex garlands work so thought I'd enjoy it. Left a load of unanswered questions tho.. Decent sci-if all the same.

Oh I did Steve jobs too. It was p repetitive & mundane character drama. I fell asleep during it.

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