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 Rep: 207 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

DCK wrote:

if it did, i would seriously delete every account on every GnR forum.  it would be absolute bullshit, and thats why I know its not gonna happen.

Well I'm definitely with you on that one.

 Rep: 53 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

elmir wrote:

its interesting how no one really gets upset and starts reading into anything if Ron or Richard or Dizzy decide to do anything solo....but when Robin does it....its the end of the world...

its probably because of his personal case study with this band.
Every time he decided to do something on his own, it ended in a disaster in a way....also, its because he is going to another mainstream band....NIN...regardless of whether anyone likes them or not...IS a direct competitor to new gnr....and leaving the fold to go to the "enemy" in a way is not a good sign....

if he decided to play a few shows with a Japanese pop band, or even release a solo record, it would be cool....but Trent is too close to call the truth this time round...

Cast your mind back to the statement Robin released to the fans when they canceled the SA shows last year...go and read it can clearly sense a bit of a disappointment in his tone....well, at least I did...

This, at the end of the day is not good news, and knowing how Axl reacts to these types of personnel changes, i wouldn't be surprised if we receive another statement about "pushing the guitar parts that one step further" again...

 Rep: 287 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

Aussie wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
Jimmy Zig Zag Bobiadis wrote:

there is no way in hell a lame ass reunion is going to happen.   axl is not going to sell out the band just to bring in a bunch of guys who abandoned it a long time ago and don't deserve to be in the band.

JB, its passed being in "lame ass" mode and "selling out" or "abandonment".

Pandora's Box has just been opened, and NO ONE knows how its gonna turn out.

Axl hires new management, VR implodes with Weiland ranting that the VR bandmates were "covering up the truth", and Finck all of a sudden decides to do a world tour with NIN.

All this happened in the span of about a week regarding people who go YEARS without doing or saying anything.


I think not.

JB, you've known me quite a long time and I have always wanted CD and a followup album over a reunion any day of the week.

But its time for everyone to look at the reality of the situation. We may be seeing the implosion of the CD era right before our  very eyes.

I have wondered what Azoff's long term strategic goal is with this whole thing.

We don't know exactly how long he has been Axl's manager for.  Whilst officially it was only announced recently he could have been for sometime.

I believe Azoff still acts on behalf of Weiland (or at least someone in his stable works with Weiland).  Now Weailand has been conveniently steered down the STP track which clears the decks for VR to slowly die one way or another.

Next object for Azoff is to get CD out of the way - i.e. most likely releasing it.

Now for the conspiracy theory bit, it may be in the best intersts of Azoff if CD doesn't sell too well.  Get the monkey off the back by getting it out, but then if it doesn't sell too well.....

Enter the reunion into the equation and the mega $$'s - not just for the band but for the management.

I'm wondering if Azoff was hired because the CD was being shopped around with labels and nobody would touch it.  Enter Azoff with a carrot to say he can get it released exclusively through Walmart (like he did for The Eagles).  He gets the gig and now the various strings and strategic moves start being pulled.

 Rep: 207 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

DCK wrote:

its interesting how no one really gets upset and starts reading into anything if Ron or Richard or Dizzy decide to do anything solo....but when Robin does it....its the end of the world...

It's not solo, it's a major band and for a long time. And it happens in a time where we expected CD to be announced and GNR to go on tour. Of course people get upset.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

monkeychow wrote:

I don't want to make this an Old vs New Band thread. But I just don't understand the thinking of some fans.

Like I understand JB digs the new band, and really likes fink. That's cool. And i can see why he'd be upset if they left.

But I don't understand how anyone can really say having Slash and Duff in GNR would be "bullshit". Even if they like another guitarist. What's "bullshit" about the people who (with Axl) made the band famous, and play on the albums we have, appearing at the shows playing their music?

If anything what is Bullshit is the situation now. Where business or legal issues or whatever have prevented a new GNR album from surfacing for countless years. Where the GNR band tours with 1 member of the AFD line up yet plays almost exclusivey their songs. Where VR has no singer who can come close to Axl, and now none at all. Where VR play AFD songs with the vocals not right each night, while Axl plays AFD tunes with the solos not right each night. Yet everyone from both camps makes a lot of hot air about how they're doin fine without the others and have moved on creatively. Right before they BOTH relaunch their next semi-GNR shows. One under the offical name righrs and one under a similar name. That's what I call bullshit.

For the record, I don't think we're going to get a reunion from this. I think both Axl and Slash are too fixed on their own viewpoints of the situation for that to happen just yet. And if people love the new band too that's fine...hey I really like the leaks and robin's playing on the blues and stuff. But I just can't see that it could ever be "Bullshit" to have the people who made the music actually playing it.

 Rep: 207 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

DCK wrote:

But I don't understand how anyone can really say having Slash and Duff in GNR would be "bullshit". Even if they like another guitarist. What's "bullshit" about the people who (with Axl) made the band famous, and play on the albums we have, appearing at the shows playing their music?

Because Axl and the old guys distanced themselves so greatly from each other that a reunion would for me sound like a complete sell out and that we have been tricked all these years into buying this new band and then it's just forgotten. It would probably mean they will gain a lot of old fans back, but they will loose others, including me.

But it's not gonna happen anyway.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

monkeychow wrote:

Hmm..ok...I guess i can see what your saying. It depends how you look at it - like you'd see it as a sell out - i'd see it as acnowledging that they have chemestry that works and is unsual.

Its like their both on this mission to prove themselves. But any band with Slash will achieve moderate (VR style) success cos he is good. And any line up with Axl will also be good due to Axl's talents. (This is not to say the other members of VR and GNR arn't talented). But its the combinations that get interesting to me.

I agree it won't happen.

 Rep: 6 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

starsko wrote:
DCK wrote:

if it did, i would seriously delete every account on every GnR forum.  it would be absolute bullshit, and thats why I know its not gonna happen.

Well I'm definitely with you on that one.

You definitely won't be missed.
Good riddance if fakegnr fans leave and just fuck off.


 Rep: 217 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

Mikkamakka wrote:
Jimmy Zig Zag Bobiadis wrote:

there is no way in hell a lame ass reunion is going to happen.   axl is not going to sell out the band just to bring in a bunch of guys who abandoned it a long time ago and don't deserve to be in the band.

roll Stop this. It's insane that you're acting like Slash & Co wouldn't 'deserve' to be in Guns N' Roses. Do you know what? Maybe they don't deserve it, cause they deserve more than doing and releasing nothing. BTW nothing's more lame ass than being unable to relase a fuckin' album in 17 years while you're (you=Axl wink) claiming that you are the heart and soul of the band. Axl has sold out the Guns N' Roses name in the past 12 years, a reunion (which I don't see happenin in the near future) would only do good to the GN'R name and legacy.

A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

Jimmy Zig Zag Bobiadis wrote:

there is no way in hell a lame ass reunion is going to happen.   axl is not going to sell out the band just to bring in a bunch of guys who abandoned it a long time ago and don't deserve to be in the band.

You know the same could be said pretty soon about the current band. There won't be anyone left to sell out. From a band of 8 that recorded the CD sessions only 4 of those guys currently still remain for certain, half the band members now are replacements of replacements. I assume if Robin has left he will no longer deserve to be in the band either?

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