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 Rep: 661 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

monkeychow wrote:

I think the robin thing means there is some problem in GNR.

Not to be negative....but if it was nothing then it would be listed as news on HTGTH. Basicly..anyone in the band even takes a piss and Jarmo normally has it up as a noteworthy event.

Its EX members and people out of favour with the band that don't make that news page.

So i'd say it points to signs of trouble...or at a minimum..that Jarmo is unsure if its trouble - and is doing what he can to appear loyal to Axl to keep his perks.

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

madagas wrote:

War, how exactly do you know that "this management knows the importance of updates"??? Please explain. 14 These ass tacklers work for Axl and will do what Axl tells them to do. It cracks me up when people say the ball is rolling because they hired a manager....last I checked they had managers in 1999 and 2006 as well. 4

Definitely a good point, however considering they didn't have management all this time since Merck left, I guess all we can see the new management as possitive.   As far as them knowing the importance of updates, well that remains to be seen.   I said in a post about 5 pages back that it would be great to get an update of this from management but in following in GNR fashion it'd probably take about 3 months to tell us he left.  19

Either they have no clue what's going on or they just aren't saying.

 Rep: 150 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

sic. wrote:

Not particularly the outcome I'd prefer, but

If GNR was blindsided about Robin's NIN gig for whatever reason and he's now committed to do an x amount of dates with Trent - while also assuming GNR has touring plans in '08, which could now be compromised - GNR would need another touring member. In this situation, John 5 could be a potential choice. He's with Rob Zombie now, Zombie is managed by Andy Gould, Gould/Azoff also have GNR...

Back in the day, John 5 was considered as the Buckethead replacement. I personally think his playing's closer to that of Robin's when style is concerned. Granted, he has more technical prowess, but the overall feeling is certainly something that takes me closer to Finckster than Bucket.

WTTJ covered by John5

 Rep: 205 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

PaSnow wrote:

I don't think Robin would leave if he knew GnR would tour soon. I don't think GnR would tour again without CD's release. Therefore, I don't think Robin would leave knowing CD will be released soon.

I don't think John 5 (or anyone) will be needed.

 Rep: 53 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

elmir wrote:

i somehow don't think Axl will be replacing Robin just for the potential tour...

they canceled the SA shows last year because of Tommy being unavailable to play, and he's a bass player, and it was only two shows....and they wouldn't replace him just for that small tour....

then they won't replace Robin either...something smelly is cooking up inside Axl's organisation, and I will bet you that he is sitting all depressed about it now....thinking something along the lines of...
"just when i start to get things right...they do this to me again"....

he's probably got Del and Beta sitting there, holding his hand while he's busy having another meltdown of some sort because of this...

I honestly think that they were as surprised with this as we all are, and that they are currently trading extra long phone calls between lawyers, themselves and Robin, trying to find out wtf is going on, why is it happening...

panic stations at gnr....
and we won't hear anything until they themselves know what has happened, and then they will word it in such a way so as to appear like it was a planned departure/sick leave/something do to all along....

 Rep: 205 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

PaSnow wrote:

^^ If it was a surprise it would likely be Robin got fed up with waiting, and bailed.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

war wrote:
madagas wrote:

War, how exactly do you know that "this management knows the importance of updates"??? Please explain. 14 These ass tacklers work for Axl and will do what Axl tells them to do. It cracks me up when people say the ball is rolling because they hired a manager....last I checked they had managers in 1999 and 2006 as well. 4

you could have afforded the managers they had back then. these guys, on the contrary, are heavy hitters. look at their track record. as far as doing what axl tells them, yes, but only to an extent. he hired them to get the album out = fact because he wouldn't be paying them for anything else. you can bet they are not cheap. axl will respect them. you ask how i know all this. to me it seems obvious.

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

Sky Dog wrote:

in the end, nothing will get done without Axl's consent. You can throw all the rules out with Axl-"obvious" is not something that he adheres to very often. And most of all, it's his album, not theirs. hmm

 Rep: 207 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

DCK wrote:

i somehow don't think Axl will be replacing Robin just for the potential tour...

they canceled the SA shows last year because of Tommy being unavailable to play, and he's a bass player, and it was only two shows....and they wouldn't replace him just for that small tour....

then they won't replace Robin either...something smelly is cooking up inside Axl's organisation, and I will bet you that he is sitting all depressed about it now....thinking something along the lines of...
"just when i start to get things right...they do this to me again"....

he's probably got Del and Beta sitting there, holding his hand while he's busy having another meltdown of some sort because of this...

I honestly think that they were as surprised with this as we all are, and that they are currently trading extra long phone calls between lawyers, themselves and Robin, trying to find out wtf is going on, why is it happening...

panic stations at gnr....
and we won't hear anything until they themselves know what has happened, and then they will word it in such a way so as to appear like it was a planned departure/sick leave/something do to all along....


 Rep: 205 

Re: Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question?

PaSnow wrote:
war wrote:

you could have afforded the managers they had back then. these guys, on the contrary, are heavy hitters. look at their track record. as far as doing what axl tells them, yes, but only to an extent. he hired them to get the album out = fact because he wouldn't be paying them for anything else. you can bet they are not cheap. axl will respect them. you ask how i know all this. to me it seems obvious.

No offense, but I disagree whole-heartedly. I'm gonna tell you why. Axl's his own person, remember the story about a high-profile producer was brought in to help Axl finish the album (years ago, it was in Q Magazine article I beleive) He was a friend of the label head & came in, said "We're gonna do this, this and then this, all by this deadline and put it out by this date." Axl said OK, and the next day the guy was fired. I'm not trying to say 'Axl is the man' or anything, but he is a controlling headcase, and I don't think anybody walks in to his life and work & gives him orders. Especially people he's paying.

Secondly, you say 'he hired them to get the album out'. Yes, and if the album is completed ( which is possible) it would then be a debate between GnR's mgmt, Axl, and the label. So his mgmt would be telling the label what to do, not telling Axl. He'd balk at any suggestions his mgmt gives him that he disagrees with.

It's not complicated to release an album at this stage in GnR's game. Give them a record, ask tehy release it. Bam, done. Axl isn't asking this mgmt team "How do I put out this aalbum... help me?!"  However Axl is likely asking for something with it's release. Let's look at this objectively, the album is finished, the label has spent over $13 million on it. I beleive most of this was an "advance". Therefore, they paid Axl in advance, so when the album sells, they would garnish his wages, and withhold the first $13 million he would have recv'd. The new mgmt isn't just going to say "Axl this is the label final offer, you need to accept this" and suddenly after 10+ years Axl caves in to this new great mgmt team. It's possible the mgmt team is handling the BS, Robin saw a never-ending stalemate, and decided to tour with NIN. I think it's only a tour though, I don't think he left permanantly. Although it's possible he knew GnR officially wouldn't tour this summer so he chose to tour with NIN, without telling Axl.

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