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Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: The Walking Dead

Smoking Guns wrote:

Fuck this episode is killer too!!  Best season since season 1

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Walking Dead

misterID wrote:


Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: The Walking Dead

Smoking Guns wrote:

Finale will be badass.

 Rep: 212 

Re: The Walking Dead

BLS-Pride wrote:

Finale looks to be one for the books. Kinda saw something coming like what happened at the end. Another fake out? Looked like a shoulder shot so maybe not entirely.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Walking Dead

Neemo wrote:

So who eats the bat next weekend?

My vote goes to Abraham

 Rep: 212 

Re: The Walking Dead

BLS-Pride wrote:
Neemo wrote:

So who eats the bat next weekend?

My vote goes to Abraham

I don't think it will have much of an impact if he goes. Glenn or Daryl. Wildcard goes to Maggie.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Walking Dead

misterID wrote:

Glenn. The side mirror shot of Maggie as Glenn drove away is a, "you'll never see her again" shot.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: The Walking Dead

Smoking Guns wrote:

I hope Carol saves the day but that will come after Glenn or Daryl meet Lucile.

Re: The Walking Dead

AtariLegend wrote:

Wild card should be Michonne. Glen would be too predictable and why kill off Daryl an episode after doing a "he's not really dead moment".

Abraham seems most likely from the secondary characters.

 Rep: 212 

Re: The Walking Dead

BLS-Pride wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:

Wild card should be Michonne. Glen would be too predictable and why kill off Daryl an episode after doing a "he's not really dead moment".

Abraham seems most likely from the secondary characters.

Cause after Glenn's he's not really dead moment actual he will be dead moment will come from left field.

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