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 Rep: 57 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

supaplex wrote:
Neemo wrote:

and james and i have discussed this a few times...over anything else IF & When they release CD i would ideally wanna see the band who recorded the album be the band who tours it live

that's really wishful thinking. there's too many people who were there during the recordings. we know bucket is there, robin, richard, bumble, tobias, that's 5 guitar players each with their own contributions, we don't know how much each and everyone did. and there's 2 drummers also

 Rep: 485 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

Neemo wrote:

well reallly i'm in this for Axl so it could be Fat Albert and the junk yard with Axl singing i wouldnt long as the same band on the record is the same one on the stage 16


Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

Sky Dog wrote:

Supa, it is actually five guitar players and 3 drummers-Freese, Brain, Frank. I don't know if Freese will play on the album, but he may get some writing credits.:cool:

 Rep: 287 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

Aussie wrote:
madagas wrote:

Supa, it is actually five guitar players and 3 drummers-Freese, Brain, Frank. I don't know if Freese will play on the album, but he may get some writing credits.:cool:

Is it just me, or does this sound ridiculous - we have 5 guitar players (more if you wanna count Paul Huge and Brian May), 3 drummers, 2 keyboard players, 3 french hens, 2 turtle doves.....

When I listen to a CD I like to know who I'm listening to playing which part - how the fuck am I ever gonna work it out with this lot?  You know when you hear a song or a few songs and you go "I really love how so and so plays that solo or does this on that song" etc.  That way you build up a respect and like for individual members abilities and techniques and sounds.  It ain't gonna happen for me with a large part of CD though at this rate.

But looking at it another way, I suppose this way it ensures that no one persons shines out and is a bigger star than the main man.

 Rep: 53 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

elmir wrote:
Neemo wrote:

do you seriously think that Elmir?

no, i don't....just trying to justify it to myself...:headbang:

honestly, there is no reason for anyone to think this is just a band member killing time....NIN is major, and if robin goes, he goes for a has literally gasped its last breath...and i don't think we'll see it it the near future...roll on 2015 for another AFD tour...

If I was Bucket, and I was considering coming back, this would definitelly change my mind about any progress in the GNR camp....

its a shame...but its the way it is...

If a reunion even looks like it may happen...and CD gets forgotten...i'm outta was nice...but i have wasted enough time and money on these jokers...

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

As I've said before, I believe that people a freaking out since Nine Inch Nails is such a major act.

We haven't gotten a statement from either Robin or GN'R yet - and people are already discussing a possible reunion or another hold-up for Chinese Democracy.

I mean... Relax!

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

I am not going down the reunion trail.  People have been saying reunion for years and it's never happened yet.    If Robin left for good, I still don't see a reunion regardless of the state of VR.  Axl seems so stubborn when it comes to that, I mean he didn't even show up to the 20th anniversary show.   I don't think that Robin leaving will all of sudden turn Axl towards wanting to reunite with his old band members.

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

Sky Dog wrote:

Aussie, let's just go with documented bandmembers who were clearly in the studio and who showed up on stage....not guest appearances like Brian May, Navarro, Gary Sunshine, Axl's gardener, Izzy, Kid Rock, Baz, etc etc.:laugh:

Guitars-Bucket, Robin, Tobias, Bumble, Richard
Drums-Freese, Brain, Frank
Keyboards-Diz, Mother Goose

these are the people who will be on the album or at a bare minimum, will get writing credits. Just my opinion.

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

starsko wrote:
DCK wrote:

if it did, i would seriously delete every account on every GnR forum.  it would be absolute bullshit, and thats why I know its not gonna happen.

Well I'm definitely with you on that one.

You definitely won't be missed.
Good riddance if fakegnr fans leave and just fuck off.


fuck you.

you are the loser here because you come to a board about a lineup that no longer exists, whining and wishing for it to come back.   it won't happen either.

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

A Private Eye wrote:
Jimmy Zig Zag Bobiadis wrote:

there is no way in hell a lame ass reunion is going to happen.   axl is not going to sell out the band just to bring in a bunch of guys who abandoned it a long time ago and don't deserve to be in the band.

You know the same could be said pretty soon about the current band. There won't be anyone left to sell out. From a band of 8 that recorded the CD sessions only 4 of those guys currently still remain for certain, half the band members now are replacements of replacements. I assume if Robin has left he will no longer deserve to be in the band either?

Robin has a lifelong fan here, regardless of where he is and what band he's in.

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