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Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Coachella Festival profile and rumours

Smoking Guns wrote:
Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Coachella Festival profile and rumours

Smoking Guns wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

How many chills did you guys get? Bump for this magnitude of this...

 Rep: 221 

Re: Coachella Festival profile and rumours

polluxlm wrote:

Guess it's happening... 18

Whether or not that's good I don't know. Is he caving, going full blown cash grab? Or is there still artistic intent behind it? Will they implode once again trying to make an album or could it actually speed up the process?

Interesting times for sure though. Something is happening in the GN'R world. Even with the touring the last 7 years I've felt the band has been pretty much dead.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Coachella Festival profile and rumours

Smoking Guns wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

Guess it's happening... 18

Whether or not that's good I don't know. Is he caving, going full blown cash grab? Or is there still artistic intent behind it? Will they implode once again trying to make an album or could it actually speed up the process?

Interesting times for sure though. Something is happening in the GN'R world. Even with the touring the last 7 years I've felt the band has been pretty much dead.

How could it not be good?

 Rep: 221 

Re: Coachella Festival profile and rumours

polluxlm wrote:

If they are just playing old hits and not releasing anything new it would be irrelevant for me. Not bad, just nothing tangible.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Coachella Festival profile and rumours

Smoking Guns wrote:

One article says they are recording 2 songs in January.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Coachella Festival profile and rumours

James wrote:
Sky Dog wrote:

You know, I like the dirt too but at this point, I am over it. I really don't care what happened. All I know is I got 15 songs for my listening pleasure in the last 24 years. If a reunion can get us another album in whatever state "Guns N' Roses" sees fit, I am down. I do think a reunion with no new music will be kinda boring....especially if Izzy isn't involved. A lot of media hoopla that we get our dick's hard for, then it is just a bunch of old men cashing in on nostalgia.

While I would like to see some of the missing pieces of the puzzle(CD era and before) I pretty much agree with this. This late in the game its all about the music for me whether its new albums, Best of collections, deluxe editions, box sets,etc.

AtomsNest wrote:

Another thing is that during the HoF period, Slash said they'd try again in five years, and that Axl wanted to work CD more. Again, his comments were ignored at the time, but I found them interesting. Niven has also made noises about a reunion, plus other things.

Slash's time frame was just about right on. Before trying again he whipped up some more albums while Axl "worked CD more".

Hadn't heard about Niven weighing in on the matter.

otto wrote:

I've said it again and now that it's imminent I won't change my opinion.

A reunion makes me lose much of the respect I have for Axl. Especially now. It seems the worse (1998~CD RELEASE) has passed so it's even worse on my book to do it now.

The worst had passed? IMO we were smack dab in the middle of the worst. Half baked nostalgia tours with the worst lineup yet assembled with no new material in sight.

Now we finally get a real chance at some actual music coming out.

I guess I can see why those who bought into the "cancer", "not in this lifetime", etc. comments hook, line, and sinker might lose respect somehow but I never took the comments that seriously because it was pretty obvious that all it was going to take to thaw the ice was a phone call or a one on one meeting. The whole Axl vs Slash war was blown out of proportion by media, fans, and sycophants fanning the flames.

The fact TB is featured prominently means management isn't changing,

While they're obviously going to be involved I have a feeling someone else(or a company) is going to play a big role in this. What's went on the past two days already feels more professional than anything that has occurred in the CD era.

At any rate, it's time for this thing to be done properly. Get some major league management on board. Amateur hour, clock and dagger management is not befitting of a band of this stature.

Absolutely. Its a damn shame that GNR had ever been treated as such and for this long. So much time has transpired,  there are many fans who don't even know what a properly run GNR looks like.

he's been the most vehemently anti-old band, both in whatever passes as his media/public utterances & in his lyrics/songs.

Might be true but his actions speak louder than the words. He had no problems turning it into a nostalgia act so I don't think he was as anti old band as he'd like to claim. The nostalgia act had reached the point six years ago where he hired a Slash wannabe for fucks sake. GNR was a Duff look alike away from being a damn tribute act.

I do want a reunion/Slash back in the band, but I also feel like it's been such a pathetic waste of energy & time if Slash really is back, like what was the point when all we got were the 12/13 wispy washy songs from CD only to reunite after 20-odd years?!

No matter how we slice it,  the past twenty years were a creative waste. Even if there's 1 or 2 more albums sitting in the vault ready to go,  it doesn't change that. Just because the damn thing was in limbo doesn't mean it needed to stay in limbo indefinitely.

What was the point? I'm sure he asked that several times during the CD saga, especially in 2001 when he had interest in Izzy coming back and then offered to let Slash be on a few CD songs.

Honestly I think he painted himself into a corner with Chinese and didn't know a way out. The label screwing the Chinese pooch in 2001-02 only made it worse. They should have released the damn thing back then when he considered it finished and ready to go. Then drawing various lines in the sand in regards to old members made it worse especially since he had to know those lines could simply vanish just dragged it out even longer.

What was the point of 2009-15? The old band cant tour off and on for five years with no music in sight? A reunion happening in that time frame would have likely led to the vault being opened and emptied. Look what happened instead.

I've seen a handful claim the 09-15 lineup was the best ever. Yeah right...

I cannot seriously imagine these guys recording new music with Axl's involvement next year "just like that". Didn't that line-up break up the last time they tried to record an album together?

I don't think it would take that long. Wont be like 2000-15 where everyone's afraid to say anything and/or sit in a studio twiddling thumbs until 5 am praying Axl will show up at the studio telling them what to do. When he shows up to the studio there will actually be songs waiting there.

I bet they could rework CD in a matter of weeks. WEEKS. Hell....maybe even days.

The CD-era was more than Axl being insecure and insufferable. There was Geffen/Interscope bleeding for a hit album, which hampered things. There were the managers cutting throats and deals with ClearChannel. He had control of the name, but lacked control of the money surrounding the name - this caused various sycophants to walk in, exploit his weaknesses and put him in untenable situations.
Had his environment been more supportive and encouraging, more music would've come out by now.

It's really unfortunate how the label handled the situation. There's no logical reason on earth this whole Chinese era couldn't have been wrapped up by 2005 at the latest. Maybe even sooner had he considered it one and done after a 2001 release.

Their rejection of the album in 2001-02 played a huge role in sending it into purgatory.

To me, the new band died in Rock in Rio 2011. That yellow raincoat was miles away from the devil of a singer beleaguered by his ambition. Had he soldiered through then and there by showing up in 2010 form and unveiled a new song or two, I would've applauded him. It would've send out the message that he was still on his mission and that the public reception of CD would've been a mere blip on his radar.

Yeah that was bad but IMO it was technically over(except nostalgia tours) after the album's release and it was fairly obvious they weren't moving forward even an inch. Bringing Ashba in to help market it towards a more casual audience and the lack of any concrete info about a followup album was revealing. Other than a few comments about song titles in a forum chat catered to us nerds seven years ago and a handful of obscure Dizzy, Fortus, etc. interviews catered to nerds, no one even knew of a followup album's existence. If an album release date was announced, the world would be shocked to know of its existence. They'd assume its a reunion album since they never heard of it until that moment. It was never mentioned by him on a mainstream level because there was not a reason to.

and now he's pissing it away by officially retreating to the 90's. Too bad.

Yes but IMO its our only hope of actually getting material of some sort.  The other option is door #2 with a new lineup busting out Jungle with a forever dangling carrot for hardcore fans and a general public only showing up to hear some hits even if Roseanne Barr is the new guitarist.

I'll take door #1 that leads to something.

The Ron/DJ era was the biggest disappointment for me and the yellow coat incident is when he gave up, IMO.

I pretty much gave up when the DJ era started because I saw it for what it was.....a nostalgia act with no hope for anything new. Six years later and it ends and that's exactly what it wound up being. Hell...Ron was practically on his knees begging for GNR to release something but it fell on deaf ears.

If he simply walked away from CD II to cash in on a reunion, not only would I be disappointed, but I would bet the performances would suck.

I want that album too but even if we don't get it, we are going to get something. That old vault is just sitting there collecting dust and there is genuine interest across the board in that material. They could spend the next few years focusing on that completely and you know the label is going to want to capitalize on a reunion. Plus we've got anniversaries coming up.

Well, I honestly don't get what was so great about his actions during the CD-era. From the get go, rebuilding GNR seemed like a foolish task. Buckethead is a talented guy, but I don't see how that line-up would have ever worked. Though it was the only point when nuGNR looked like doing something of note. After that, it all became one long wilderness for Axl. He became lost. I saw nothing noble in his actions. Fighting a record company who has given you an unprecedented 13M for an album, is not admirable in my book.

I'm with ID on that.....that 2001-02 lineup could have been successful if it had been handled properly. Label issues played a huge role and his apparent reluctance to go all in with it pretty much doomed it.

There is solid material there. Had they been able to release CD in that time frame god only knows what else could have happened.  IMO new GNR never recovered from the 2002 implosion. Yes they came back in 06-07 and 09-15 but nothing creatively was really accomplished. When I got interested in his new GNR, off and on touring was not what I had envisioned.

Its almost 2016 and the only thing in play besides a reunion is an album the 2001 lineup recorded 14 years ago and the recent situation was static. There needed to be a dramatic change, even if it winds up costing us the chance to hear that album. We weren't likely to hear it anyways if we use the past seven years as a guide.


Smoking Guns wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

How many chills did you guys get? Bump for this magnitude of this...

Yeah no questioning what's on the horizon at this point.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Coachella Festival profile and rumours

Neemo wrote:

Not sure where to put this one...or if it's even relevant...if it's not I will relocate to its own thread

But there is a show called Rock icons on's only a half hour long and episode 7 was April 5 and about Slash "the natural"

No reunion talk...and nothing about Axl directly...but mostly looking back on gnr fondly and lots of Axl footage for an episode about the guitarist...Duff makes an appearance too.

I seem to recall a discussion about wanting to look into interview histories to pinpoint when the tide turned on a reunion, that's why I posted it in here … id=1735277

 Rep: 423 

Re: Coachella Festival profile and rumours

buzzsaw wrote:

I don't get the 2002 love. An album filled with songs like Shackler's was a disaster waiting to happen. To me, cd had 1 great and 1 decent songs on it. Yes, they both came from that era, but so did the 11 or however many other songs. 

The label rejected the album if I remember correctly. Part of that was certainly because there was no Slash, but when I put cd on for the first time, I couldn't listen past the 3rd song. My wife said "what the hell is that, it sucks" not having any idea what I was listening to.  I can totally see the label having the same reaction.

Re: Coachella Festival profile and rumours

Sky Dog wrote:

They started the album with 3 songs that sounded nothing like old Gnr (track 1 a little but 2-3 no way)....not smart. CD should have been 12 songs from the sessions that sounded somewhat close to Illusion era Gnr....CD, SOD, TWAT, IRS, Catcher, Maddy, Prostitute, This I Love and a few others recorded that allegedly are more traditional like Atlas Shrugged.

Water under the bridge now as the record is what it is.

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